Download Oregon Trail II

More than 33000 old games to download for free!

Oregon Trail II

Windows - 1995

Also available on: Windows 3.x - Mac

Year 1995
Platform Windows
Released in United States (1995)
United States (1996)
Genre Educational, Simulation
Theme Ecology / Nature, Geography, History, Hunting, Managerial, Real-Time, Sailing / Boating, Western
Publisher Learning Company, Inc., The, SoftKey Multimedia Inc.
Developer MECC
Perspectives 1st-Person, Top-Down, Fixed / Flip-screen
4.27 / 5 - 407 votes

Description of Oregon Trail II

If you haven't played Oregon Trail II or want to try this educational video game, download it now for free! Published in 1995 by SoftKey Multimedia Inc., Learning Company, Inc., The, Oregon Trail II is still a popular managerial title amongst retrogamers, with a whopping 4.3/5 rating.

External links

How to play Oregon Trail II Windows

This tutorial should help you to install the game :

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

kyinva 2023-12-02 1 point Windows version

i remember this game from my childhood, mostly the starting town because i wasnt very good at it (due to being a child)

Joe 2022-12-13 1 point

Which windows do you hit the first or second

Nero 2022-11-30 -1 point

Hei guys,
I've installed the game, but it seem's is doesn't work on mac M1

oregontrailer 2022-11-07 0 point Windows version

worked great for me on windows 11 with 7zip to unpack and daemon tools free to mount. No glitch.

c.i.b.magic 2022-09-23 -1 point Windows version

sorry, forgot to remark:
my OS: win 11

c.i.b.magic 2022-09-23 2 points Windows version

works proper
just follow the instructions linked to youtube right under the download-button and above the screenshots.
Graphics, sounds, all fine

But there's a game bug - clicking the wagon-conditions, you have no chance to turn back to the journey menu - so you can't finish your journey
(Restart game - never click wagon button (the very last right)

Lukariogirl 2022-05-18 1 point

It is not working

fartaster 2022-01-09 0 point

does not work on windows 11

dor_nob 2021-11-06 0 point

This game installs and runs perfectly if you use a 32-bit installation of Linux with the PlayOnLinux app.

Mary 2021-08-06 -1 point

OMG, the memories I'm recovering just from this website~ I remember playing this in grade school. This site is seriously amazing.

marciedog 2021-03-20 -6 points Windows version

does this game work and is this site safe? Any updates on windows 10 and any known viruses?

zach 2020-06-27 -2 points Windows version

try this: put the data in programs folder. rename OREGONII.ini rsrcpath= to that folder

I got the game running but if you get stuck on the window travel pace, rations you need to click turn and then turn back and you'll be able to move forward. Only issue I get is game freezes at Columbia river.

Kvlt 2020-06-23 -3 points Windows version

Don't make is so complicated, just download Windows 95 Portable.

Stephen 2020-06-06 3 points

Managed to start playing but it just freezes up when trying to do anything at a river, you select your option then it just grays out and stays that way till you open the journal or another menu then you just repeat the process. I guess it's a problem with the animations?

Bandit 2020-05-07 -2 points Windows version

I got the game to work by decompressing the .iso file in 7-zip. Then I altered the oregonII.ini file to edit the path where the data folder was. Then I just double-clicked on the otii32.exe file after setting the compatibility mode to win95 and the screen size to 640 x 480.

Only thing I am having problems with is getting the game to save. I click on the save button and it won't save the file. Anyone know how to fix this?

IMTHEGUYIFYOUWANTPIE 2020-04-19 9 points Windows version

to play with nocd

-Create new folder in C:\ ( eg: c:\games\Oregon Trail 2)
-Mount ISO
-Copy DATA folder to your new folder
-Copy other files on the CD's base folder: sampler, install/uninstall, setup.txt etc, all of them
Inside the DATA folder is a config file called OREGONII.txt, open this with notepad
-beneath where it says cdrom is where you will direct the game to find the DATA folder

rsrcpath=C:\Games\Oregon Trail 2\Data

-Save and unmount the ISO
-Open the DATA folder and right click OTII32.exe, create a shortcut and place it on your desktop
- You may have to change compatibility settings, right click the shortcut you made, go into properties----compatibility-----WIN95
-The game will start in full screen and appear black, just press alt+tab to return to windows, open it up again and it will greet you with the menu

Anthony 2020-04-06 2 points Windows version

can someone tell me exactly which file should be dropped in dos box- win32- _ibnst32I.EX_ or Setup32? i am able to drop them in the dosbox but nothing happens when i press the key mapper ctrl+f10

Kirby 2020-01-07 0 point Windows version

Game works fine, but halfway through the trail on every game the wagon simply stops. "No progress," it says. People continue to get sick, I keep getting notified of fog, etc., but the wagon will not move. 5th edition is a corrupted ISO, so can't play that. 1.2 won't load installer, so can't play that. Not even going to try 3rd edition since people seem to be having problems with it. So going to try the 25th anniversary edition.

