Abandonware games published by Mattel Electronics

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Browse games published by Mattel Electronics

List of all abandonware games originally published by Mattel Electronics, between 1979 and 1983.

Mattel Electronics' Games 1-15 of 58

ABPA Backgammon abandonware
ABPA BackgammonIntellivision1979
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge abandonware
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons CartridgeIntellivision1982
Adventures of TRON abandonware
Adventures of TRONAtari 26001983
Air Raiders abandonware
Air RaidersAtari 26001983
Armor Battle abandonware
Armor BattleAtari 2600, Intellivision1982
Astrosmash abandonware
AstrosmashAtari 2600, Intellivision1982
Auto Racing abandonware
Auto RacingIntellivision1979
B-17 Bomber abandonware
B-17 BomberIntellivision1982
Bomb Squad abandonware
Bomb SquadIntellivision1982
Boxing abandonware
Bump 'N' Jump abandonware
Bump 'N' JumpAtari 2600, Intellivision1983
BurgerTime abandonware
BurgerTimeDOS, Atari 2600, Intellivision, Apple II1983
Buzz Bombers abandonware
Buzz BombersIntellivision1983
Checkers abandonware

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