ClueFinders: 3rd Grade Adventures (Windows)

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ClueFinders: 3rd Grade Adventures

Windows - 1998

Alt name ClueFinders: Mystery of The Monkey Kingdom
Year 1998
Platform Windows
Released in United States
Genre Adventure, Educational
Theme Detective / Mystery, Ecology / Nature, Geography, Math / Logic, Reading / Writing, Science
Publisher Learning Company, Inc., The
Developer Learning Company, Inc., The
4.25 / 5 - 146 votes

Description of ClueFinders: 3rd Grade Adventures

ClueFinders: 3rd Grade Adventures (aka ClueFinders: Mystery of The Monkey Kingdom) is a video game published in 1998 on Windows by Learning Company, Inc., The. It's an adventure and educational game, set in a detective / mystery, ecology / nature, geography, math / logic, reading / writing and science themes.

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Comments and reviews

Shah 2024-05-21 0 point

I very like this game

Leighleigh 2022-05-06 -1 point

I can't find the link to download it :(

Luly 2021-11-02 1 point

All it took was to extract the file and it worked. There's one problem though. First, the game isn't fullscreen. Second, the accent of the characters isn't the same one as my old game. Is there a way to change it?

Teddy 2021-06-13 1 point

Okay so this is very easy to do. Download the larger file, mount the cue file using dameon tools or similar program. Run setup and boom your 7 years old again.

EWMR 2021-05-24 1 point

It works! It actually works! Thank you so much Limnut! My childhood is back!

Draggy 2021-05-19 5 points

Hey I now have an iso of the american version of this game!
So how can I upload it here?
I even added a little read me that tells how to install the best way!

Kiy 2021-03-26 0 point

I don't remember that game for long time ago when I was young in 2000, but I'm deaf. I'd need to know about this game download having some English Sub?

Scott 2021-02-18 3 points

OK so after reading the comments I determined that the larger second file was the American version I remember from back in the day. I downloaded it and see two files labeled TLC-Cluefinders3rdGradeAdventures-Win95Mac.bin and TLC-Cluefinders3rdGradeAdventures-Win95Mac.cue, but no way to run it. I figured it must be a two part install where the first download is still necessary, and so I did. It has the full ability to launch from what I can tell, however I assume from previous comments that not only will there be British accents (which I don't really mind to be honest) but also the puzzles have some differences. I assume The second file which I originally downloaded needs to go somewhere in here to overwrite some files... however there are no instructions and I'm not entirely sure where to put it.

Anyone know how to make this work? I would like to get my nephew into this great series haha :)

Phebastian 2021-02-14 0 point

I've been in a huge nostalgia thing lately, but can only half-remember anything from my childhood, none of which are names of things unfortunately. It took me forever to find this and I'm glad I did! Hopefully I can get it to work, I'd love to replay it!

Pearlite 2021-01-27 1 point

There are two downloads here. The smaller one is for ClueFinders Year 3 and 4 adventures, which is the British localization of the game. The larger one is a re-released version of the American one which uses the Learning Launcher package. They are essentially the same, but in the British version, the characters' names have changed (Joni, Santiago and Leslie become Josie, Sebastian and Lucy) and all the dialogue has been dubbed over. Also notably, one of the puzzles is different. In the American one, six birds all want to go to the United States for a vacation, but each bird visits a different region. In the British one, each bird goes on holiday to a country on a different continent.

ClueFinders 3rd Grade is the first game in the series, and it shows; the animation and character design look slightly more primitive and unpolished compared to later games in the series. Also, while all the ClueFinders games are intended for older players in general, this adventure with its bright colors, cartoonish talking animals and songs is definitely aimed at the younger set. But don't get me wrong; it's still a big kid's game with big kid challenges, along with lots of little snippets of humor, too. Watch out for the characters' animations, and feel free to click on them during their travels, before and after puzzles get solved. Lots of hidden gems and jokes to find.

