Panzer General III: Scorched Earth
Windows - 2000
Description of Panzer General III: Scorched Earth
Panzer General III: Scorched Earth is an excellent entry in SSI's Panzer General series. The game continues to use the gorgeous 3D engine that powers Panzer General 3D Assault, but features much-improved AI and better play mechanics.
This time, the arena is the Eastern Front of World War II. You can command either German or Russian armies in 4 campaigns (1 long and 1 short from each side). You can also play custom maps, random maps, or single scenarios.
In contrast to previous PG games, PGIII lets you play a strategic role by choosing where to strike next. This means you can replay the game multiple times to see new branches on the campaign tree. The most dramatic - and welcome - change from the previous PG games is how experience is evaluated and used. In contrast to previous games where each unit gets better with experience, in RPG fashion, the PGIIISE system focuses the experience on the leaders of units rather than the units themselves.
In addition, these leaders have different natural skills and abilities that make them suited to one particular type of unit. You can also distribute "stars" (i.e. experience points) manually amongst your leaders after each battle. This represents field promotions, but also allows you to "groom" your leaders at will. With enough stars, leaders gain special orders that can be issued in addition to basic orders - not unlike the fantasy heroes of Warlords III. Naturally, this means personnel management plays an even more important role in PGIIISE than other wargames - true to the real world. You will be forced to make choices due to limited leaders. For example, should you assign an artillery officer to command a fighter unit, since there are no dedicated fighter commanders left?
Like other PG games, you often have a myriad of air and ground forces at your disposal, comprising hundreds of different unit types that include infantry, tank, anti-tank, reconnaissance, fighter, bomber, artillery, and air defense. The units are rated in 12 offensive and defensive categories which signify, among other things, their effectiveness against armored targets, firing range, and ammo level. The difficulty is well-balanced on both sides: another welcome change from the imbalances of, say, Pacific General. Superb 3D graphics and sound effects add icing to the cake.
The bottom line is simple: PGIIISE is definitely one of the best in the 5-Star series, and a must-have for every armchair commander. A must-have, and a welcome entrance into our Hall of Belated Fame.
Review By HOTUD
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Comments and reviews
Nick 2024-01-12 0 point
I read that you solved your mouse problem. Forget my comment then.
Nick 2024-01-12 0 point
Go and have a look at the "Performance" tab in the system properties (right-click on workstation, then properties", and try enabling or disabling some of the cursor stuff.
Let me know if you come back here and if your problem is still relevant. Maybe it will help someone else with the same problem.
Nick 2024-01-12 0 point
Purtroppo non possiamo fornire queste informazioni in questa sede, poiché il proprietario dell'IP non è stato autorizzato.
Nick 2024-01-12 0 point
It depends on the type of file you have. For example, if it's an .ISO file, then you need an ISO program to open it, extract it and transfer it to another file.
Then you can install it as you wish, but don't forget the previous comment I gave ROB here about the DRM driver. My solution is shown here in the comments.
Nick 2024-01-12 1 point
This behavior is a subsequent cause of Microsoft’s decision to disable 2 of the old style DRMs from Windows 7 version for security purposes. This decision has ended up breaking thousands of old games that were designed to use Securom and Safedisk unless the original developer decides to release a patch to make the game compatible with your Windows.
Method: Enabling SC Start SecDrv service via Registry Editor
Will allow you to enable the DRM file required to play legacy games from Windows 7 version via Registry Editor.
Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, type ‘regedit’ inside the text box, then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open up Registry Editor with admin access. When you are prompted by the User Account Control (UAC), click Yes to grant administrative privileges.
Regedit Command
Once you’re inside the Regedit Editor utility, use the left-hand section to navigate to the following registry location:
Once you get to the correct location, move over to the right-hand side, right-click on an empty space and choose DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Creating a Dword value
After you manage to create the Dword value, name it secdrv.
Next, double-click on the secdrv Dword value, set the Base to Hexadecimal and value Data to 2.
Close Registry Editor and launch the legacy game that wouldn’t open previously.
walter 2021-06-24 -2 points
ciao , io sarò scemo , ma non trovo nessun modo per fare il download .............
Panzermaniac 2018-12-14 -1 point
I got it. After updating the graphic driver, it was cleared- No disappearance of mouse.
Fward 2018-10-10 -1 point
Why does your PZGIII Schorched Earth Rip not have any of the music files. I downloaded them mp3 files separately and it still didnt work
panzermaniac 2018-10-06 1 point
Thanks for sharing!
I use window7 and the mouse in the game disappear after 2~3 minutes of playing.
After I quit the game and reload, it works and continue to disappear.
Anybody can help me?
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Download Panzer General III: Scorched Earth
No file available as requested by the IP owner. Stay tuned for a Steam or GOG release - can take years though.
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