Download Os 7 Invasores (Windows)

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Os 7 Invasores

Windows - 1998

Year 1998
Platform Windows
Released in United States
Genre Educational
Theme Interactive Book, Mini-Games, Sci-Fi / Futuristic
Publisher 44 Bico Largo
Developer 44 Bico Largo
1.5 / 5 - 2 votes

Description of Os 7 Invasores

1998, the year Os 7 Invasores was released on Windows. Made by 44 Bico Largo and published by 44 Bico Largo, this educational game is available for free on this page.

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

Pearlite 2021-04-22 0 point

This game is one of those interactive multimedia storybooks that were so popular in the nineties. The boy will tell you a story about a group of aliens who invade the planet Earth and cause pandemonium, but the real humor is that the action you see on each page has nothing to do with the rambling story that the boy is telling. Instead, seven aliens came to Earth to go to a concert, and had such a rough time of it that they left and decided to never come back.

The game plays in English and Portuguese.

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Download Os 7 Invasores

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Windows Version

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