Download Restricted Area (Windows)

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Restricted Area

Windows - 2004

Alt names 限制区, Запретная Зона
Year 2004
Platform Windows
Released in Germany, Russia (2004)
Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, United States (2005)
Germany (2006)
Germany (2007)
Worldwide (2008)
Genre Role-Playing (RPG)
Theme Action RPG, Cyberpunk / Dark Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic
Publisher La Plata Studios, Noviy Disk, Vidis Electronic Vertriebs GmbH, Whiptail Interactive
Developer Master Creating GmbH
Perspectives Isometric, 2D scrolling, Diagonal-down
Tested on Windows 10, Windows 11
4.38 / 5 - 8 votes

Description of Restricted Area

If you haven't played Restricted Area or want to try this role-playing (rpg) video game, download it now for free! Published in 2004 by Whiptail Interactive, La Plata Studios, Noviy Disk, Vidis Electronic Vertriebs GmbH, Restricted Area (aka 限制区, Запретная Зона) was an above-average cyberpunk / dark sci-fi title in its time.

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How to play Restricted Area Windows

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The installer for VP3 codec inside DVD of German version showed 10 warnings on VirusTotal, here's the report. All other files on that DVD are clear. Just don't use that installer and instead install VP3 codec from the installer on our website, it is installer from English version, it showed only 1 warning

The game was using StarForce 3 DRM protection, which can break your system! Make sure to use NoCD before the first launch of the game!

The game with NoCD has been tested on Windows 7 64-bit, it works but not perfect. The game has a lot of bugs, including critical bugs, so don't forget to check our Guide and Notes

Install & play guide:

  • Mount the disc image. You will need the utility for mounting disc image files, like WinCDEmu, UltraISO, Alcohol 52%/Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools Lite
  • Launch the installation (if autorun doesn't work - launch Autorun.exe in compatibility mode with Windows 2000 or XP)
  • When the installation process will ask for next discs - mount the disc image of CD2 and CD3
  • Also it is recommended to install DirectX (if you're using Windows 10 - enable DirectPlay, read this or this guide how to do it)
  • English version of the game is already patched to the latest version, so no need to install the patch
  • After you installed the game - install NoCD (simply copy RA.exe from archive and put it into directory with installed game, agree to replace original file)
  • Open the directory with the game and find Starter.exe and RA.exe. Right click on both exe-files - Properties - Compatibility - Set "Run this app in compatibility mode with Windows XP SP2" and "Run as administrator"
  • Run Starter.exe to configure the game settings. Launch the game and play. If the game doesn't work in compatibility mode with Windows XP - try to launch it in compatibility mode with other version of Windows (98, 2000 or Vista)

Restricted Area ReBuild is a compilation of game with fixes, created by user Foxx. ReBuild includes 3 versions of the game: English, German & Russian, the installer is Russian only but we added text guide in archive. You can always find new version of ReBuild on RuTracker (it's Russian website, use online translator)


  • If the installation doesn't start - try to launch Setup.exe in compatibility mode with old version of Windows (98, 2000 or XP)
  • NoCD is required for the launch because the game is using StarForce 3 DRM protection, which doesn't work on modern systems. That NoCD "breaks" DRM protection and allows the game to work on modern systems
  • The game works on DirectX 9, so if you're using Windows 8, 8.1, 10 or 11 - you need to enable DirectPlay: Go to Control Panel, and select 'Programs'. Select 'Turn Windows features on and off', click on 'Legacy Components' and check the box 'DirectPlay'. Select OK, once the installation is done, restart your computer
  • It is recommended to install all versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for the correct work of the game
  • Also it is recommended to install VP3 codec for the correct work of in-game videos. If you're using 64-bit Windows, that codec must be installed in C:/Windows/SysWOW64, not in C:/Windows/system32
  • VP3 codec is an obsolete video codec and it is completely broken on new Windows systems, so in-game videos can not to work even if you installed VP3 codec. If the game crashes when in-game video starts, like intro videos or story videos - completely disable videos in Launcher (Starter.exe)
  • For users of Windows 8 and newer: if in-game videos doesn't work - try to run the game in "Reduced color mode", it helped to some users
  • There is a critical bug that can occur due to in-game videos and VP3 codec - sometimes when the video starts, the game may stop working but does not close, causing your system to be soft-locked. If it happens, disable all videos in the Launcher (Starter.exe) before next launch
  • If you have troubles with running the game on Windows 7 and newer OS - try to run it through dgVoodoo utility (copy the dll-files from the MS/x86 folder, dgVoodooCpl.exe and dgVoodoo.conf to the game folder, then launch the game from RA.exe; to change dgVoodoo settings - open dgVoodooCpl.exe). We also added pre-ready dgVoodoo config, simply copy & paste files to the game folder
  • As alternative - you can try to run the game with DDRaw Compat, WineD3D or DxWnd. For more details how this game works with DxWnd check this thread
  • For users of Windows 8 and newer: there's a common graphical bug when minimap doesn't shown, in that case use Minimap fix, simply drop ddraw.dll in game folder. Also, you can use DDRaw Compat or dgVoodoo to fix that bug
  • For Windows 10 users: if the game works too slow, try to enable GPU Hardware Scheduling: go to Windows display settings -> Graphics settings -> Enable Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling
  • There's a common mouse lag problem, when mouse cursor works slow. Usually it happens on mouse with high DPI, lower your DPI to 250~500. Also, if you have gaming mouse with high Mouse Rate Checker, lower that rate to 100 Hz
  • Some people compain that in-game inventory is freezing when you click on it with left mouse button, but it works normally when you click on it with right mouse button
  • If the game works unstable or doesn't want to launch - run the game on Virtual Machine with Windows XP 32-bit, also don't forget to install inside Virtual Machine the disc image utility like UltraISO, to emulate the game CD

