Download Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (Windows)

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Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

Windows - 2008

Alt names Spider-Man: El Reino de las Sombras, Spider-Man: Le Règne des Ombres, Человек-Паук: Паутина Теней, Spider-Man: Il Regno delle Ombre, Spider-Man: Netz der Schatten
Year 2008
Platform Windows
Released in Czechia, France, Russia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, United States
Genre Action
Theme Beat 'em up / Brawler, Licensed Title, Quick Time Events, Sandbox / Open World
Publisher Activision Publishing, Inc., Noviy Disk
Developer Shaba Games LLC, Treyarch Corporation
Perspective Behind view
Tested on Windows 10
4.34 / 5 - 621 votes

Description of Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

2008, the year Spider-Man: Web of Shadows was released on Windows. Made by Treyarch Corporation, Shaba Games LLC and published by Activision Publishing, Inc., Noviy Disk, this action game is available for free on this page.

External links

How to play Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Windows

Read Full Description

The game v1.1 with NoDVD has been tested on Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 10 and Windows 11 21H2, it works fine, the game supports high and widescreen resolutions up to 4k. You may experience some small troubles when you play the game on modern systems, check our Guide and Notes for details

Install & play guide:

  • Mount the ISO image with disc image utility, like WinCDEmu, UltraISO, Alcohol 52%/Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools Lite, etc. Or, if you have WinRAR installed, extract the files from ISO image
  • Install the game (if autorun doesn't work - simply launch the installation from Setup.exe inside the disc). It is recommended to install the game not in default path, but in some other, non-system folder, like C:/Games/Spider-Man Web of Shadows
  • After you installed the game, install the patch v1.1, run the patch installer as administrator
  • Then use NoDVD, simply copy Spider-Man Web of Shadows.exe from the archive and and put it in Spider-Man Web of Shadows/image/pc folder, agree to replace original file
  • Open the directory with installed game and find Spider-Man Launcher.exe and Spider-Man Web of Shadows.exe. Right click on both exe-files -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Set "Run this app in compatibility mode with Windows XP" and "Run as administrator"
  • Run the Launcher (Spider-Man Launcher.exe) to configure the game settings and select the screen resolution
  • Launch the game from Spider-Man Web of Shadows.exe and play. If the game doesn't work in compatibility mode with Windows XP - try to launch it in compatibility mode with other version of Windows (Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc.)

Repacks are already include the game v1.1 with NoDVD, you can simply install & play. If you have WinRAR installed, you can extract repacks as an archive - right click on .ISO file -> Extract files. Repack by ElAmigos includes English, French, German, Italian & Spanish languages, repack by R.G. Mechanics include English & Russian languages (make sure to select the language before installation, by default it install Russian version). However, repacks doesn't include fixes, so we recommend to check our Guide and Notes if you have troubles

What to do if you have stuttering in game:

  • First thing, try to use Stuttering Fix, it significantly decrease the number of stutters and micro-freezes. That fix must be installed on the game v1.0, it includes the edited configuration files & patch v1.1, the installation instruction is inside the archive. If you still have stutters even with that fix - disable Vsync in Launcher (Spider-Man Launcher.exe), also make sure that Vsync is disabled in settings of your video card. And we recommend to install the game on SSD if you have it, that should decrease the number of stutters too
  • If it didn't help - go to C:/Users/"UserName"/AppData/Local/Activision/Spider-Man Web of Shadows folder and open Config.xml in Notepad. Add the following lines at the bottom of the file and save the file (check this thread for details what it changes):
       <s id="Windowed">0</s>
       <s id="MaxCpuCount">4</s>
       <s id="VideoHz">60</s>
  • If even that methods didn't work - try to run the game in Borderless Windowed mode, you probably will need to use Borderless Gaming app, check this guide for instructions. Additionally, try to disable Vsync in the game through Launcher, and enable Fast Vsync for the game in control panel of your video card


