Download TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4x4

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TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4x4

Windows - 1997

Also available on: SEGA Saturn

Alt names Deka Yonku: Tough the Truck, Hardcore 4x4, TNN Motorsports Hardcore 4x4
Year 1997
Platform Windows
Released in Belgium, Netherlands
Genre Racing / Driving
Theme Licensed Title, Off-Road / Monster Truck, Real-Time
Publisher Gremlin Interactive Limited
Developer Gremlin Interactive Limited
Perspective Behind view
3.75 / 5 - 4 votes

Description of TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4x4

Here is the video game “TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4x4”! Released in 1997 on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's a racing / driving game, set in an off-road / monster truck, real-time and licensed title themes and it was released on SEGA Saturn as well.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

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Download TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4x4

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadISO Version English version 352 MB DownloadISO Version
US Rerelease English version 94 MB
Edit Paths in Hardcore 4x4.reg and mount ISO for Music English version 60 MB
DownloadISO Version German version 100 MB


Download1G1R release English version 291 MB DownloadEnglish version French version German version 287 MB DownloadJapanese (ja) version 294 MB

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