Download Unreal Tournament

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Unreal Tournament

Windows - 1999

Also available on: Mac - Linux

Alt names アンリアル トーナメント, 浴血戰場, 虚幻竞技场, Tournament, UT, UT99
Year 1999
Platform Windows
Released in Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States (1999)
Germany, United Kingdom (2000)
Brazil (2002)
United Kingdom (2003)
Genre Action
Theme Brutal Sports, Cyberpunk / Dark Sci-Fi, Editor / Construction Set, FPS, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Shooter
Publisher Acer TWP Corp, Atari, Inc., GT Interactive Software Corp., Infogrames, Inc.
Developer Digital Extremes, Inc., Epic Games, Inc.
Perspective 1st-Person
4.38 / 5 - 77 votes

Description of Unreal Tournament

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They Did What!!!!???

When word got around that both Epic and id were working on sequels to Unreal and Quake II, respectively, the gaming community rejoiced. When Epic and id announced plans to diverge from the traditional single-player experience in favour of multiplayer-centric games, the gaming community split. With Unreal Tournament in hand and Quake III in manufacturing, we are now realizing the genius of this decision.

Gamers embraced Unreal for the wonderful single-player level design - among the best ever. But it was the inclusion of bots that captured my attention and held it long after the single-player game grew old. Though Unreal suffered from numerous network issues (such as eternal lag when played online) and otherworldly weapons that left many of us with a raised eyebrow, the game showed definite promise.

To get at the heart of Unreal Tournament, one must follow the progression of first-person shooters from Quake onward. Quake's open architecture allowed enthusiastic gamers to enhance the basic engine in ways the creators never imagined (or lacked the time to implement). Capture the Flag proved among the most successful and popular of modifications - in fact, many people prefer a good Capture the Flag game to Deathmatch. But finding online players proved somewhat difficult, what with around ten different versions of the Capture the Flag mod. Another popular add-on, automated robot players (bots), delivered a workaround for this problem.

While early bots played Deathmatch quite capably, Capture the Flag proved much more difficult for our silicon and software friends. Fortunately, one of the top bot programmers went to work for Epic and created the excellent AI for Unreal and more recently, Unreal Tournament. At its most basic, Unreal Tournament has taken the Unreal Engine, tweaked it for improved network performance, and blended it with a bot army capable of near-human gameplay.

I am Myself

While much of the gaming press has focused on the online play of Unreal Tournament, the game is much more than this. The single-player experience is among the most ambitious projects to date and delivers in spades. I've heard Unreal Tournament compared to Street Fighter, with a player competing head to head against YAC (yet another competitor) until the ultimate victory is achieved. This oversimplification doesn't do justice to the numerous hours of gaming fun that this mode offers.

Unreal Tournament delivers hours of single player fun even when you have no intentions of playing online. But these skills also translate to multiplayer gaming, which is the crown jewel of Unreal Tournament. Players who don't enjoy Deathmatch with bots, such as found in Unreal, may find the team element of Capture the Flag or Domination much more enjoyable. I strongly recommend downloading the Unreal Tournament Demo before purchasing the full game. The demo includes everything you need to make an intelligent buying decision. If you've played the demo and enjoyed it, then I can make a blanket recommendation to purchase this game. The demo is but the tip of the iceberg.

Many gamers have been intimidated by online gaming, fearing their modest skills and inexperience will prove frustrating or even embarrassing. Believe it or not, not everyone enjoys being used for target practice by more experienced Quake disciples. By allowing players to train and develop skills before signing on to the Internet, the multiplayer experience is greatly enhanced. But this is a very shallow analysis.

Single player Unreal Tournament doesn't deliver the traditional single-player experience, but the game is none the worse for it.

United We Stand

Multi-player Unreal Tournament finally delivers the goods that, until now, only the dedicated elite have ever enjoyed. Capture the Flag, Domination, Assault and Team Deathmatch have all existed (in some form or another) in other games. Yet the genius of Unreal Tournament isn't the inclusion of these varying modes, but their exceptional implementation.