  • If the installation doesn't start - try to launch Setup.exe in compatibility mode with old version of Windows (98, 2000 or XP)
  • It is recommended to install all versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and NET Framework for the correct work of the game. Also it is recommended to install K-Lite Codec Pack for the correct work of in-game videos
  • The game works on DirectX 9, so if you're using Windows 8, 8.1, 10 or 11 - you need to enable DirectPlay: Go to Control Panel, and select 'Programs'. Select 'Turn Windows features on and off', click on 'Legacy Components' and check the box 'DirectPlay'. Select OK, once the installation is done, restart your computer
  • NoDVD is required for the launch because the game is using SafeDisc DRM protection, which doesn't work correctly on modern systems. NoDVD "cracks" DRM protection and allows to run the game without the disc. If you see error that there's not enough space on the hard drive when you copy NoDVD files - re-install the game in non-system folder, like D:/Games/Spider-Man Web of Shadows, Windows Protection may block copying of files to system folders (like C:/Program Files or C:/Windows)
  • If you have issues with broken mechanics or visual glitches: originally the game was designed to run at 30 FPS, the patch v1.1 unlocks higher framerate up to 120 FPS. But there might be issues on high framerates, making some missions impassable, here's the list of possible issues. It can be fixed by limiting the framerate to 30 FPS with framerate limit utilities. For example, the easiest method is to use ThirteenAG's d3d9-wrapper (32-bit version from, simply copy d3d9.dll & d3d9.ini in Spider-Man Web of Shadows/image/pc folder, next to Spider-Man Web of Shadows.exe, then open d3d9.ini in Notepad and enter FPSLimit=30; after that save the changes and run the game. That method can be used when you only need it, like you can beat the hard mission with 30 FPS framerate cap, then uncap the framerate and keep playing with high FPS (enter FPSLimit=0 to remove the cap, or remove d3d9 files from the game folder)
  • Please note that if you use Stuttering Fix and limit the framerate at the same time, you may get visual glitches; so if you have any glitches - reinstall the game without Stuttering Fix, don't forget to make back-up of savegames files
  • If you have too sensitive mouse control or camera moving too fast - lower mouse sensitivty in Launcher. If it didn't help - cap the framerate at 30 FPS, it should help
  • The game has full controller support, but mouse must be connected to navigate through the Launcher. The game should work fine with XInput-type controllers and PlayStation gamepads; if the game doesn't recognize your gamepad - try using one of the additional tools from PCGamingWiki guide for controllers
  • If you have problem with broken sound effects or disappearing sound - first try to change the sound settings. If it didn't work - set sound quality to 24 bit, 48000 Hz or 24 bit, 44100 Hz. Read this guide how to do that
  • If you play on ultrawide or multi-display setup, use TripleHead Fix by WSGF, to have the correct Field of View (FOV), check this thread for details
  • For users of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7: if you have errors at launch, try to install all redistrutables from the disc (DirectX, vcredist_x86.exe, Windows Installer 3.1.exe, msxml6_x86.exe, dotnetfx35.exe), even if you have other versions of that redistrutables installed (if the installer will say that newer version is installed, simply click OK)
  • The game has a lot of mods, you can find them on ModDB, NexusMods or GameBanana
  • After updating the game to v1.1, the un-installer shows error, for unknown reason. If you see the error when you try to delete the game through Windows Control Panel, delete the game with special utilities such as Revo Uninstaller
  • Don't forget to check PCGamingWiki if you have troubles!

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

admin 2025-01-11 2 points

We updated this page, added Stuttering Fix that should significantly decrease the number of stutters, and the guide with solutions for most common troubles

Asta 2025-01-10 2 points

Well I download the game and it worked after extracting it turns to a disk file use power iso to extract it then install the setup then to use controllers download xbox 360 controller emulator extract it in the game file and configure it start the game and u can then use a controller

Spidey guy 2024-12-22 3 points

Hey admin i don't know if you Will ever read this but, does this game always freezes and crash for like 10 minutes of playing on modern hardware? I already installed net framework visual c++ and such and i also put dxvk to prevent crash but still no luck, game was running fine and smooth on my system, is there a fix for this? Thanks in advance

