Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Windows - 2003
Description of Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Here is the video game “Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis”! Released in 2003 on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's an educational, strategy and simulation game, set in an ecology / nature, amusement park, dinosaurs and movies themes.
External links
Captures and Snapshots
Comments and reviews
KASUMI65 2025-01-31 1 point
Update : Dutch version :
JPOGMAN 2025-01-11 0 point
Done everything and when I run the cracked file in the Jpog folder, it brings me to the graphics setup. When I press "Play Game" the application closes and the game doesn't open. What did I do wrong?
KASUMI65 2024-12-19 0 point
Italian version provided :
mel 2024-11-04 1 point
I recommend everyone- instead of downloading it from this site directly, to install it from Mod DB under external links. Do not download v1.7 but v2.0 (the newest).
You'll be able to access the game right away without having to worry about any files that do not work.
viper jet 2024-09-06 -2 points
If you get as far as extracted the files and replaced the original JP with the Cracked JP file and it still says i need to reconfigure the game in setup. go to this website for what to set the graphics too because this is an old version of the game and this version is very limited ====file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Universal%20Interactive/Blue%20Tongue%20Software/Jurassic%20Park%20Operation%20Genesis/JPOG/Setup/OptionsHelpEng.htm
Terrible website 2024-08-14 -2 points
First and last time I come here, sad to know that the links are broken and contain viruses
Tony 2024-08-08 0 point
Don't know how to deal with this, can't even delete it, this really needs a clearer instructions
cityofboots 2024-07-19 0 point
I'm just wondering if its a virus or not cause it says security warning
nico_crazy 2024-06-23 4 points
I've attempted to download this file multiple times and i keep running into the same issue the my disc is wrong but I'm not using a disc nori am i on a a older desktop i am beyond frustrated with the recourses that are being provided and i believe there should at lees be some sort of instruction list provided with the insulation file if anybody can help me a good way to play JPOG vanilla then i would much apricate it.
G 2024-06-14 0 point
superamazing probably the best "Dinsoaur park" games so far. Especially the free island mode is great to just enjoy the dinosaur. Carcharodontosaurus and Ankylo are my favourites in this game.
David Herrera 2024-05-16 0 point
buenas, tengo un problema, tengo el juego instalado y todo, solo que no se ven los caminos, cosa, que dificulta bastante la jugavilidad. alguien me podria echar una mano? gracias
Sonic200000 2024-04-20 0 point
Sadly im stuck on 1920x1440p in a weird res on a 1440p 16:9 monitor, does anybody know a fixx for that?
Barcode 2024-03-15 1 point
I got it to work by setting up a new drive using Daemon tools (Free) and mounting the .ISO file on it (Click enable extensions in the windows explorer to see the .ISO ending). After that I ran the set up, and replaced the simjp.exe file in the drive with the one in the CRACKED folder. Hope this helps. -Barcode
IHateMyLifeButLoveJurassicPark 2024-02-29 0 point
Followed some instructions listed here. Didnt work. Me sad. Gonna play minecraft instead.
jejejojo 2024-02-02 0 point
hola buenas no lo puedo instalar bien, no encuentro donde lo explica
Joker_Bunghole 2024-01-09 1 point
The steps work and all, but be aware that the game will also crash at some point too.
captcook 2023-11-29 3 points
Even simpler terms:
download both files (game file and NOCD)
run= setup.
once desktop shortcut is made, right click desktop shortcut and "open file location". DELETE simjp, drag/copy and paste crack file.
Nxrway 2023-10-13 0 point
Figured it out!
Downloaded both ISO and no cd. They say drag the nocd to the iso folder or whatever but will say too small. When I try to launch the game it says wrong cd but showed the line of:
Windows (C:) - Program Files (x86) - Universal Interactive - Blue Tongue Software - Jurassic Park Operation Genesis - JPOG
followed that in windows explorer. deleted the simjp in there and replaced with simjp from the nocd and it worked!! Now the success or failure of Jurassic Park, is all up to you!
Dis 2023-08-25 4 points
Working on Windows 11 12800HX, 64GB DDR5, 3070ti
Download the ISO (it will be a Zip)
Open the downloaded file and the ISO will be available. Using zip open the ISO, make a new folder called setup. drag and copy all the files to the newly created setup folder.
run the program for installation
When installed make a new folder in the game directory called Original EXE, drag and drop the orignal exe into that folder and drop the crack in the main folder.
Bingo bango and away you go.