The bandwidth disadvantaged (meaning anyone without DSL or a cable modem) have complained about the unfairness of competing online against their low-ping counterparts. With the variety of online gaming modes, this shortcoming is partially addressed. Having played the game with both a cable modem and a 28.8k modem, I found distinct differences. Deathmatch proves difficult with a traditional modem, as the high ping latency forces players to anticipate their target more. Unreal Tournament proves no better or worse than Quake III Demo Test, but does improve on the latest Unreal patch. Cable modem and DSL owners will find a few more pleasures from Deathmatch play, though Unreal Tournament doesn't do anything for you that you aren't already getting.

Though I possess only modest Deathmatch skills, it's not unheard of for me to lead my team in Domination and sit in the middle of the pack in Capture the Flag... with my 28.8k modem, no less. Curiously, I fare only slightly better with my cable modem, though the overall experience does improve (darn latency!). Choices. That's the one thing my cable modem gives me that my 28.8k modem doesn't. With a high-speed connection, many games appear with pings in the low 100s, while my 28.8k modem would find only one or two games in the mid to upper 200s.

But modem owners shouldn't feel left out of the online arena. Because Unreal Tournament provides several modes of play, high-ping players can pick a game mode (and role) more suitable to high-ping environments. Capture the Flag, Assault and Domination all play well with a traditional modem, though you would be wise to stick with defending the base or holding a position. ***Unreal Tournament'***s new game modes, unlike Unreal, allow players with high pings to play competitively with low-ping players. Modem users shouldn't hesitate at all to go online. With an eye towards a future where more and more home users purchase cable modems and affordable DSL, this game should provide gaming enjoyment for months to come.

Just as importantly, players who have never played online before can access this world of play through the in-game interface, without the need to download GameSpy or another 3rd party utility. Why hasn't it been made this simple before? Because the Quake Club has enjoyed exclusivity and could care less about the average gamer. Unreal Tournament makes no pretensions.

It's You And Me Against the World

Internet mode couldn't be simpler. Just select an Internet game and the computer finds the host with the best ping times. Games are categorized by game mode (Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, etc) and include all the necessary information to help players make an intelligent decision. The most popular mode of play tends to be Deathmatch, though Capture the Flag is making a run for the money. Assault requires real team effort and loses much of its luster on-line, but you will still find the curious and dedicated on these servers. Domination, with its combination of Deathmatch skills and teamwork, carries over very well online.

For the more traditional Deathmatch player, Last Man Standing adds an extra sense of paranoia lacking in other games, in that you're limited to only 5 lives. I found myself running around a level with only one other player. It had come down to the two of us and I had no idea where he was. Should I move or hide? I decided to move quickly to the other side of the level. As I sprinted across a large open platform my head was shot away from my body. OK. Now I knew I was facing a sniper. He's going to expect me to hide, so he's probably going on the move to surprise me. I'll draw him out. I sprinted into another open area and quickly had my head shot off.

My mouse was now slippery from the sweat of a man marked for death. OK - he's still sniping. This time I'll wait for him to move and then I'll show him what a real sniper can do. What's that? The sound of footsteps? Suddenly we're both battling it out with rocket launchers and I back myself into a pool of lava. Game over dude.

This heightened sense of desperation adds a lot to the traditional Deathmatch mode of play. I can't stand it - too much anxiety and anticipation of death. When you win, it's great to know you were the best (that time). When you lose, it's fun to watch from a spectator spot and see a fool run into a trap.

As you play online, your individual stats are kept at the ngStats server. If you've ever wanted to know how you compare with the rest of the world, simply log on to the server for a taste of humble pie. Even if you haven't played much online, your local stats are kept as well. Check these and discover that you've killed yourself with the rocket launcher more often than you've killed the enemy? Time to avoid that weapon!

Thank Heaven for Friendly Fire

Updated weapons have finally encouraged players to use whatever weapon is available instead of tossing the 'lame' weapons of the original Unreal. While the rocket launcher still dominates the scene, the new Razorjack has finally become a halfway decent weapon. The double enforcer (two pistols) in rapid-fire mode is almost as valuable as the chain gun. The improved Flak Cannon has become a new favorite with its alt-fire combo finally providing high lethality. The Bio-Rifle remains a bust, however, and probably remains in the game for internal political reasons (somebody's girlfriend probably designed it and nobody wants to piss her off!).