River 2020-01-02 -1 point

The screen freezes whenever I go to another screen. I can't go into the items screen without having to either turn or go hunting. The Dalles has become impossible. I lost all my stuff and turning just makes me go back on the river. loading a save freezes it on the menu screen. even hunting after trading freezes it on the hunting screen. Help

kylelot 2019-11-20 0 point Windows version

awesome game from the past

kevdogYT08 2019-08-21 0 point Windows version

Ooo yeah, the memories with this game... Oregon Trail takes ya back to the "cowboy days". ????

Elvie 2019-07-18 0 point Windows version

I had trouble on windows 10 with all the suggested methods here. What worked for me was the fact I downloaded a program called Power2Go when I bought a CD drive for my laptop a couple months back. This program allowed me to right click the ISO file that extracted from the oregontrailii folder and mount it as a virtual drive. It asked me what I wanted to label the drive as (I picked D:\) and then I went to the virtual D:\otii drive it created for me and then then I went to WIN32 and open application file Setup32 and it installed it for me. To open the game I opened back up the d:\otii and went to data and opened the OTII32 application file. Mine went to black screen then, but I hit the windows button and it minimized it to a playable window. This may not be new info to some but I hope this helps anyone as confused as I was at first.

crys 2019-06-27 0 point Windows version

What do you click to get the .exe file? All I got was some disc image file.

AMY 2019-05-29 -1 point Mac version

Downloaded the mac version.. finally got it into .dmg format anddd.. "You can’t open the application “Installer” because it may be damaged or incomplete." What gives?

HeiferNa 2019-02-18 -3 points

Need this on iPhone android app

Haya 2019-02-12 -8 points

This game is weird

allan 2019-01-18 3 points Windows version

Just wondering- why is the download 402 MB? I remember having this game back in the mid-90s and it was only a few MBs back then. In those days, my entire hard drive only had 256 MBs of storage.

Reeeeeeee 2019-01-10 2 points

*Whole family dies
YEet Gotta get to CAlifOrnIa

sss 2018-12-18 -2 points Windows version

so, i used a program to mount the file and it says i need administrative permission to move the file after i mount it. please help!! there is only one user on this computer.

Arlude 2018-11-03 1 point Mac version

The Mac version is the actual Mac OS 9 Version?

cmc 2018-09-03 1 point Windows version

I've been trying to download this, but every time I hit the download button, it loads and nothing happens. So I can't even download it. :\

fortnitetrolling 2018-08-23 -1 point Windows version

it was the best game when i had the disc... havent played n 4ever bc all i do is play fortnite.. best game tho

draeger 2018-05-15 2 points Windows version

Don't have the disc? No problem: get a program like daemontools that can mount .ISO files to a virtual CD drive, follow the tutorial vid instructions, but in the .ini file copy and paste the path for the virtual drive instead.

kylelot 2018-05-10 1 point Windows version

had to attempt twice but successfully worked for me

jewboy 2018-05-06 1 point

i died of cholera

jkhhl 2018-04-29 -4 points

So you have to have the disc? What is the point of downloading this if you already have the game

Chona 2018-04-02 2 points

Has anyone made a version that works on a smartphone? I have the original disc but for some reason my computer doesn't recognize it. Could it be that the disc is too old?

Mich83 2018-03-26 2 points Windows version

WOW it worked on my Lenovo Windows 10! (see link to great directions for windows youtube video on this page) - I posted this on 3/26/2018 fyi. So happy it worked!!

Rich 2017-12-10 1 point

This sucks it says file is corrupted I've tried re-downloading it a few times. Sort of depressing. Maybe someday someone will come out with one that works

allen rc 2017-12-09 0 point Windows version

i downloaded it already how do i install it?
when i click setup it says file not copied and there is no dat file

ST86 2017-11-01 0 point

Can this be made playable on the page? 2017-09-21 1 point Windows version

This game is so nice

anonymous 2017-08-10 1 point

I've heard of Oregon Trail countless times, but can't remember playing it. Seems I either started school a little too late for that or said school didn't have the game.

Tempest 2017-08-09 14 points

So I couldn't figure out how to get this to run at first, but I poked around a bit and finally clicked not on the folder thing, but the Oregon Trail II file. Go to Win16 or Win32 ( I don't actually know the difference, except maybe the graphics?? )) and double click on Setup.16 or Setup.32

It should install the game, although I have noticed in my first attempt to play the game that it's a bit buggy, particularly when you go to the screen to check your supplies. It won't toggle back to the travel screen very easily.

