Download The Punisher (Windows)

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The Punisher

Windows - 2005

Alt names Каратель, 惩罚者, El Castigador, Il Punitore, O Justiceiro
Year 2005
Platform Windows
Released in Belgium, Brazil, France, Poland, Russia, United States (2005)
Poland (2006)
Genre Action
Theme Contemporary, Licensed Title, North America, Quick Time Events, Shooter
Publisher Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Russobit-M, THQ Inc.
Developer Volition, Inc.
Perspectives 1st-Person, Behind view
4.41 / 5 - 269 votes

Description of The Punisher

If you haven't played The Punisher or want to try this action video game, download it now for free! Published in 2005 by THQ Inc., Russobit-M, Game Factory Interactive Ltd., The Punisher is still a popular shooter title amongst retrogamers, with a whopping 4.4/5 rating.

External links

How to play The Punisher Windows

Read Full Description

The game with Widescreen Fix has been tested on Windows 7 64-bit and Windows 10, it works fine, with Widescreen Fix the game supports widescreen and high resolutions. You may experience some small troubles when you play the game on modern systems, check our Guide and Notes for details

Before installation - if you're using Windows 8, 8.1, 10 or 11 - make sure that you enabled DirectPlay if you didn't make it before, read this or this guide how to do it (if you're using Windows 7 or older - just install DirectX from the disc)

Install & play guide:

  • Mount the disc image of CD1. You will need the utility for mounting disc image files, like WinCDEmu, UltraISO, Alcohol 52%/Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools Lite
  • Install the game (if autorun doesn't work - simply launch the installation from Setup.exe inside the disc). When the installation process will ask for CD2 and CD3 - mount the disc images of next CDs
  • It is recommended to install the game not in default path, but in some other, non-system folder, like C:/Games/The Punisher, so you won't have troubles with fixes
  • After you installed the game - use NoCD, simply copy pun.exe from the archive and put it into game directory, agree to replace original file
  • Open the directory with the game and find pun.exe. Right click on pun.exe - Properties - Compatibility - Set "Run this app in compatibility mode with Windows XP" and "Run as administrator"
  • Run punisher.exe to configure graphics or audio settings
  • Launch the game and play. If the game doesn't work in compatibility mode with Windows XP - try to launch it in compatibility mode with other version of Windows (Win98, Windows ME, Win2000, etc.)

How to play the game in widescreen:

  • Originally the game supports only 4:3 screen resolutions, but thanks to The Punisher Widescreen Fix by ThirteenAG, the game can be launched in widescreen resolutions. To install it simply copy all files from the archive and put in game folder, then open ThePunisher.WidescreenFix.ini inside The Punisher/scripts folder and change ResX = and ResY = parameters to enable the screen resolution you need (for example, if you want to run the game in 1920x1080 mode, make ResX = 1920 and ResY = 1080)
  • Widescreen Fix comes with additional options, like you can change the Field of View (FOV), enable framerate limit or run the game in windowed mode. To change the FOV, open ThePunisher.WidescreenFix.ini and increase the FOVFactor value. To run in windowed mode, create wndmode.ini in the installation folder. To change the FPS limit, open d3d8.ini and modify the FPSLimit value (by default it is limited to 60 FPS, we recommend to keep it like that for better performance of the game)


  • If the installation doesn't start - try to launch Setup.exe in compatibility mode with old version of Windows (98, 2000 or XP)
  • It is recommended to install all versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and NET Framework for the correct work of the game. Also it is recommended to install K-Lite Codec Pack for the correct work of in-game videos
  • The game works on DirectX 8, so if you're using Windows 8, 8.1, 10 or 11 - you need to enable DirectPlay: Go to Control Panel, and select 'Programs'. Select 'Turn Windows features on and off', click on 'Legacy Components' and check the box 'DirectPlay'. Select OK, once the installation is done, restart your computer
  • The game is using SecuROM DRM protection, which may have issues on modern systems and requires the disc for launch. NoCD "breaks" DRM protection and allows to run the game without the disc. Most of the versions of the game use SecuROM, so NoCD for English version should be also compatible with other versions too (except the Russian version that use StarForce)
  • You may have some issues during interrogation scenes or when you use aiming. The fix is to limit the game's framerate to 60 FPS: if you play the game with Widescreen Fix - just open ThePunisher.WidescreenFix.ini in Notepad and set FPSLimit=60; if you play without it - you can use one of framerate limit utilities, like d3d8-wrapper by ThirteenAG (to use it copy files from the archive into game folder, open d3d8.ini in Notepad and set FPSLimit=60). Another method to fix the issue is to put d3d8.dll from d3d8to9 into game folder and set monitor refresh rate to 60 Hz
  • If you have greenish smoke/fog, rough color transitions, visual artifacts during closed captions, or any other graphics glitches - use dgVoodoo. The game works on DirectX 8, so dgVoodoo should solve troubles with visual glitches
  • On some systems the game engine renders dark places on levels too dark, almost black. If you have that problem - first thing increase Brightness in game settings or your display settings. If it didn't help - try to use ReShade, following this guide, it should "correct" the problem with black levels
  • If you have the bug with "blurred" graphics - you need to edit Windows Registry like in this guide, but this method works only for AMD video cards. If you have Nvidia card - try to change image sharpening settings in Nvidia Control Panel
  • If you have stuttering in the game, like micro-lags - it may happen because of HDD APM, disable APM on your hard drive
  • If you have problem with broken sound effects or disappearing sound - set sound quality to 24 bit, 48000 Hz or 24 bit, 44100 Hz. Read this guide how to do that
  • The game has some mods: PunisherPlugin that adds few new gameplay features, including the option to remove "black'n'white" filter, and ThePunisher.DebugMenu that allows to use various debug options
  • If you want to remove "black'n'white" filter for most brutal murders/interrogations - you can use The Punisher Gore patch , simply extract the archive and follow the steps in Readme.txt. There's two variants of Gore patch - for US version and UK version (the discs of English version on our website is from US release), also Gore patch for UK version should be compatible with any European version of the game
  • Be careful, Russian version of the game was using infamous StarForce DRM that can break your system! If you plan to play Russian version - make sure to use NoCD before the first launch! If you have any troubles with Russian version - check this thread
  • Don't forget to check PCGamingWiki if you have troubles, it's very useful!