JUNIOR 2024-12-05 2 points

I love this game so much but I can't install it. I really really really want this game

Razal 2024-12-03 -1 point


hs gamer 2024-11-14 0 point

this make a long time but this good

david_spidey23 2024-10-26 0 point

@KISHU this method works but I don't understand Russian!!! ;-)

david_spidey23 2024-10-26 0 point

On ArcoLinux doesn't work at all.
Please follow these links and instructions if you want a real working version:

I suggest you to play also Spider-Man 3

Just wanna play Games 2024-10-24 -1 point

"Originally the game was designed to run at 30 FPS, so if you have troubles with game working too fast (for example, mouse control can be too sensitive at high FPS) - in that case temporarily cap the frame rate to 30 FPS through utilities like DxWnd or RTSS" Sooo... what the hell does that mean?

Allie 2024-09-10 -1 point

You know how there's a part where you're supposed to take out these giant needles to deactivate Fisk's defenses so you can reach the top? Yeah, i press the button and it kinda wants to do the animation but it doesn't actually do it.
Any ideas what may be causing that? And how can I fix it?

pingwuinchik 2024-08-25 2 points

I have error :! Cannot open C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DIa18144.36252.rartemp\SM_WoS.iso
The system cannot find the specified path.
! Cannot execute "⪠冦Ȯ"

Fe@rle$$ 2024-08-22 2 points

Can i use a dualshock 4 pad to play the game

someone 2024-08-20 2 points

bro i might be dumb but what does it mean "install the patch"

Aununu 2024-08-05 1 point

to anyone that tried to install the iso version of web of shadows and it didnt work try to install it to a custom folder, then download the 1.1 updater, extract it (you can use winrar or 7zip) and run the "SMWoS-1.1-PatchSetup" file then put your web of shadows folder location and download the patch, then download the noCD 1.1 Patch And extract it then copy the "Spider-Man Web of Shadows.exe" file from the noCD 1.1 folder and paste it to where the "Spider-Man Web of Shadows.exe" is at then click replace all files and your done :P (you can left click the "Spider-Man Web of Shadows.exe" and press create a shortcut if you want a shortcut)

CJ 2024-08-04 1 point

I want the game please

Leopoha 2024-06-24 1 point

Como usa o controle?

Alex 2024-06-19 1 point

after i break out rhino and tinkerer, the game bugs and no mission pops up what do i do?

Dex 2024-06-15 1 point

Whenever I save manually or automatically it doesn't let me load it when I leave the game and open it again (Its like the save file just never existed) whelp there goes one hour of gameplay

freddy 2024-06-05 1 point

quiero jugar

Kishu 2024-05-30 4 points

Just follow this steps:-
• download game from repack from R.G.
•After extraction you will get an ISO disk folder
•Just right click of file inside the folder and click on open with winrar maybe 6-7th option
•after opening copy everything and paste on another folder(New folder)
• Then just click on setup and select language Russian and Game will run

cori 2024-05-24 0 point

Why can't I download it? The progress bar is always stuck at 92%

GamerBeatz 2024-05-10 3 points

Yo when I open the game with launcher it simply says error it needs a DVD.I downloaded the Original DVD version and more the patch.
But the app simply doesn't work?
Ya'll should check and fix it.

alex 2024-05-02 1 point

when I launch the launcher it says I need a disc and I downloaded the no DVD disc and still didn't work

Nik 2024-04-10 0 point

I can't run the launcher. Whenever I try to launch it it doesn't load. It says it opened but it never actually opens.

Peter_m 2024-03-21 1 point

If there is, can you add patch for gamepad.

abcgamer 2024-03-09 -1 point

i don't understand. why cant i replace the .exe file it keeps on saying that u do not the permission?any help?

king of pop 2024-02-01 1 point

i love this game and i want to have some

Lavesh 2024-01-29 2 points

It is a very good game

kkashi 2024-01-28 -6 points

how to downlod and install the game

MrMoostacheo 2024-01-14 1 point

This game is amazing! Already on my second playthrough.

alucard007 2023-12-23 3 points

how can i downalod this game on win 11? if anybody knows reply me in step by step please

SrCookie 2023-12-14 1 point

For those who asking, you need to install 3 files for the ISO original DVD: Obvious, the ISO version, the 1.1 patch and the NoDVD for 1.1 version. You just need to replace the exe from the image/pc folder by the NoDVD exe.
Now, have fun with your game!

cd enjor of games 2023-10-20 2 points

10/10 of game you should play it

MoleMad 2023-10-10 4 points

What's the difference between the original ISO and the repack? Does the repack already have the 1.1 patch?

