Secret of the Silver Blades

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Secret of the Silver Blades

DOS - 1990

Also released on: Mac - Amiga - Commodore 64

Alt name Secret of the Silver Blades: A Forgotten Realms Fantasy Role-Playing Epic, Vol. III
Year 1990
Platform DOS
Released in United States (1990)
Canada, United States (1995)
Genre Role-Playing (RPG)
Theme D&D / AD&D, Dungeon Crawler, Fantasy, Licensed Title, Turn-based
Publisher Strategic Simulations, Inc., WizardWorks Group, Inc.
Developer Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Perspective 1st-Person
Dosbox support Supported on current version
4.33 / 5 - 36 votes

Download extras files
Manual, refcard and misc available

Description of Secret of the Silver Blades

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In the annals of RPG gaming, few series can boast of being "pioneers" of the genre more than SSI with its "Gold Box" series, all based on AD&D mechanics and worlds licensed from TSR.

Of these, four games set in the "Forgotten Realms" world stand out as the best of the bunch. Comprising four games released over four years, Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades, and Pools of Darkness remain a lot of fun even today as some of the most addictive - albeit maddeningly combat-ridden - RPGs ever created.

Pools of Radiance and Pools of Darkness are my most favorite of the series. Pool of Radiance because it was a great beginning to a solid RPG system, and Pools of Darkness because it gives you a chance to meet famous NPCs from AD&D world, marvel at the non-linear storyline, and develop your heroes to very high levels. All four games are must-haves for RPG fans everywhere, although Secret of the Silver Blades is a disappointment compared to the rest.

GameSpot's nice History of AD&D gives a good overview of Secret of the Silver Blades as follows: "Secret of the Silver Blades, released in 1990, was the third installment in the Pool of Radiance saga. The game took place away from Phlan and the Dalelands; unfolding instead deep in the heart of the wintry Dragonspine Mountains.

The player found his party summoned to a tiny mining town by the power of a mystical magic well to battle a great menace. A mysterious cult of spellcasters called The Black Circle has been hard at work reviving a powerful and evil lich known as the Dreadlord. It's up to the members of the party to seek what few members of the Dreadlord's sworn enemies, the Silver Blades, still exist, and ultimately take up the banner of the Silver Blades as their own in battle against the Dreadlord and his Black Circle minions.

Secret of the Silver Blades stayed true to its predecessors in the series, offering much in the way of expansion on the old and little in the way of brand-new material. Characters were allowed to advance to 15th level (18th in the case of thieves) and clerics and magic-users were allowed access to spells of up to seventh level."

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

dfortae 2018-01-12 -3 points DOS version

I review Secret of the Silver Blades here:

Av'roes 2018-01-05 0 point DOS version

So why was this considered the worst of the bunch? I found it fun and a good game.

A Wise Old Man 2013-05-02 -2 points DOS version

A text dump of the game manual can be found here. I suggest snagging this, dumping it back into a DOS text file, and including it in the archive.

Ghost 2012-09-18 -4 points DOS version

This may be me bein a little dim, but I'm havin trouble importing my characters formt eh previous installment. Is there soemthin I should be doing or am I not oing to be able to get that feature to work?

CooLDoG 2012-01-01 0 point DOS version

I have downloaded many many files from this site. No viruses on any of them. Also, you might try using Google to find the manual... replacement docs is always good ;)

WardenMajere 2011-08-31 -3 points DOS version

Does this come along with the Journal needed to play? Or is it no longer needed? Also please comment on the quality of this file, I would not enjoy having viruses on my system thanks =)

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Buy Secret of the Silver Blades

Secret of the Silver Blades is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.

Game Extras and Resources

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Secret of the Silver Blades, we have the following files:

ManualEnglish version 601 KB (DOS) RefcardEnglish version 670 KB (DOS) MiscAdventurers Journal English version 12 MB (DOS) MiscCluebook English version 29 MB (DOS) MiscRule Book English version 4 MB (DOS)

Other Releases

Secret of the Silver Blades was also released on the following systems:



Commodore 64

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