One Must Fall: Battlegrounds
Windows - 2003
Description of One Must Fall: Battlegrounds
After the proven popularity of the World Championship Tournament, in 2097, mankind has continued to cheer and applaud HAR arena combat sports some 20 years later. The newest generation of HAR pilots are faster, stronger, and more mentally focused than any competitors in recorded history.
Hardened veteran warriors will also challenge your progress throughout attempts to ascend to the rank of undisputed champion, just remember, before you can rise, One Must Fall. One Must Fall: Battlegrounds is the first on-line, 3D, multiplayer fighting game. OMF:BG represents a serious change in the philosophy of making fighting games.
Instead of 2 players facing off in a small space, Battlegrounds features up to sixteen simultaneous players in huge arenas, fighting in team battles or all-out brawls! The goal is to free you, the player, from the restrictions of the past, and allow you to fight the way you've always wanted to. Just like your favourite martial-arts movies, you can go toe-to-toe with several opponents, use nearby objects as weapons, and integrate terrain and hazards into your fighting strategy. But the best part is, you get to do all this while piloting a huge robot.
- Game Modifiers that change speed, strategy, and intensity, can create customized combat and gameplay.
- Dynamic music system, follows the battle and adapts to the situation, to always feel right in step with the action.
- Internal server browser, for finding the best online game. Also includes GameSpy Arcade, the largest online player connection service.
- Devastating throwable weapons and powerups, can be stolen by you or your enemies, bringing a new level of strategy to every game.
- Special Abilities - Each robot is equipped with cutting edge technology that's incorporated into its unique fighting style. Your robot can harness these special abilities to perform "super moves" - attacks that do extra damage or affect several opponents at once. Super moves are activated by certain sequences of directions and buttons.
- Advanced Techniques - A "combo" is a quick string of attacks with no chance for your opponent to reply. In Battlegrounds, you can create combos using hand-to-hand moves, as well as adding weapons systems and arena hazards! Every robot is also equipped with evasive moves such as side-stepping, rolls, dives, and backflips. These moves help you to dodge incoming attacks and set you up for a counter attack.
- Pilots - A giant robot is nothing without a pilot. In Battlegrounds, you select one of 50 pilots to represent you in the game. Each pilot is rated in four areas: Strength, Endurance, Agility, and Focus. These ratings affect how your robot behaves in the arena - Strength and Endurance influence the damage you give and receive, Agility influences how quickly you move around the arena, and Focus influences how well you can control your robot's special abilities. All the pilots are fairly balanced, but there are guaranteed to be a few that suit your personal style the best.
System Requirements: Pen 3 733+, 1 GIG HD, 128+ RAM, 32+ meg Video
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