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

SPyhs 2024-08-11 0 point

Où se trouvent les

Kuduloka 2024-08-10 2 points

Lock the game at 30 FPS. It runs smoother this way. The diving animation is janky at anything higher, and the interrogations are easy to screw up, kills register better. In widescreen it looks great. But lock it to 30, you'll thank me later.

SnipCheddaBombs 2024-08-07 0 point

C++ Buffer Overrun

randalmcdaniel 2024-07-27 0 point

i can download games again! ty ilu. Time to try the punisher

geranio98 2024-07-16 0 point

Where's the located?

LoicSuply975 2024-06-29 0 point

I finally found a French ISO of the game, thanks so much!

admin 2024-06-26 3 points

We've updated this page, added more language versions plus some fixes for comfortable play on modern systems. Make sure to check our Guide and Notes if you have problems

Payton Hillis 2024-06-03 0 point

hey i need setting this up I really want to download it, but I do not understand how to do this if somebody can please add my Discord mitchellboynasty

Milalfam 2024-05-01 3 points

Thank you for recommending this game. While it may not be the best shooter, it's still a great game. The 'interrogation' and 'execution' mechanics were brutal, staying true to the Punisher vibe.

However, the story isn't anything special, and the graphics, considering the time of its release, are less than stellar. The music didn't grab my attention either. Nevertheless, it's a decent shooter that's enjoyable for short gaming sessions. I found most levels to be tedious, but playing in small doses helped.

Overall, it's a decent game if you enjoy fast-paced shooters with a twist, although it's not my preferred genre. I had a good time, but not a great one. Thanks again for preserving this game.

lex Kilo 2024-04-26 1 point

Alright, it keeps telling me to insert disc 1. I see the "Pun" exe file in the Hoodlum....How can one properly get the game running and playing?

papi 2024-03-29 1 point

how do i change the languague , como cambio el idioma

DanM 2024-03-22 2 points

Works good on Windows 10 with no compatability changes. The patch works nicely as well. On Disc 1, there is a folder called HOODLUM, the virus warning is a false positive, it's just a NoCD patch you copy and paste into the install folder. There are no viruses. At least not in the Disc Image download.

Volkov 2024-03-13 1 point

Just because I saw a very recent comment, the folder that has the name HOODLUM, there's an executable callen Pun with the logo of the punisher, that's the NOCD exe, just copy and paste where you installed the game and that's it.

Dave 2024-02-13 2 points

Guys i keep trying to play the game, but it says: "Please insert The Punisher CD 1 into your CD-ROM drive". What I'm supposed to do now ?

bebop 2024-01-29 0 point

@Jigsaw- You mount them one at a time on a virtual disc drive and install

Jigsaw 2023-12-17 -1 point

theres no ISO file its just bin and cue files. What the f*** am i supposed to do with that?

Joe 2023-11-19 2 points

Aussie here!

Is this the uncensored American version on PC?

Juan 2023-09-29 2 points

Is there a patch to Spanish?

kral 2023-09-04 -1 point

Daemon tools lite programı bide rar programını
indiriyosunuz oyun acılıyo kardeşim

driver 2023-09-03 -1 point

great game !!! I like it

cavani 2023-08-11 1 point

after download will the game activate

Galuefa 2022-09-21 -2 points

I like to play punisher.

Thomas Jane 2022-06-18 -2 points

Don't use the uncensor patch on this page. Instead use PunisherPlugin by ermaccer here:

The patch on this page disables some post processing effects and is buggy.

