Download Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Pirate Ship

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Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Pirate Ship

Windows - 1996

Also available on: Windows 3.x

Year 1996
Platform Windows
Released in United States (1996)
Germany (2001)
Genre Adventure
Theme Licensed Title, Puzzle elements, Sea Pirates / Caribbean
Publisher Davidson & Associates, Inc., Mattel, Inc.
Developer Funnybone Interactive
Perspective Fixed / Flip-screen
5 / 5 - 4 votes

Description of Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Pirate Ship

1996, the year Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Pirate Ship was released on Windows, as well as Windows 3.x. Made by Funnybone Interactive and published by Davidson & Associates, Inc., Mattel, Inc., this adventure game is available for free on this page.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

Ouroboros 2024-04-06 1 point Windows version

I have tried to run this via VirtualBox using Windows XP for years now, but it has never worked no matter what I do. It keeps saying that "This program needs at least 3MB of free virtual memory to run", and nothing I have done works. Has anyone else encountered this or is it somehow just me?

Big Al 2023-01-12 0 point

You can extract ISO files with the program Anyburn then install the program from the extracted files.

gadondorf 2022-01-02 0 point Windows version

mount cd with daemon tools

kitttty 2020-12-23 1 point

How do I install the game and actually play it? I downloaded the zip folder but I don't understand the next step. Any advice?

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Download Great Adventures by Fisher-Price: Pirate Ship

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

Windows 3.x Version

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