Midtown Madness 2
Windows - 2000
Description of Midtown Madness 2
Midtown Madness 2 is a madcap driving sim that puts a focus on street racing and stunt driving through busy urban areas.
Like its predecessor, Midtown Madness 2 offers a variety of vehicles, courses and modes to blast through at dangerous speeds.
Gameplay is largely unchanged from the previous installment, offering simple controls that are easy to learn in a racer that is difficult to master. Though opinion is divided on vehicle handling, I found the controls and overall handling of vehicles to be superior in Midtown Madness 2 with less tendency to have the back-end come out from under me in the turns.
Graphics are about the same as the original; except I experienced more issues with monitor flashing at the higher settings than in the previous installment. Minimal graphic settings with maximum draw distances, however, run fine without any flashes and have an adequate overall quality.
A big change over the predecessor are two "training" modes which, in fact, serve as story modes for the game; in one you play as a London cabbie learning the ropes, the roundabouts, and all the tricks as you blow through virtual London, while the other you are a stunt driver for action movies.
Midtown Madness 2 is a lot of fun and the story modes offer something for players looking for more than simple racing and challenge modes.
Review By P. Alexander
External links
Captures and Snapshots
Comments and reviews
Javier21 2025-01-15 1 point
I enjoyed playing this game back in my childhood,thank you for the upload :)
Trapezod 2024-10-24 1 point
Just works on Mint Linux.
-download RIP version
-install via Lutris
-have fun
XP Gamer 2024-07-26 0 point
Normaly if it is run in compatability mode with Windows XP works with old games
Also great game!
2354129358180 2024-06-06 -3 points
rip does not work - protected does not start
cd does not work also
can read manual but not fun to when game not work
allthegames 2024-05-18 2 points
does only work when i copy the midtown2 exe into the installation folder over the old exe.
then i start the game only by starting the setup.exe from the cdrom drive.
Prashant 2023-10-23 2 points
just select directx12 in dgvoodoo settings in general tab no lag at all just do it
blask aka blsk 2023-09-23 1 point
Try to run the game with dgVoodoo - it's an emulator for older directX games, google it and get the last release.
foxy359 2023-08-19 1 point
hey guys anyone know how to play this game smoovely like i load it up and its REALLY laggy as like kinda unplayable laggy is there a way to fix it i have everything on minimum on graphics is there like a way to max it run smoovly with out it dying on me everytime im driving or i hit something
foxy359 2023-08-18 1 point
hey man i was asking i did the thing you told to do with the extract and now if i try and play it it says that i dont have the minium display adapter taht meets the requuierments to play this game is there away to make it so i do
blask aka blsk 2023-07-09 0 point
For widescreen resolution 1920x1080 use the widescreen tool from mm2extreme:
Oguz 2023-06-17 4 points
For those who are trying to play this game on a Windows 10 machine in 2023:
1. Download the RIP version
2. Download ddraw.dll from this link: https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/releases/
3. Extract it to the game's installation folder.
4. Enjoy
abstriker 2023-05-19 -3 points
Thank you My abandonware. the game supports a maximum resolution of 1600. How can i play at 1920 by 1080??
Antoine 2022-12-15 2 points
For sound, go to the main menu, clic option and chose default device. If I picked my specific device it wouldn't work once a race is started, but with default device it works!!
Korkuss 2022-11-19 1 point
Sometimes it helps tu lower your screens resolution. some games cant start on a uultrawid resolution
RockIt 2022-07-30 -3 points
This is what I had to do to play a STABLE game that does not crash on Windows 10 Pro x86 ...
Use the ISO (.nrg) image, NOT the RIP.
Use Daemon Tools Lite to mount the image.
Run SETUP from image and install game, do not try to play it yet.
Install XP Compatibility Patch, it's ONLY for THIS game!
Download the Speed Boost patch from ... http://www.mm2x.com/page.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&cid=62&lid=119&ttitle=Speed_Boot#dldetails ... which replaces the executable (midtown2.exe) in the game files.
Change properties compatibility settings of "midtown2.exe" to Windows XP (service pack 3), and set to run as administrator, but still do NOT run the game yet.