Finn 2023-09-29 1 point

Which File is the patch?

Artem Ravvin 2023-09-24 1 point

I tried to download it in ISO and can't find SpiderManWebofShadows.exe Where is it?

DRAKOGIVEHIMHALO 2023-06-24 4 points

it dont work it keeps asking me to insert correct dvd rom and i cant even drag crack file into it because it says no space on disk

Sayorana 2023-06-08 15 points

How do you use controller?

Jamie007 2023-04-05 12 points

I installed the file so how do i start playing the game

Azan 2023-03-19 3 points

The spiderman web of shadows.exe opens but doesnt tho the launcher works properly, i followed every instruction, i have directx working, i copied the whole drive things to D folder and replaced the nodvd .exe with the original one but as i said before doesnt work.

vanilla 2023-03-06 2 points

Previous versions that were here years ago didn't work for me, but the current ISO and NoDVD crack worked like a charm. Game works on Windows 11.

122142145 2023-02-10 1 point

doesn't work at all. on windows 11

yu ming 2023-01-05 1 point

i like spiderman games!

Daniel 2022-12-01 1 point

i like this game its may favorite game

garer 2022-11-08 2 points

i think this is good

admin 2022-09-16 9 points

@TENATE108 Try to run the launcher in compatibility mode with old Windows (Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Win7)

goten2999 2022-09-15 0 point

como instalo los parches del juego

Parthgame07 2022-09-14 0 point

Thank you. This works fine and I really like how you have all the old spiderman games i really appreciate your website.

TenAte108 2022-09-13 1 point

The game works fine and the FPS is not a problem for me but when I try to open Web of Shadows launcher it doesn't work it says "has stopped working" I am trying to configure my game settings and controls but i can't because of this problem, I thought it was DirectX problem but i reinstalled it and still, the game exe works fine tho

SpoderMahn 2022-08-23 1 point

The El Amigos Repack seems to work best. I'll have to see how far I get. Thanks for the reupload. God Bless your site. You guys keep bringing stuff I never thought I'd see again on PC :)

GSDUDE 2022-08-10 -2 points

@ADMIN thanks for the upload the no cd patch, really appreciate!

admin 2022-08-08 13 points

We have updated the game, added new repacks and ISO version of original DVD, removed old setup that wasn't working. Repacks has many different languages so choose one on your preferences.

We recommend to use download managers for downloading of big files.

Added NoDVDs

gsdude 2022-08-03 -2 points

is there a no dvd fix?

John 2022-05-07 1 point

Doesn't seem to work after mounting the ISO drive. Also, why is it only Russian and English?

It wasn't stuck at 99.3% for me, running on a Windows 10

Fifa Boy 2022-04-03 2 points

doss not work because is stuck at 99,3%

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadGerman version German version 7.2 GB DownloadUS version
English & French languages English version French version 7.9 GB
DownloadRepack by ElAmigos
English, French, German, Spanish & Italian languages English version French version German version Spanish; Castilian version Italian version 6.3 GB
DownloadRepack by R.G.Mechanics
English & Russian languages (select the language before installation) English version Russian version 3.9 GB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

NocdNoDVD for version 1.0 English version 4 MB NocdNoDVD for version 1.1 English version 4 MB PatchInternational patch v1.1 English version 18 MB FixStuttering Fix
Significantly decrease the number of stutters and micro-freezes English version 26 MB
MiscRussian translation patch
Text translation only Russian version 25 MB
ModRussian textures mod by ArturNice Russian version 63 MB

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