Description of Softporn Adventure
If you haven't played Softporn Adventure or want to try this adventure video game, download it now for free! Published in 1981 by On-Line Systems, Softporn Adventure (aka Aventures Insolites, Super Stud Adventure) is still a popular comedy title amongst retrogamers, with a whopping 3.8/5 rating.
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Comments and reviews
Desertdork 2023-06-07 0 point
My father bought an IBM PC around 1984 and his friend Mr. Snoody from New York who worked for IBM came to visit us and set it up. It didnt Even have a hard drive. He also brought some kind of insider disc from IBM with all kinds of games on it including soft p*** adventure. All of the graphics in it were ASCII characters. That disc also had a dirty version of hangman. There was also a cannon game. There was also a very rudimentary version of Windows that allowed you to open little apps sort of like a calculator within a window on the screen. There also was a Star Trek game. There was also a game called life which I never really understood. So a very rudimentary Pac-Man game using all ASCHII graphics. Does anybody have a copy of a game called Castle or quest using ASCHII graphics it was sort of like a dungeons and graphics adventure where you had to go through all these rooms and collect objects to solve the game?
khan 2023-03-28 0 point Apple II version
In the book "Hackers" Steven Levy says Softporn was released in the spring of 1981.
ThePsycho 2018-01-16 6 points DOS version
Nice to see some people are still playing my game.
Me, Myself, and I 2014-10-30 1 point DOS version
I thought that I'd point out that the HOTUD review contradicts Wikipedia on the dates, as Wikipedia lists the release date as 1981. Also, Wikipedia lists "On-Line Systems" as existing from 1979-1982. That, I understand, was the first name for "Sierra On-Line". So that's one more reason to suspect that it was released in 1981.
paperbrain 2012-01-14 0 point DOS version
After trying again, I realized that the reason it was so difficult for me, was because I am used to parsers that understand English better that my two and a half year old nephew does. I pretended I was talking to him, and found it much easier. I just hope my brother doesn't find out, or he'd kill me rotfol.
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Download Softporn Adventure
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Atari 8-bit ROM
Apple II Version
- Year: 1981
- Publisher: Blue Sky Software, On-Line Systems
- Developer: Blue Sky Software
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