Download Thinkin' Things Collection 1

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Thinkin' Things Collection 1

Windows 3.x - 1993

Also available on: Mac

Year 1993
Platform Windows 3.x
Released in United States
Genre Educational
Theme Graphics / Art, Math / Logic, Music, Pre-school / Toddler
Publisher Edmark Corporation
Developer Edmark Corporation
4.68 / 5 - 58 votes

Description of Thinkin' Things Collection 1

Thinkin' Things Collection 1 is a video game published in 1993 on Windows 3.x by Edmark Corporation. It's an educational game, set in a graphics / art, math / logic, music and pre-school / toddler themes, and was also released on Mac.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows 3.x

Comments and reviews

KONM 2024-08-12 1 point Mac version

Is there a Japanese version of Thinking Things Collection 1?

Ian Pitcherello 2023-05-27 1 point Mac version

I want to play thinking things collection 1 on the macintosh please thank you.

MissaJL 2023-05-23 0 point

You have NO idea how long I spent trying to remember the name of this game. I'm pretty sure I played it obsessively when I was really young.

Michael 2022-09-09 -2 points Mac version

I want to play thinking things collection 1 on the macintosh please

Ej 2017-07-25 0 point

I love it

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Download Thinkin' Things Collection 1

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows 3.x Version

Mac Version

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