Download The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink

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The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink

Windows - 1998

Also available on: Windows 3.x

Alt names Розовая Пантера. Фокус-Покус, הפנתר הורוד: הוקוס פוקוס, Den Lyserøde Panter - I Hokus Pokus Panter, Hokus Pokus: Różowa Pantera, La Pantera Rosa en Abracadabra Rosa, La Panthère Rose 2: Destination Mystère, Pink Panther und die Zauberformel, The Pink Panther's: Hokus Pokus Pink, La Pantera Rosa in Abracadabra, A Pantera Cor De Rosa: Abracadabra
Year 1998
Platform Windows
Released in Germany (1998)
Netherlands (2005)
Genre Adventure, Educational
Theme Ecology / Nature, Foreign Language, Geography, History, Licensed Title, Puzzle elements, Religion
Publisher Mindscape Northern Europe B.V., Ravensburger Interactive Media GmbH
Developer Wanderlust Interactive
Perspective 3rd-Person
4 / 5 - 51 votes

Description of The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink

The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink, a really nice educational game sold in 1998 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Also available on Windows 3.x, time to play an ecology / nature, foreign language, geography, history, religion, licensed title and puzzle elements video game title.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

Tom 2024-05-28 0 point

Portuguese title (I typed it wrong):

A Pantera Cor De Rosa: Abracadabra

Tom 2024-05-28 1 point

Polish: (Redump)


Italian title: La Pantera Rosa in Abracadabra
Portuguese title: Pantera Cor De Rosa: Abracadabra

In Poland released by CD Projekt in 2000.
In Brazil released by MPO in 1998.

PantherHelper 2023-12-25 -1 point

Used a tip that came from the Pink Panther Passport of Peril page, and worked for this game!
The problem is just that some needed files are hidden on the iso by default. You have to check "Show hidden files and folders" in Windows Explorer to make all files on the iso visible, then find the two mentiones files - HPP.ORB and HPP.EXE in the INSTALL folder, copy them to a harddisk folder of your choice, and point SCUMMVM to it. The game will play from that folder.

Hook 2023-04-14 1 point

could someone help me run this game I cant find any way to run it

Flyboy 2023-03-03 8 points

Easy way! Use scummvm emulator. drop these Required data files HPP.EXE and
HPP.ORB into a folder Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink and then direct scumm emulator to it useing the add game button

game fixer 2022-09-05 0 point

got it to work:
1. download and unzip
2. run unecm.bat
3. mount your new pokus.bin to a virtual drive. you will need a software for that. I used virtual clone drive. so download and install it first. than right click and choose "open with virtual clone drive.
4. manual install: copy everything from the virtual drive folder to a new folder. hidden files included. so make sure they are visible.
5. set compatibly mode to win xp sp3
6. now the game gonna run when you press the pokus.exe. but the sound will glitch. to fix this finale issue. go to youtube and search : Dobby Tutorials: The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink - How to run on Windows 10 and sound FIX. in the description you will find a link for a download: find v6.1a. download, copy, and replace the original glitchy dll file in the game folder.

bonzille 2022-02-02 -1 point

if your'e going post games how about putting the damned instructions about how to install the game for god sake

Ray 2021-06-03 1 point

Use DOSBox with WIn 3.11. It's a 16-bit application after all.

Lilly 2020-10-03 2 points

doesn't work with 64 bit Windows.

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Download The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadISO Version English version 261 MB DownloadISO Version Danish version 285 MB DownloadISO Version German version 275 MB DownloadISO Version Spanish; Castilian version 259 MB DownloadISO Version French version 268 MB DownloadISO Version Italian version 251 MB DownloadISO Version Dutch version 263 MB DownloadISO Version Polish version 291 MB DownloadISO Version Portuguese version 276 MB DownloadISO Version Swedish version 263 MB ManualGerman version 27 MB

Windows 3.x Version

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