Epic left the grappling hook out of Unreal Tournament (though this has been a fan favorite in most Capture the Flag mods). This decision has angered the few grapple-monkeys who could dominate a game through skillful and practiced use of this versatile device. This concession to the average player doesn't detract from the game at all. The Translocator device replaces the grappling hook and allows players to reach unreachable locations easily. A player launches the Translocator disk and later teleports to the disks' location.

Many games have hoped to emulate the BFG-9000 of Doom fame, but such an awesome weapon has typically unbalanced the game. Enter the Redeemer. Epic has taken a solid approach to implementing this doomsday device and the results are thumbs up. The Redeemer fires a tactical nuclear weapon with a large killing radius. Anyone caught in its path faces certain death (including you). By placing this weapon only in certain maps it changes the game dynamics positively. The Lava Giant Capture the Flag level allows players to use this awesome weapon both offensively and defensively. If you hear the cry "They've got our flag" - simply fire the Redeemer at your own base and watch the flag carrier die. With friendly fire turned off, your compatriots are free to retrieve the flag. Players on the receiving end of the redeemer need only take careful aim to knock the slow-moving missile from the sky.

The Best of the Best

It's hardly a surprise that a game with 50 levels would have a few crown jewels and few less-than-glamorous achievements. On the positive side, some levels create a real sense of astonishment and respect. Attacking the Frigate in Assault mode proves slightly ho-hum, while the high-speed train is promise itself. You will undoubtedly find your favorite levels and replay them over and over. At the same time, some levels only reveal their greatness after repeated play. Lava Giant, a Capture the Flag level, at first glance looks and feels rather dull. Repeated play reveals special weapons tactics and team play issues that bring out the best of Capture the Flag.

The most important factor on any level is the right number of players. Four-player Domination isn't fun on large levels, but neither is 16-players on a small map. When playing levels in practice mode or running a server for a LAN game, each level includes a preview shot of the map as well as a recommended number of players - usually 4-6, 6-12, or 8-16. Most public servers cater to the larger crowds, and thus only rotate through the larger maps. But the inclusion of smaller maps allows players to run 5 bots without significantly impacting performance and still have enough players for a good game. Regardless of your intentions, you will find excellent examples of both small and large maps.

Better Than Human

The bots are useful for solo training and more importantly, LAN games. Have you ever rounded up 3 to 5 friends for a LAN game but lacked the numbers for larger maps? bots to the rescue. Though you can split your team into two human sides, the real fun of Unreal Tournament LAN games comes when humans battle the bots. The bots are surprisingly capable of mounting a cohesive attack and are suspiciously smart. Though I suspect heavy cheating (how come they know when they're in my rocket launcher crosshairs?), they perform similarly to humans. If you pay careful attention, you will find that bots frequently know the dynamics of the game better than you. bots don't have the mental block of insurmountable castle walls and easily navigate past them. While you may find yourself running around a barrier, the bots will head for the gravity boots and leap the walls.

The bots prove less smart when they're on your team. They seem to think you actually know what you're doing and rally around you waiting for instructions. Egad. I shouldn't be in charge of anyone. Practice sessions allow the bots to shine, especially as opponents. At times you will swear that they knew you were coming or that there are more of them than there are of you. They are adept at picking the right weapons and navigating through difficult maps. Best of all, you can instruct the bots to adapt to your abilities so that they always provide a reasonable challenge.

At the most difficult settings, teams games (Domination and Capture the Flag) will require the humans to communicate and implement an effective plan to defeat the bots. You won't find many Internet servers hosting bots, but this adds greatly to the value of LAN mode play. Why play 2 on 3 when you can load up bots and play 6 on 6? This is the way LAN games should be played.

Human players can direct other humans and bots through a simple interface. Holding the 'V' key brings up an on-screen menu. This menu, accessed with your mouse, allows players to issue commands such as "Attack their base", "Defend", or "I Need Help". Though this interface is a bit awkward to learn, its flexibility makes up for the learning curve. If you aren't happy with this arrangement, simply map commands to your keyboard to achieve the same effect. I tend to use the "Get Their Flag" and "Defend Our Flag" bound to keys, while I pick my taunts individually. Short of voice communication (which the bots couldn't understand), this is the best one could hope for.

