Description of 007: James Bond - The Stealth Affair
James Bond: The Stealth Affair is a fun spy adventure that was originally released in Europe as Operation Stealth in Europe without the James Bond license-- a fact that explains why the game's plot doesn't follow any Bond story. That doesn't mean that the original plot here is bad, though. In fact, it is intriguing enough to be a Bond movie material: a top-secret stealth fighter has been stolen from a US base, so it's up to you to track down its location and bring it back. Of course, the fate of the whole world rest on your weary shoulders...
The Stealth Affair uses a competent interface where you construct sentences from a small list of verbs such as "USE," "TALK," etc., although it is a bit confusing: "USE" and "OPERATE" are used slightly differently although they are synonyms, for example. Puzzles are fun and are neither too hard nor too easy; and since most of them involve using cool spy gadgets such as a passport falsifier, fans of spy novels will have a great time with the game.
With an interesting plot, fun puzzles, and great graphics (upgraded to VGA in this US release), The Stealth Affair is highly recommended for every adventure gamer. Too bad that James Bond license Interplay paid for didn't seem to help the game's sales... although it becomes an amusing gaffe in the game: James Bond apparently had enough of Q and decided to work for the CIA instead . John Glames in the original Operation Stealth wasn't a good enough name for a spy, so it seems. Two thumbs up!
Review By HOTUD
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Comments and reviews
Default 2021-11-21 0 point
How do i start this game on DOSBOX i command Cd (thenFilename) and i cant start it, whats the start command
Darkwing 2020-12-01 4 points
the color codes
Kryzm 2020-08-27 0 point
For those having issues with the Color Codes, the Color Codes are just an image telling u which part of the picture is in what color. U can just Google James Bond the Stealth Affair into Google Images and it will open up at least 5 of them.
Retro Mack 2018-09-13 -2 points DOS version
I found the Color Code online. Not sure how to post it here.. If you google the game name and Manuel its found on the last page.
Gyzk 2014-09-25 6 points DOS version
This is the European version (Operation Stealth) and thus should not be listed under James Bond as the main character is John Glames, not Bond.
Anthony 2014-09-10 1 point DOS version
grest game, a bit too difficult in the arcade parts. But still the best bond-esque game ever
paulo jose 2014-08-24 1 point DOS version
this is a good game , my first paly is in my commodore amiga 500. ....
Snow 2012-08-15 0 point DOS version
Un bon jeu. Meilleur gameplay que "Les Voyageurs du temps", mais un scénario plus classique et surtout trop de labyrinthes. Dommage...
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DOS Version
Game Extras
Various files to help you run 007: James Bond - The Stealth Affair, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
Amiga ROM
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: Interplay Productions, Inc., U.S. Gold Ltd.
- Developer: Delphine Software International
Atari ST ROM
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: U.S. Gold Ltd.
- Developer: Delphine Software International
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