Hope this helps someone!

Angiel 2017-07-31 0 point Windows version

Even I can not play The Oregon Trail II in full screen. Help?
The Oregon Trail II is a game for Windows not for DOS and it does not work with DosBox.

Redbaron 2017-07-30 0 point Windows version

Can someone help me? I've tried setup and both OTII32 and OTII16 but it says it can't find the .dat file. I've also tried the thing in the video but it still won't work.

Oliver The Mrs 2017-07-12 27 points Windows version

For people needing to know how to get it to run on Windows 10 and in full screen mode, here goes:
1) download from here Oregon trail
2)Download DosBox, just Google it, it's free and safe and takes up hardly no space
3) left click on the (.exe) of Oregon trail, drag and drop it onto your dosbox shortcut on your desktop, game loads
4) scroll mouse onto the small dosbox window
5) press Ctrl+F10 which locks the mouse on the window
6) press Alt+Enter, Bingo full screen

Pointers: before loading game check compatibility mode of both dos box and Oregon trail by right clicking on each shortcut or .exe, go to properties, go to compatibility mode, check "run this program in compatibility mode for" choose windows 8 in the drop down menu (because windows 10 isn't an option) and check run in 640 x 480 screen resolution. Viola! If you don't do this is will still go full screen but the picture may still be small, so do that first to make it take up the whole screen in big size!
Running Windows 10 (32 bit) works for me, hope this helps!

Cole 2017-07-02 0 point

I can not get this to play in Full Screen, can anyone help? I followed this video to install the game.

zec wodlik 2017-05-31 28 points

you know, this riverbank makes for a good resting place.

: ( 2017-05-13 1 point Windows version

How do i play this without the cd??

HeatherMarion 2017-04-20 -1 point Windows version

cannot get this to work for windows 10 please help!!!

kitty 2017-04-04 1 point Windows version

its great now we can play together on orgon trail

Tony 2017-03-25 1 point Mac version

love this game

ahh 2017-02-23 3 points Windows version

Well, thank you for that wonderful explanation, Sal. Unfortunately, I didn't understand a word of it. Oh, Wait! I got the part that said "Windows 10".
Would love to play the game, but alas, I am not a techie. Guess I'll just have to live with my memories of all those times I died.....

Sal 2017-02-22 -1 point

In order for this to work; your best bet is to do a dual bootable OS setup with windows 98 as your secondary OS or use a virtual machine program. There are ways to get this to work on Windows 10; however, from personal experience with emulators, work arounds in other games; the games don't always play/work as intended. For example: I've emulated some old RPG games where no matter what you did; your MC would start off with 1HP; other games would have a stutter; AI would act weird; even encountered one where the turn based game gave the enemy ai 5 turns in a row... So best option is to install the original OS as a 2nd OS or virtual machine.

Ginny 2017-02-14 -13 points Windows version

You know , it would be nice if you people who made this game , could make it compatible with windows 10 , the 90s went out a long time ago you know would be nice if you rolled with the modern drivers .

Littlesprinkles9 2017-01-24 1 point Windows version

I just played this in school today. It was fun. But when we killed an ox for food, all of our people died.

Annoyed 2017-01-18 -3 points Windows version

Was excited to find this... waited almost 3 hours for it to download and it doesn't work... :(

CuriousGirl 2016-12-18 0 point Windows version

Is this really a 4 hour download?? I have been searching for this game for a long time,...I'm going to be very disappointed if it doesn't work!

DeerElephant 2016-11-03 -1 point

Played this game in school long time ago. Forgot about it for about 6 years or so

Michaela Morgan 2016-10-14 0 point Windows version

Piece of wood! I was bit by a cobra!

paavo 2016-10-08 -2 points Mac version

Does not work on new osx

die in a hole 2016-10-05 0 point

is pretty cool game... But I thought it die long ago but it not die, it try 2 live its life in supersticial charecter

Mr.Jack 2016-09-26 0 point

Piece of Wood

NibblerLover 2016-08-09 0 point Mac version

When I try to install it says "can't open app b/c classic environment is no longer supported". What do I do?

XX_OMO_xx 2016-08-03 -1 point Windows version


dodododododododododo 2016-06-22 0 point Windows version

awesome the nostalga meter is off the charts

makia 2016-06-04 0 point Windows version

i love this game

Mighty might 2016-05-21 1 point

Oregon trail is awesome

crypticmoses 2016-05-03 2 points


Jake is right. Use an archiver program to extract the ISO. WINRAR seems to work best for me.

Compassman 2016-04-19 2 points

"Ya know, this river bank makes for a good resting place."

cptawkward 2016-04-19 1 point

You sure it was an accident? I dont want any murdering varmin around...