TheMobileWriter 2023-06-06 -4 points
Is this file safe? my pc dectected it being unsafe so i want to know before downloading it
Krag 2023-05-22 0 point
Anyone have a fix for the helicopter/chopper not moving in the second mission? I've tried enabling the Z-buffer but to no effect.
Pleb 2023-05-15 0 point
the CD file does work but it forgets to tell you... when you mount the main game...copy it ALL into a folder on your c drive. When installed go to where it is installed on your drive and there you will find the SimJP.exe file to replace. with the NO CD version.
The OFFICIAL Ocean Man 2023-03-30 3 points
can someone please give an updated guide on how to get this to work? i know there is a way ive seen people get it to work on here
Dinoman65 2023-03-21 3 points
If anyone is wondering. Yes, this is the full game. I've played through all of it.
Mn 2023-01-05 2 points
I have a question before I download: Is this the full game, and not just a demo?
Dinoman65 2023-01-05 2 points
I got the game running and it works fine. Do expect bugs and crashes, but nothing too severe. I don't know how I did but I continue following the instructions so don't give up too easily guys.
Dinoman65 2022-12-27 2 points
Hey, I followed both instructions and nothing really worked for me. Can anyone help me out?
Shinypuff 2022-10-04 0 point
Can someone please help I've tried following the instructions in the comments but it tells me that the wrong disc was inserted
Pillow 2022-09-20 4 points
So I went and downloaded it.
Shame people bash on this download, because it works. If you take time and actually read, you'd know you need to download the NOCD file and replace the EXE with it. Other than that it work like a charm. Only missing a few unimportant sounds, but it it perfectly playable. You all need to stop posting shit
rabb 2022-08-20 0 point
waste of time.. find somewhere else to download it or buy it.. this shit dont work i tried 3 times
ironflame12 2022-08-10 0 point
does anybody know how fix paths I can open the game but as soon as I go into a park and I'm so far away the paths disappear
Ominous 2022-08-06 1 point
By the way, for anyone having issues with paths not rendering or helicopters not moving, here is the fix I found (have yet to test this out myself as I'm still having camera issues)
Go into the game's folder (right click your desktop shortcut for the game and open file location) and click on the "Setup" folder (second file in the game folder, just below data) and click on "Setup.exe". You should see an option called "High quality Z-buffer", enable that and that should fix the invisible paths. You can also change the graphics settings for the game in that exe file.
Cardotron 2022-08-03 0 point
Anyone have any issues with the chopper not moving when you press the movement keys? Seems to be the only problem I have right now and it makes the missions with choppers impossible to complete.
Ominous 2022-07-31 0 point
Hey, I got the game up and running just fine, but I have some issues with the in-game camera. Camera panning and zoom are extremely limited, I can not zoom out fully, instead it locks just a few meters from the ground so I can barely see. The zoom is also linked with camera panning for some reason. Are there any mods or fixes available anywhere? I could only find one topic about this issue on one site and there was no help. Would really like to enjoy this game the way I remember it.
help me 2022-07-30 0 point
i extracted the setup.exe and made a short cut to windows but every time i try to open it it says it has a virus or unwanted software
PLEASE HELP 2022-07-27 1 point
Got "1628:Failed to complete installation" error when I ran the setup exe file. Anyone knows how to fix this problem ?
slick 2022-07-09 0 point
this is amazing how have i not heard about your sight thank you for having this gem still around
MrHelpsAlot 2022-07-06 0 point
this isn't to make the game run this is more for people who have it running. try d3d8to9 and see if it improves compatibility and stability (not to say the game has any major notable issues) this can just help improve it further (not always the case but worth a shot) also you can then put direct x to vulkan (if you applied dx8to9 that is) over it aswell and use it on linux also.
doverkiin 2022-04-17 4 points
went through all the trouble and tried every way possible to get to work only to still have the "wrong disk inserted" pop up. Lame and waste of my time. Ya'll suck.
Jone 2022-03-29 0 point
I tried but it didn't work, when I did everything I said, I open the game and I'm going to play, at the moment it looks like the loading screen the game closes
rexy gamer pro 2022-01-13 -3 points
esse jogo e legal os dinos são gratis nós viramos dinossauros
rexy gamwe 2022-01-13 0 point
sempre queria esse jogo e ainda mais nós jogadores desse joginho não temos dinheiro podemos virar dinossaauros
Hiddenshade 2021-08-06 29 points
I'm not going to stay silent. I had to look up elsewhere how to get this to function.