If you don't have it already, search and download dgVooDoo2, it's a great Wrapper Engine-Hooker for old games. Follow it's documentation, but generally you simply copy the patched drivers from dgVooDoo2's MS folder to the game's folder.
Now you can run the game, but after the menu loads go directly to the options menu and set the graphic renderer to "Hardware (3D Video Card w/ T&L)", choose your favorite resolution too while you're in there.
Shutdown game and restart it.
Play and enjoy. Everything works great!
NTcool 2022-05-24 -2 points
#IMPORTANT# How to run on windows 10/11
1. Download Midtown Madness 2 and extract it to anywhere you like.
2. download dgvoodoo (http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/) and copy dgvoodoo cpl.exe to midtown madness 2 and then go to ms/x86/ and copy all the dll files to midtown madness 2.
3. enjoy this classic!
nitesh 2022-01-07 1 point
can anyone help me,it is lagging on win10 and how to setup and play anniversary edition.
Dr Crow 2021-12-30 1 point
I got the game working using dbVoodoo and the game works great, but there is no sound besides the main menu music. Any fix for this?
stinky_barista 2021-12-15 48 points
To play on Windows 10:
1. Download the RIP version.
2. Do NOT download or install the official Windows XP patch for the game.
3. Install the dgVoodoo patch for the game, in this order:
a. Extract dgVoodooSetup.exe, DDraw.dll (from the "MS" folder), & D3DImm.dll (also from the "MS" folder) and place these files to the installation folder of Midtown Madness 2.
b. Open dgVoodooSetup.exe; click on the "DirectX" tab and change the following: Videocard needs to be changed to "dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accelerated Card" if it isn't already selected.
c. Click "Apply" and close out of dgVoodooSetup.exe and open Midtown Madness 2.
When the main menu loads, navigate to "Options"; "Graphics"; then change the video accelerator to "dgVoodoo2 w/ T&L" and click "OK".
4. Enjoy!
Justice 2021-11-11 3 points
sounds too good to be true, what are the details? will it be a repack? will it have mm2hook already installed, because i hate having to try to install it because it never worked for me. I need some information, dammit!!
Angel Studios. Inc 2021-09-14 2 points
We are planning on releasing a 20th-anniversary copy of midtown madness 2! video can be found on YouTube.
Midtown Madness 2 Fan 2021-09-14 -1 point
The game lags on Windows 10, decided to download the patch file, works great now! recommending to download the patch file on Windows 10.
Lou Rider 2021-06-27 0 point
Me encanta Midtown Madness. Espero disfrutar mucho con Midtown Madness 2.
Sanjay 2021-03-20 3 points
Does it lag a lot?,this may help, run it in compatibilty mode
heres how(if u see random digits,ignore that, i copy and pasted this frm a site that has images):
1. In the taskbar search box, enter run programs, then click "Run programs made for previous versions of Windows."
2. Click Next and the troubleshooter will try to detect potential issues with your apps.
1440447315 528.74812030075403
3. Select the app that's having issues in the next window and click Next.
select app
4. Select a troubleshooting option: use the recommended compatibility setting or choose compatibility settings yourself.
Try recommended
If you choose to use the recommended settings, the troubleshooter will test the app using a previous version of Windows so you can see if that resolves the issue.
test compatibiilty
If you choose the choose to troubleshoot the app, the troubleshooter will ask you which problems you're experiencing. Depending on your selection, the troubleshooter will offer tests and suggestions to resolve the problem, such as testing the display settings for the app.
select problems
5. Click the Test the program button and then click Next.
You can then either choose to save the settings for the app, try different settings, or report the problem to Microsoft and view help articles online.
Choose settings
You'll have to run the troubleshooter for each app you're having compatibility problems with.
Idential 2020-09-19 1 point
A very very thanks to you I loved this game and now I got it!
Other downloaders, you not need to insert ANY CD-ROM drive just extract the zip and open the application named "midtown2.exe" then, enjoy!
Rohit Kamle 2020-09-15 1 point
When I play this game I always love the panoz roadster sound and if you r downloading this game then u should go mm2x.com for racemod maps cars etc
I luv panoz
Rocky Sir 2020-09-15 2 points
This game is amazing and playable rather than older midtown madness
Daniel 2020-09-06 -2 points
hey! i am utterly dumbfounded! i downloaded the rip version, and it literally doesn't know i have headphones plugged in!! it just plays the sound out of my speakers even though everything else is acting normal!! what in the world!!!!!