Eyes and Ears

This issue will probably split the gaming community. Half of all gamers prefer the dark, sullen and gothic (that means brown and the varying shades of brown) setting of the Quake franchise. The other half prefers the science-fictionalized world of Unreal. You will find examples of both in Unreal Tournament. Castles, galleons, warships, futuristic space stations and dark dungeons will put every player "at home" eventually. Though this lack of cohesion would spell disaster for a single-player mission-type game, it doesn't feel at all out of place here. The change of scenery is greeted with enthusiasm, not suspicion. In the final analysis, this freedom from stylistic constraints has produced fantastic and inspired levels.

I played the game using a Voodoo2 and GeForce 256. Both provided a beautiful and attractive environment. The GeForce, with its improved texture handling (larger size textures), gave the best visual details for surfaces. Using my Celeron 415MHz I consistently experienced frame rates in the low 40s for the GeForce and low 30s for the Voodoo2. Adding 15 bots whopped off 10 frames per second with the GeForce and practically nothing with my Voodoo2. Obviously, this game eats CPU cycles. Software rendering is playable (a big change from the original Unreal), but I strongly advise against this. Why put premium fuel in your Yugo?

Game sounds are entirely appropriate for the environment; yet never rise to a level of distinction. Most of your focus is spent on appraising the situation and determining the best course of action, so sound doesn't really add atmosphere to the game. Naval levels have the familiar splash of water and dungeons sound like dungeons. My only complaint is the horrible performance hit 3D audio takes on the game. High quality sounds and 3D audio take a bite out of framerate performance. Though positional audio may be useful for that extra edge, it doesn't outweigh the need for higher frame rate, so most of us will turn this feature off.

Mousing Around the 'Face

A frequent complaint I hear from casual gamers is that the learning curve for Unreal and Quake is just too steep. Learning to use the keyboard and mouse together is not at all intuitive to the player accustomed to a joystick. But the complexity of the learning curve, until now, was largely ignored. Just take a look at Quake - you actually had to use a command line just to get crosshairs and the inverted mouse. Even Quake II played to the converted rather than reaching out to new customers.

Unreal Tournament has breached this gap by offering a solo play experience that tutors the gamer through increasingly complex scenarios to achieve mastery. Early tournament levels keep the player on a level plane - allowing the player to learn basic movement and weapons skills before advancing into the vertical world. The basic game interface allows players to control almost every aspect of the game without resorting to the 'guts' of the engine. While this isn't much of a technical achievement, it represents maturity in the genre. For the first time, I can recommend a game to the novice gamer without cautioning them that they first need to read the FAQ, then download appropriate drivers from the Internet before they begin playing.

The interface hasn't stopped there. Because of the open-architecture of Unreal Tournament, enthusiastic players can enhance the game and easily integrate these modifications without a degree in computer science (if you've ever tried a Quake add-on, you'll know what I mean). The most popular (and easiest to integrate) type of modification is called a mutator. Mutators change basic rules of the game and allow almost endless variations of existing themes. One of my favorite mutators, Soul Catcher, causes killed players' soul to rise from their body. In order to get credit for a kill, you must jump through the rising soul. Add another mutator, Gravity Boots, and you can jump higher to reach even lost souls. This single opening will undoubtedly spawn new and creative modes of play that further extend the lifespan of this excellent title.

The Final Battle

Unreal Tournament doesn't revolutionize the first person shooter genre. It does bring together all the missing elements into a complete package worth every penny. Sure, you could purchase Quake II and spend hours downloading 50 maps, 50 weapons and several gameplay mods, but these would not equal the cohesive and balanced play of Unreal Tournament. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and Unreal Tournament brings it all together in an easily accessible format. This high degree of polish, planning and implementation are rare in today's gaming world. If you enjoy online gaming, Unreal Tournament is definitely for you. If you enjoy a good single-player action-oriented game, Unreal Tournament is for you as well. Pardon me, it's back online I go.p

Review By GamesDomain

External links

How to play Unreal Tournament Windows

Read Full Description

This page is for original Unreal Tournament, we recommend to check the page of Unreal Tournament GOTY that has a guide how to install & play the game on modern systems and technical notes about most common problems.