L 2022-05-24 2 points

Malware behavior is due to the crack, has been tested running on windows 10 fine. Bluey is your golden ticket, just mount the bin files with Daemon Tools Lite (free) or a similar program and install all individually then follow Bluey. No CD key needed and the 'trojan' can be quarantined and deleted after install without any ill effects, just let install run before deleting it. If you really want to go nuts block both exe's in windows firewall but it seems safe, cheers.

dman1127 2022-04-04 6 points

To anyone Having trouble with the bin files I found a solution, and that would be this It's a free software that can convert bin files to iso files and it completely solved my issue. The rest of the problems you can find a solution for are on pcgamingwiki.

Bluey 2021-08-12 22 points

After downloading and mounting the ISOs Windows does detect something in the 'HOODLUM' folder, but I went on with the install anyway as I figured it could be a false flag, after installing and deleting the ISOs I had Windows Defender just delete said "trojan" and it hasn't found anything else. I downloaded the patch here on the game extras tab, but I was still seeing some censorship so I downloaded another gore patch from here and that fixed my issue (I used the UK folder), I also downloaded a english 1.0 nocd patch here , and downloaded a widescreen patch here . Everything seems to be running fine and don't actually see anything fishy once everything is done.

jomama 2021-05-11 11 points

Do you need a cd key to play this?

mr odball 2021-01-22 -6 points

its censorship how to remove it use gore patch
it works four windows 10 64bit that is it.

wantri 2021-01-15 5 points

Everything is safe and clean. The crack will give a false positive in your anti-virus software. This literally happens with every single crack that exists. Its 100% safe.

SPINO WRECKS TREX 2020-12-28 0 point

Guys, do the files still contain maleware?

someonerandom 2020-11-30 -3 points

hey does anyone else get whitescreen when they go into slaughter mode?

john-o 2020-09-05 -3 points

whatever the hell this kid does in the video worked for me

still super sketch so maybe run on a virtual rig but yeah, the game did work

Guru 2020-01-10 11 points

Here is my experience with these files. There seems to be some kind of malware (in the "Hoodlum" directory, I suspect) that disable some firewall functionnalities. However, it only seems to activate when opening said directory, and even in this case, Windows Defender can kill it instantly. I don't think this is major threat.
As for the game itself, I couldn't get it to start because it kept asking for CD1, although it was mounted in both a virtual and my physical DVD drive. I don't know what to do about it. It may require a crack.

Firemaker125 2019-10-09 0 point

Is this safe? I can't figure out what Trigun is saying about this.

Alejandro Martinez 2019-10-07 0 point

It's a good game

NIKSCRIM 2019-08-15 0 point

Hey, I would really like to play the game. What do you mean by some files are linked to malware behavior? Is it clean or not?

DECKER 2019-05-17 2 points

Any news on that malware thing?

Clockworkdeath 2019-03-09 3 points

I spent nearly 2 hours attempting to download this and I only got a patch! As well as the fucking key components for a game... that doesn't work!

jojo 2019-02-01 2 points

how to run the game?

Woolies Hulk Doll 2019-01-25 3 points

Punisher-chan! Notice me!

rip tbfp

trigun 2018-07-13 12 points

files seem mostly safe but a few files are linked to malware Behavior. use at your own caution.

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run The Punisher (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download The Punisher

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadEnglish version
Disc 1 English version 650 MB
DownloadEnglish version
Disc 2 English version 650 MB
DownloadEnglish version
Disc 3 English version 312 MB
DownloadRepack by MagiPack (includes widescreen fix and gore patch) English version 1.5 GB DownloadFrench version
Disc 1 English version French version 746 MB
DownloadFrench version
Disc 2 English version French version 743 MB
DownloadFrench version
Disc 3 English version French version 421 MB
DownloadSpanish & Italian version
Disc 1 Spanish; Castilian version Italian version 743 MB
DownloadSpanish & Italian version
Disc 2 Spanish; Castilian version Italian version 743 MB
DownloadSpanish & Italian version
Disc 3 Spanish; Castilian version Italian version 580 MB
DownloadPolish version
Disc 1 Polish version 743 MB
DownloadPolish version
Disc 2 Polish version 781 MB
DownloadPolish version
Disc 3 Polish version 336 MB
DownloadRussian version
DVD release Russian version 1.9 GB
ManualEnglish version 3 MB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run The Punisher, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

GuidePrima Official Guide English version 11 MB NocdNoCD for French version English version French version 2 MB NocdNoCD for English version
Should be compatible with other versions too English version 1 MB
NocdNoCD for Russian version Russian version 1 MB FixWidescreen fix by ThirteenAG English version 1 MB ModThe Punisher Gore patch 3.7
Removes black & white filter on torture scenes English version 4 MB
DemoEnglish version 212 MB

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