Follow the instructions until it says to place the 'NOCD' file into the folder. You're instead supposed to make an executable file to launch the game onto your desktop. Then right click on the .exe and open file location then drag the 'NOCD' file aka 'Simjp.exe' into the folder and replace the file. Exit folder, launch game. It works.
thermometer 2021-07-25 7 points
Can we get an updated guide on how to run this? Nothing seems to work, have tried multiple things.
Meng 2021-07-14 -3 points
this game will END in 2036 yr May. all visitor will hang and wont move and can't buy any dinosaur. you only can play this game before the date 2036 May.
jeaneamelia 2021-07-09 -12 points
AortaPlatinum 2021-06-08 4 points
Tried to use the nocd exe in the JPOG folder, a ton of DLLs missing. Mounted the ISO, "wrong disc". Fuck this man, this is ridiculous.
kaneno 2021-04-06 2 points
I loved playing this game on my Windows XP when I was a kid. Glad I'm able to play it again after so many years!
winston 2021-03-30 2 points
it keeps saying it cant find the msi, everytime i run the iso file it opens it through 7zip then i run setup it loads partially then brings up an error showing a file address then saying it cant find the msi
OliversMom 2021-03-16 0 point
Omg I am in shock this works. BLESS YOU KIND PERSON, thank you for the nostalgia. I am so happy!!!!
kodiak behr 2021-03-06 0 point
love the game when i played it on PS2. but cant seem to download this game on pc.
SiyunJang 2021-03-05 0 point
I love your desighn and games! Pleas create more!
Your kind regards,
RaisorBlade 2020-12-02 -1 point
I did everything but when I try to move the NCOD file, it says that the file is too big! I'm not sure what to do now!
What's A Paladin? 2020-11-15 67 points
In simple terms; first download the .iso file.
Create a folder for the game and place the .iso file within. Then, mount the .iso file. To mount the .iso file, simply double click it or right click it and select the 'mount' option. What this is doing is making this file act like a disc.
Next, run the setup executable file from within the .iso file. Ensure that the install wizard directs to the correct path, (Whatever folder you've created for the game to be installed in). You can have a desktop icon made if you'd like. When asked if you want to register the product, decline and everything should now be installed in a new folder 'JPOG' in within the same folder as the .iso file.
Then download the 'NOCD' file. The NOCD file is the game file proper. Take the executable file from it and place it into the JPOG folder, overwrite the already present file.
The game should now function properly, though it's resolution will be small and you'll have to set it in the options menu.
Bobbert 2020-10-07 -2 points
I keep running the game but it says "wrong disc inserted" even when i activated the iso. I don't know what to do with the nocd file, and now?
yjghjghj 2020-09-16 0 point
gendoby ya mam na imye qwert poolip i ya ce refund za gra co napravda nie gala
Stones 2020-09-06 0 point
Just downloaded the game, the no cd and the magicISO.
What to do now to start the game? It keeps telling me "No CD-Rom drive found"
Thanks for help :-)
Clyde3D 2020-04-03 -7 points
There are lots of mods and upgrades out there for this. I still use Win7.
Windows 10 is all about Microsoft and what kind of garbage they can install on your computer without you realizing it. Not about gaming is it? Get a black screen? You may have windows 10.
Skye 2020-03-27 1 point
so I loaded it up, downloaded it, set it up then when I open the game is shows me a black screen that looks like a console control bar with no text and when I drag my mouse it shows as if im highlighting something but that's about it, no menu or anything
Irak 2020-02-08 1 point
Está tardando mucho en descargar,alguien sabe un sitio para descargar jurassic park como Dios mande?
GROTZ 2020-01-17 0 point
Mounted the file with "Virtual Clone Drive", used the NoCD-Patch from Mega-Games and could start it.
Great Game, Love it, even if the Graphics are 20 years old
Jailen 2019-11-15 3 points
love this I watched many youtubers play this you made my dream come true!
Derp 2019-08-10 3 points
If you cant open the file format (its .mds not .iso) just download latest MagicDisk.
Ive had a version for over 10yrs that opened it and could install, but I wanted to make a standard .iso file to install on another PC that didnt have the software. Kept crashing when made iso file, but worked when tried latest version of MagicDisk.
Game works fine. Can change resolution to 1080p via changing values in the .ini file.
Tommy 2019-04-28 -5 points
Took forever to download and couldn't get working after trying many ways. Waste of time.
Caramel 2019-03-23 -9 points
It took a very long time to download. Wouldn't recommend the game either- laggy and crashes all the time.
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Download Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
Windows Version
Game Extras
Various files to help you run Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
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