However, if you want to play original Unreal Tournament, here's what you need to do:

  • Install the game from Disc 1. You will need the utility for mounting disc image files, like WinCDEmu, UltraISO, Alcohol 52%/Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools Lite
  • Optionally install pack of high-res S3TC textures from Disc 2, if you want
  • Then install the patch v436. That is the latest official patch from Epic Games, it is cumulative patch and includes all updates, it also removes DRM protection so the game could be played without the disc
  • After that install four official Bonus Packs, it is official mini-addons with new maps, models and mutators. Simply run .umod files to start the installation, Bonus Pack 2 comes as .umod and .unr files, put .unr files in Unreal Tournament/Maps folder and then run DE.umod
  • And finally, install OldUnreal patch for Unreal Tournament. It is unofficial patch that adds better compatibility with modern systems and increases performance of the game, plus it includes the new features, the full list of changes is here. With that patch you can start playing right away, so once you installed it, launch the game and play


  • Patch v436 for player and server sides was the last official patch from Epic Games. That patch is cumulative so you don't need to install any other patches, we added older patches just in case if someone will be looking for it
  • Unreal Tournament Special Version was the special version of the game bundled with SoundBlaster audio cards by Creative, with enhanced EAX support. That version of the game is not compatible with the patches from standard version, it has its own patch (included in the archive). Check this page for more details
  • It is recommended to use OpenGL renderer if you have any problem with the game (before running the program, select all devices, and then select OpenGL support). Also, don't change the color depth, it will crash the game. If you play with OldUnreal patch, it is recommended to select xOpenGL renderer for better performance on modern systems
  • The game has unofficial port to BeOS systems, the archive with BeOS version is available here. Check this discussion for more technical details about BeOS port and how to run it
  • The best way to play Unreal Tournament on modern systems is to use OldUnreal patch. OldUnreal patch is a continuation of the UTPG's patches, UTPG was a group of enthusiasts whose goal was to keep UT multiplayer alive, you can read more about that project here. UTPG's patches are obsolete now but you can get them on this page if you want

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

admin 2024-11-26 6 points

Okay, it's here :-)

CEEEEEEEELEBRATION TIME C'MON 2024-11-15 3 points Windows version

Epic has given the O.K. for OldUnreal to upload this game and its singleplayer equlivalent to It's unclear what their stance is on uploading elsewhere, either way OldUnreal has an automatic installer that does the downloading from archive automatically, please host that installer (and/or the relevant links to both archive and oldunreal) here

Titanic4 2024-04-05 4 points

Epic has delisted this game on Steam and it's NOT available on GOG either. Steam Store page of the game has information that the game was delisted and GOG store link goes to main page instead. This also is true for Unreal and Return to Na Pali expansion, UNREAL II: THE AWAKENING, along with its special edition, Unreal:Gold, Unreal Tournament: GOTY Edition and UT2004. UT2003 is the only one in the series available for some strange reason.

Arkon 2024-01-23 3 points

Unreal tournament is abandonware again. Epic failed to release a new title in the series again and delisted the whole franchise again...

Sprocket 2023-12-21 2 points

This game is great. Sucks Epic shutdown the servers and pulled it from online, but it is what it is. It is an old game after all, can't expect them to support it forever. (Though I kinda think they should) Either way, it's thoroughly abandonware at this point with the store pages on things like Steam have been pulled. You can't buy it anywhere. Must be worth putting up with downloads here, eh?

TheConman 2023-12-10 3 points

It is ABANDONWARE, if epic have contacted you saying do not list this, at least let us know, if not, please upload this and the other unreal games!

FYI Moohoo's comment is the way for now.

James 2023-07-17 4 points Windows version

The game isn't available on GOG or Steam, the websites YOU are saying it's available on. Just take ONE look, it IS abandonware, and has been for more than half a year.

AndroPolo16 2023-06-15 2 points

You can put the download link again? is no longer avaliable in GOG and steam!

GloomGenetics. 2023-06-06 1 point Windows version

Epic has fully abandoned all unreal tournament games and unreal gold, its officially abandonware, you can upload it.

Yeet 2023-04-13 2 points

All Unreal games are abandonware now

UT 2023-04-12 2 points Windows version

Unreal Tournament 99 is no longer available for purchase on GoG after Epic killed it.

vektor 2023-03-09 4 points

upload this shit for all my homies who don't have it so we can frag each other fr

Pingu 2023-03-07 2 points

Game is now abandonware.