Lexi 2016-04-01 0 point

I downloaded it but can't open the zip file. I have a Windows 8 laptop lenovo
Can anyone help me?

addi 2016-03-31 0 point Windows version

I love this game it's awsome

ragegamer 2016-03-25 1 point Windows version

when i tried to open the download it wouldent work

TheCriminalViolin 2016-03-02 0 point Windows version

I got to say, looking at all the screenshots, I'm actually quite saddened. Mecc/The Learning Company simply rehashed the game ever since 2? Oregon Trail 5 was the one I had while in the 3rd-5th grade during lunch break, and this is literally the EXACT SAME GAME. I honestly see NOTHING different here. Did they seriously just simply rebrand it after 2 with 3,4 & 5? I love Oregon Trail Deluxe, always have, same with the rehash of deluxe, 1.2, and of course thoroughly enjoy OT5. But this rehashing honestly is sad & kind aggravating.

Jake 2016-02-25 2 points Windows version

KZY the ISO file either needs to be mounted with Daemon Tools, Burnt to a Disc, or you could simply open it using Winrar. (With Winrar, just right click the ISO file and open or extract with Winrar) hope this helps :)

Desz 2016-02-09 2 points Windows version

I'm not sure if I am allow to post this, but this tutorial will help anyone having issues opening without CD. It's fairly simple. Hope that helps friends :). This is my first time here. I had to first google and make sure this was safe. Thankful to see others have used it as well.

kzy 2016-01-29 4 points Windows version

I'm having trouble with the download. the only file that exists after I extract the zip is a .iso. Anybody know how to solve this? I'm using d-fend reloaded

tanyon 2016-01-26 0 point Windows version

i played at school and loved

Aubrey 2015-10-28 0 point Windows version

I remember I played this is second grade whenever I finished my work and had free time. The "Bad thing happened" noise used to terrify me, and watching a video of it, it still makes me cringe. Replaying it is going to be fun...

oldiegamer 2015-07-30 0 point Mac version

wish I can play this game online!

gabs 2015-07-08 4 points Windows version

i downloaded it trust and it doesn't work
something about CD error

ZiggCGI 2015-06-17 -6 points Mac version


Maximus Terranis 2015-06-06 0 point Windows version

Eight years old, is enjoying Oregon Trail 1.2 (from CD rom). Someday will upgrade him to OTII and later.

Mursa 2015-05-28 -1 point Mac version

Thank you, I was looking all over for a mac copy.

Emily 2015-05-05 1 point Windows version

I like this version better than the first. For one thing, it is more realistic (In the first one, I got robbed almost every night. Once the thief took 6 oxen! How is that even possible?) and it has better graphics, and you can walk around and the controls are better. Plus, it's historically accurate (duh).

KU 2015-04-26 2 points Windows version

Thank you so much!!! Have been looking for this version across the internet for ages.

Awesome Girl 2015-04-13 0 point Mac version

I can't wait to play it, I am downloading it now. My brother remembers playing it but I don't remember it at all. I still think it will be awesome though, I am going to go see if it is done downloading now!

me 2015-02-04 1 point Mac version

i have this game on a cd so i cant get it on my air but this game was awesome when i played

Guest 2015-01-16 1 point Mac version

I don't think this was a dos format game. Pretty sure I had this back in the day and we had windows 95

hi 2014-12-20 -3 points Mac version

oregon trail 2 wont work

Wovan 2014-12-04 1 point Mac version

No viruses yet, with only a couple downloads. Can't say if it's 100% virus free, but it seems safe currently.

Wovan 2014-12-04 -1 point Mac version

Does not seem to work with DosBox, or at least I couldn't get it to work.

jim 2014-11-18 -3 points Mac version

has anyone gotten a virus from this site?

goobs 2014-11-17 2 points Mac version

Is the downloads in this website free from malware?

bohner 2014-10-19 -2 points Mac version

if you can't load it on dosbox, give scummVM a try.

Abbbby333 2014-09-29 -3 points Mac version

Hi Im trying to play this on BasiliskII and i've expanded the file with stuffit expander and copied the Oregon Trail II.toast file to my MacOS753 hard drive on basilisk but when i try to open it i get this message-
"The Document "Oregon Trail II.Toast" could not be opened, because the application program that created it could not be found.
could not find a translation extension with appropriate translators."
any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Elizabeth 2014-09-04 -1 point Mac version

This is a stupid question, but even though this says it is a Mac platform can it still be played on DosBox? If not, can someone recommend a good emulator?

Wolfie 2014-08-10 2 points Mac version

Wow a blast from my past! I loved playing this game in school!

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Oregon Trail II (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download Oregon Trail II

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Oregon Trail II, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

FixQuicktime Video Fix English version 3 KB

Windows 3.x Version

Mac Version

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