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Jurassic Park

DOS - 1993

Also available on: Amiga

Alt names פארק היורה, JP
Year 1993
Platform DOS
Released in France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States
Genre Action
Theme Arcade, Dinosaurs, Licensed Title, Movies, Shooter
Publisher Ocean Software Ltd.
Developer Ocean Software Ltd.
Perspectives 1st-Person, 2D scrolling, Diagonal-down
Dosbox support Fully supported on current version
4.41 / 5 - 44 votes

Description of Jurassic Park

A fun overhead action game based on best-selling book and film, OCEAN's Jurassic Park is based on the hit movie of the same name that, in turn, was adapted from Michael Crichton's best-selling novel.

The game starts off when the action begins to heat up, i.e. after the dinosaurs are loose. As none other than Dr. Alan Grant, world-renown paleontologist, your goal is to find Tim and Lex, two kids who are lost on the Jurassic Park island which has been overrun by hungry carnivores. In the process, you must fight off scores of dinosaurs and destroy their eggs to stop the breeding. You start off with a powerful gun that shoots electric rays that can kill pesky Triceratops in a few shots, but is almost useless against their meaner cousins, such as the Brachiosaurus. Fortunately, you will soon come across more powerful weapons, different types of ammos, and even time bombs that are used for blowing up Raptor nests.

Although the game has only 6 levels, they increase both in difficulty and length, making the game a good match for joystick experts who scoff at easy games. There are also some puzzle elements within the game, such as accessing the computers to open electrified gates, or figuring out how to kill the gigantic Tyrannosaurus Rex. Two players can also play together, and each level helps advance the game's (and movie's) plot.

Overall, Jurassic Park is a highly enjoyable game for veterans, although it might frustrate beginners. Too bad OCEAN's later Last Action Hero, which was based on the same engine, isn't nearly as fun as this underdog.

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

evandbtto 2025-02-10 0 point Amiga version

The password system in the amiga version does not work for whatever reason, I put in exactly the password it tells me at the end of each level and it says it is incorrect.

mobilehead 2024-04-14 0 point

My first contact with "Jurassic Park" was on Amiga and I found this game a very average game. 2D sections were slow and dull. Maps were huge, enemies were spawning all the time and the energy bar depleted fast. 3D sections were playable only in AGA version. There were some nice touches not available in the FPS games of that era but still they were quite boring. Recently I reached for DOS CD version. It is pretty much the same as Amiga AGA version but surprisingly it is much, much easier. Dying in the first or second level is quite difficult and thus the game seems to be more accessible.

bob 2023-12-15 0 point

Got working on SteamDeck

In steam, added as a non steam game

"/usr/bin/flatpak" run org.libretro.RetroArch -L / "/home/deck/Emulation/roms/dos/"


- When I launched, selected JP.exe found same bug/issue with weird framerate.
- So on next Launch selected install.exe Joystick = OFF
- Then relaunched to JP.exe
Now everything works fine

LAG FIX FINAL 2023-03-03 2 points DOS version

This game is too fun to not be revisited/enjoyed on modern PC's

To further clarify what others here have hinted at we need to turn off this annoying lag effect using DOSBox we have to disable it via the game INSTALL.exe and then also save this file. This Install.exe file is located in the games directory alongside JP.exe

If you click on this install using Windows your computer will not know what to do because its a DOS.exe. This fact can be overlooked in contemporary times even by someone who grew up using DOS. We need to run this 'Install.exe' using the DOSBox EMULATOR

After properly mounting/finding the correct game directory you'd normally type this in DOSBox to run the game:

Instead use:

From this install menu toggle 'USE Joystick' to OFF. (Default is ON)
-Hit 'U' once for toggle joystick. Keyboard down to Off. Hit enter
-Hit 'Q' for Quit install
-'S' for Save Install and you will auto exit the install

Joystick is now toggled off and permanently saved for the JP GAME FILE. This is a one time deal provided the file/game does not again change

For good measure also change following DOSBox emulator settings:
Go to DOSBox install directory. Click on the 'DOSBox 0.74-3 Options' its a windows batch file

Using Notepad to view this file use CTRL+F to find and change the following lines:
'joysticktype=auto' to joysticktype=none'
'core=auto' to 'core=dynamic'
'cycles=auto' to 'cycles=max'

All the other DOSBox defaults should run the game fine. CTRL+S to Save this file. Run game and it will 100% run smoothly now. Leave 'cycles=auto' if you want to further adjust game speed using CTRL+F11 (slower) or CTRL+F12 (faster)

Guide is for using Windows 10 64bit & DOSBox v0.74-3 & this game
Hope this helps someone else enjoy this classic!!

Davos 2022-05-31 0 point

POOR FRAMERATE FIX: Within the game's director (once you mount it in DOSBox), run "install.exe" and set the Joystick Option to Off/None. Then run the JP.exe game itself.

CAMOTITO 2020-10-01 0 point DOS version


Kent 2018-10-01 1 point DOS version

Ocean did release some good movie tie-ins. The DOS version is very good, particularly the fps section at the end of the game.
The Amiga version has poor music/sfx and is VERY slow, the fps section is almost unplayable.

David Umstattd 2015-06-12 4 points DOS version

The description is describing the wrong game. But this one is a masterpiece in Movie Adaptation. While most hard games test your reflexes this is a hard game that tests the mind. You have to puzzle your way through the intense gameplay while still having to use dexterity and reflexes to battle the hoards of dinos.

It's a survival horror game done right, and done a long time ago.

DoomGuyBFG 2015-01-21 1 point DOS version

I played this game extensively back in my Jurassic Park fanboy days. In my opinion, it was one of the best Jurassic park games, and even one of the best movie-based games. The FPS raptor levels were intense and the top-down action was definitely well done. My only gripe was that damn tyrannosaur! It took FOREVER for me to figure out how to get past him and even then, I had to do some sort of loophole! After completing the game, I tried to do it the real way, but I never got it to work. One of these days...

Feesh 2014-09-07 0 point DOS version

For anyone who can't seem to get decent speeds while running this game: Run the setup and turn Joystick off, it fixes whatever issue the game has with dosbox and makes it run full speed.

jonasboy 2014-08-22 0 point DOS version

ik kan geen speltjes doen

Pink Floyd 2014-05-21 -1 point DOS version

This version destroyed the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis versions. The 3D raptor levels were great back in the day. Incredibly intense. One of the good movie games. I normally hate movie games. Unfortunately I have problems with this game in DosBox. Maybe it just needs the settings adjusted.

MANNY 2013-09-02 0 point DOS version

Great game!

Carlsgro 2013-01-08 1 point DOS version


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DOS Version

Amiga ROM

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