Comments and reviews

helperbot 2024-08-26 1 point

Some tips on how to make the game run on newer versions of windows:

VanceKraven 2024-08-24 0 point

The Restricted Area Rebuild would not work for me, but I was able to install the game with the three English version ISOs and the NoCD file. The game looks pretty cool so far. However, I will have to play it more and see if I encounter the game-breaking bugs mentioned by others.

The gaming Beehive 2024-06-29 0 point

@SABIN77 You won't be able to. I tried everything and it's not possible. You can play the game without the videos but I had a game-breaking bug probably halfway through the game. Plus, it's not worth it. The game is poorly balanced with the last level the difficulty skyrocketed; the attributes don't make sense; there is no variety in the level design; despite having so many free keys on the keyboard you can assign skills to very few. This is not a good game. It's not worth your time.

sabin77 2024-05-31 0 point

can't get VP3 Codec to work so I can't play.

The Gaming Beehive 2024-02-13 2 points

It turned out that it couldn't load a section that asks you which direction you want to take, the sewers or the roof after you save Jessica. However, I found the stupidest workaround for the crash. I installed the game from my physical copy and just added the NoCD exe. Nothing else. Then I just copied my save folder from the 1.13 version to the new install, started the game, passed the section and made a save again. Then copy back the save folder. Now I have 2 copies of the game... I think this should work with the 3 DVDs here. It was just easier for me to use my copy of the game. I'm not sure it's worth the effort tho.

The Gaming Beehive 2024-02-12 3 points

Unfortunately, the game is unplayable for me. On the 3rd main mission, you have to save a woman named Jessica and as soon as I click on her the game crashes. I tried everything, but it didn't work. I even downloaded the 1.14 version.
This is the error I got. If anyone has an idea how to, if possible, fix it I would really appreciate it
Error Main:CrashTyp04:6:56:58645:1:2BildVorDisplay...DisplayDone
Error Crash:Font:1:200:0-1:::::

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Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Restricted Area (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download Restricted Area

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadEnglish version
Disc 1 English version 664 MB
DownloadEnglish version
Disc 2 English version 572 MB
DownloadEnglish version
Disc 3 English version 292 MB
DownloadGerman version
DVD release German version 1.8 GB
DownloadRestricted Area ReBuild by Foxx v1.13 (includes patch and fixes, check the Notes) English version German version Russian version 2.7 GB DownloadRussian version
Disc 1 Russian version 651 MB
DownloadRussian version
Disc 2 Russian version 642 MB
DownloadRussian version
Disc 3 Russian version 523 MB
DownloadDisc 1 Taiwanese Mandarin (Traditional Chinese) version 503 MB DownloadDisc 2 Taiwanese Mandarin (Traditional Chinese) version 504 MB DownloadDisc 3 Taiwanese Mandarin (Traditional Chinese) version 437 MB ManualEnglish version 5 MB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Restricted Area, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

NocdNoCD (compatible with all versions) English version 355 KB PatchPatch v1.1 for German version German version 12 MB PatchPatch v1.09 for English version English version 662 KB FixMinimap fix (put dll-file in game directory) English version 186 KB FixdgVoodoo configuration English version 423 KB MiscVP3 Codec installer English version 288 KB

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