Danny B 2023-02-08 3 points

Can't get this game anywhere anymore. Epic made it's decision, it's abandonware.

The Man 2022-12-25 4 points

We need to get this game, and the rest of the Unreal series on MyAbandonware as soon as possible. They've been delisted from Steam and GOG. Unreal Tournament 3 may or may not become free-to-play, but the other ones most likely won't share that fate.

MrBlaskovitz 2022-12-25 -1 point Windows version

When you download the demo, it doesn't come with an exe to play it, you need to re-install it to play it, and if you close it you have to repeat it every time.


Billy 2019-09-21 -3 points Windows version

Best game ever, however the website states free download and this is needs to be paid for which is very misleading.

greenlizard72 2019-04-27 -3 points Windows version

Better the quake 3 buy this game its worth the money!

a 2018-11-25 0 point

the game for sale is not whats listed on this page...

galopa 2017-03-03 1 point

is the best game

Donny 2016-06-10 2 points

Thought the same

APerson 2014-11-06 1 point Mac version

Is there a windows version for this?

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Unreal Tournament (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download Unreal Tournament

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadDisc 1
Installation Disc English version 380 MB
DownloadDisc 2
Extras Disc, includes additional high-res S3TC textures English version 413 MB
DownloadEAX Special Version
Game version 428 English version 536 MB
ManualEnglish version 236 KB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Unreal Tournament, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

GuideOfficial Strategy Guide by BradyGames English version 24 MB PatchPatch v428 English version 6 MB PatchPatch v432 English version 6 MB PatchPatch v436
Cumulative patch, includes all other updates English version 7 MB
PatchPatch v436 for server English version 90 MB PatchOldUnreal patch v469d
Adds the better compatibility with modern systems plus many new features English version French version German version Spanish; Castilian version Italian version Dutch version Portuguese version Catalan; Valencian version Greek, Modern version Russian version 75 MB
PatchOldUnreal patch v469d for Windows XP English version 71 MB MiscOfficial Bonus Pack #1, The Epic Pack
3 new models, a package containing 6 related mutators, and 11 maps English version 14 MB
MiscOfficial Bonus Pack #2, The Digital Extremes Pack
3 new mutators and 2 maps English version 2 MB
MiscOfficial Bonus Pack #3, The Inoxx Pack
2 texture packs and 6 maps English version 5 MB
MiscOfficial Bonus Pack #4, The Christmas 2000 Pack
2 new models, 2 texture packs and 12 new maps English version 28 MB
DemoUnreal Tournament Demo (Version 348) English version 53 MB DemoPrototypes and beta versions
Pack with early builds of the game, includes builds 220, 221 and 222 English version 698 MB

Mac Version

This page is for regular edition of Unreal Tournament, we recommend to check the page of Unreal Tournament GOTY edition for additional notes. Also, check MacintoshGarden for more details about Mac version

DownloadPre-installed Unreal Tournament v436 with OS X Preview patch
Mac OS X version English version 441 MB
DownloadToast Disc Image
Mac OS version English version 317 MB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Unreal Tournament, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

PatchPatch v425a English version 976 KB PatchPatch v436 English version 3 MB PatchUnreal Tournament X Preview Release 3 for Mac OS X
Only for Power PC systems English version 1 MB
MiscUTilities by Planet Unreal
Include cache cleaner, an install manager and a file converter English version 467 KB
DemoUnreal Tournament Demo (Version 348) English version 52 MB

Linux Version

  • The game had an official port to Linux systems, but only as a downloadable installer. To install the game on Linux systems, first you need to get the files of Windows version of the game, and then use this installer by PCGamingWiki (here's also some extras). After you installed the game, install OldUnreal patch for Linux, and you're good to go!
  • Another method is to use Lutris script to install the game, and then install OldUnreal patch
  • We also recommend to check LinuxGaming guide how to install Unreal games on Linux. In case if you install the game on Ubuntu - we recommend to additionally check this thread, and if you install the game on DebianOS - check this one
  • If the game runs too fast (usually it happens on modern CPUs) - use one of these fixes. If you have audio issues on Linux - check this guide for solutions

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Unreal Tournament, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

PatchOldUnreal patch v469d for Linux English version 220 MB

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