Prashant 2020-08-29 1 point
my childhood was awesome i never express my feelings in words this game is my life when i play and midtown madness 2 too
Izzy 2020-07-29 -2 points
Hey, I literally cannot figure out how to get the game to work as instructed. Nothing is even appearing in the same way when I try to download and use D-Fend and DOSBox.
Terrapin 2020-07-07 1 point
Hey Thanks All... Been looking for some nostalgic games to play - and Mid-Town was always a fun group of games...
Yudhvir 2020-06-23 -2 points
I was playing MM1 from 9 years and then i realized to download MM2 but its so consfusing which file we have to download
oyan244 2020-05-28 -2 points
It's a good game, I liked it alot! But one thing that bothers me is the ISO version, after I installed the game through the ISO version with those virtual mounting softwares, it says it can't find the CD on startup verification. I hope there is a patch to bypass this.
Hiro 2020-03-31 1 point
This is game is amazing you can even play online using a software called "Gameranger"
Viken 2020-03-27 0 point
downloaded iso version, cant openm with iso burner, cant do anything i downt want rip version
Tomica 2020-03-24 2 points
I like Midtown Madness. I never played MM3, but who cares? MM1 and MM2 are very good games. I am a big fan of Midtown Madness. Love it!
Scooter2shoes 2020-02-21 2 points
Still cant find a work-around for not having the disc, any information yet? Motocross madness 2 works great with the instruction provided in the comments but do not work with this game unfortunately due to there not being a no cd fix to download. :(
Josh 2020-02-02 -1 point
And not only that, you can also drive around San Francisco with this.
I did and I loved it.
Josh 2020-02-02 0 point
When I started playing this, I saw where the trees did not look like real trees at all.
They were really big but they came with black leaves.
Displace 2019-12-23 -2 points
Setup has detected that uninstallShield is in use. Please close uninstallShield and restart setup.
Error 432.
There's no such thing as uninstall shield anywhere in the task manager.
Asad 2019-10-29 1 point
Firstly i played this game about 10 year ago.Now i m playing this again.
HelpfulHand 2019-10-10 1 point
To answer the question of RIP vs ISO, if you want to burn a copy of the cd get the ISO, but if you want the game digitally, get the RIP file.
hamza 2019-08-23 0 point
This game is new for me. I have tried midtown madness. So, I am trying midtown madness for the first time. Let me try it.
Fred 2019-08-10 1 point
We had 4 computer Lan - it was great to drive 4 cars on the same grid - seek-and-hire. In my oppinion great 3d graphic at the time
fortnite thennarayans 2019-05-07 -1 point
wow i just play it when my age was 4 now my age is 12 it is too fun game
Jawahar 2018-10-04 0 point
i love this game very much. i lost my data in my old pc. So downloading again.
Noctilio 2018-06-18 17 points
Got this game at age 4 because it was included with the computer my father had just bought. Now I'm a 20 year old woman and this game still makes me laugh like a maniac at unholy hours. If you wanna watch the world burn in a child-friendly way this is the right game. 11/10
yodagowa 2018-06-01 -1 point
hello on windows10 I get the error: 0xc0000022
Is there a workflow for this error?
HI 2018-05-24 1 point
Download the iso file and burn it to a CD as a disk image. then run the game stuff from the cd, i
Rian 2018-05-10 0 point
I played it first when I was 11 years old. Now I am 23 and still when I get leisure time I play this game,
Sameer Sonwane 2018-04-23 0 point
This is suberb game I am playing this game so much you also download and play
MH944 2018-04-11 0 point
Yep CD-ROM Isuue
i had it too. plz fis it i wanna really play it u know..... i love this game
MH944 2018-04-09 0 point
I played this game when i was a kid, about 8 to 9 years ago! excellent game.
hello 2017-12-03 1 point
i downloaded this game but it isnt staring up , i extracted the zip file but yet it asks to insert the cd into the cd rom , what to do please help
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We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
Windows Version
Game Extras
Various files to help you run Midtown Madness 2, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
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