Download Super Ken Senshi (Windows)

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Super Ken Senshi

Windows - 2003

Year 2003
Platform Windows
Released in Worldwide
Genre Action
Theme Arcade, SHMUP
Publisher Fallen Angel Industries
Developer Fallen Angel Industries
Perspective Top-Down
0 / 5 - 0 vote

Description of Super Ken Senshi

Super Ken Senshi is yet another superb freeware release from Fallen Angel Industries, one of the best "Klik" designer groups. Aside from the excellent anime graphics and animations that FAIND usually delivers, SKS has a multiplayer mode: you can play this vertical shooter simultaneously with three other players over the Internet. The multiplayer mode also plays well, and I hardly noticed any lagging.

There is a downside, though: there are no boss monsters. This will surely disappoint fans of traditional shooters, where you can expect to find a tough new boss at the end of every level. In SKS, the levels are basically all the same – the game just keeps throwing new enemies at you. This means that once you have collected every weapon and fought all the enemy ships, there is little reason for stick around. This relatively low replay value is a pity.

Review By HOTUD

How to play Super Ken Senshi Windows

Super Ken Senshi had an online score board and online multiplayer for up to 4 players, but the servers were closed years ago, so it is playable only in singleplayer now

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  • Windows

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Windows Version

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