NCAA: Road to the Final Four
DOS - 1991
Description of NCAA: Road to the Final Four
NCAA: Road to The Final Four games are among the first sports games to feature digitized players and sounds. Although gameplay is heavily arcade-oriented and the camera angles sometimes block crucial views, the games do offer some coaching options and primitive tactical options. Gamers who love details should steer clear of this duo, but they provide lots of fun for everyone else :)
Review By HOTUD
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Comments and reviews
Agathosdaimon 2022-06-11 0 point
I have discovered that the cracked version of this game on most sites is broken and the game is all screwed up when trying to play it - nothing will behave in any controllable way and it will even freeze up on occasion too.
I found if you install the game from the floppy disk image found on the internet archive site, the game runs well and is playable with none of the bizarre issues happening. The version however installed from floppy has manual copy protection which you either need the manual for (an online version is missing page numbers but the table of contents is page 1 for reference)
Or if you can use a copy protection removal program of which several for dos can be found online
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We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
DOS Version
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