Kasparov's Gambit
DOS - 1993
Description of Kasparov's Gambit
No doubt the most underrated chess game ever, Kasparov's Gambit features a powerful chess engine that used to tie World Champion Gary Kasparov, a comprehensive database of past matches, and --best of all-- Gary Kasparov himself giving advices and comments during the game, with digitized voices.
Although the game never sold well, it deservedly garners the 145th spot in CGW's Top 150 Games of All Time . CGW's comment: "Not up to the standard set by Chessmaster, but this was the first to effectively use multimedia in illuminating the mysteries of chess. Strong AI didn't hurt, either."
Review By HOTUD
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Comments and reviews
Wolfdale 2024-09-13 0 point
Game designs and features still can hold up till today
When pitted agsaints modern chess engine, will soon realised that
Gambit do not assign any values to chess pieces, it seems they are all same value.
At times Gambit are like freaking blind, it cannot see 2 moves ahead.
if Mao Tse-tung is still alive, for sure Mao Tse-tung will beat the crap out of Gambit.
nds 2021-03-11 0 point
work well in windows 7.
just extract so easy for me.
but in windows XP crash if kasparov begin to talk.
russel burgess 2021-03-03 -1 point
how do i run kasparovs gambit on dosbox iv tried but no luck?
Mr Bad at Chess But Likes the Game 2020-11-07 1 point
Who's here because of the Fred Knudsen documentary?
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DOS Version
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