Ancient Numerian 2020-12-23 0 point

Limnut's instructions helped, but the game's videos would stutter until I set the compatibility mode to "Windows 95", then it ran without hiccups!
I don't know of a way to view the game in a 4:3 aspect ratio though.

limnut 2020-12-19 7 points

Hi from 2020 Dec,
I spent 5 hours trying to install the game and hopes this works for you.
1. Install Virtual CloneDrive
2. Run Setup.exe
If not working:
- right click; send to desktop (create shortcut)
- right click on icon; Properties; Compatibility tab; "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2), Reduced color mode, Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution
3. If setup 32 not working:
Solution: go to Task Manager, on the details tab, right click on setup.exe and 'analyze wait chain', this may show you the program that is blocking the installation from continuing. In my case it was Evernote, I closed it and it worked again.

4. Install DirectX (old version) if you face an error after setting up
Head here:,DirectX%20errors%20should%20be%20fixed.

5. Restart computer
6. Run Setup.exe again

This is not a DOS game but a windows game hence wont work on DOS.

grax snax 2020-11-03 3 points

i loved this game so much when i was little, but math was not my strong suit, so i was really bad at it lol. now i'm downloading it as a senior environmental science major in college, and maybe i can finally beat it. this game rocks.

miguelonk 2020-10-31 0 point

Hello, can you explain me how does it work to install the game?
Thanks a lot.

Steph 2020-07-29 0 point

Hi, I have a hp laptop, looking for my son to play while schools out, I’ve downloaded it but it doesn't work, is it possible to download the whole game? Or do I have to try and find it on eBay and buy an external drive thing? Someone please help. Thank you.

Don papu 2020-07-16 0 point

No hay en español? :(

Josephsmith 2020-07-07 0 point

very excellent review

Mdoll 2020-06-29 0 point

Please can you explain in detail how u gog it to work please

Ki-Mono 2020-04-19 -2 points

So great to replay some old memories. Although not the strongest title in the series, still a must-play for any child going through 3rd grade!
Worked perfectly after installing Virtual CloneDrive to help it out

Jo 2020-04-13 -5 points

I loved these games as a kid, and I am wanting my daughter to be able to play them. I have a Acer Chromebook 15, would I be able to download this to it?

Jess 2020-04-10 -2 points

Hi, I have a hp laptop, looking for my son to play while schools out, I’ve downloaded it but it doesn’t say I have it anywhere on the computer, is it possible to download the whole game? Or do I have to try and find it on eBay and buy an external drive thing? Someone please help. Thank you.

Bathalemew 2020-03-30 0 point

Ah, so good

Thorture 2020-01-22 2 points

So where can we find the USA version? Been looking for hours

horselover 2019-12-06 1 point

can I play this game on a hp laptop computer

Cindi 2019-10-25 2 points

Any chance we can get this to play on a Mac???

blondieblueyes95 2019-10-08 -6 points

it downloads to my files but it doesnt seem to have the game file in it sad face.....

Dragslam 2019-09-29 3 points

Download virtual box and install windows 98.
Install the game within virtual box it should work.
Sometimes you can extract files from the virtual machine to make the game work on W7 or W10. I did this to get Sim theme park running on W10

Jinxie1990 2019-09-13 0 point

I love this game so much that I bought it from Amazon. But I can't get it to work on my pc and I'm so sad. I would download it if I knew how.

james 2019-08-18 1 point

has this game when i was 9 amazing game i love lap trap

kyl 2019-08-08 0 point

i love this game its on the computer at humbolt county library!

PunisherQueen 2019-07-15 0 point

Love the game is really good

jana 2019-06-19 0 point

place i want play my age is 6

jessieBird96 2019-03-04 0 point

To everyone wondering about the British accents, look at the download button, that's the British flag, so, yeah, this isn't the American version.

Kathleen Berger 2019-02-18 -6 points

Is there away to play this game on windows 10 and if so how do you do it?

Draggy 2018-12-26 2 points

I loved this game as a kid, and want to play it again now!
But I'm pretty sure they didn't have british accents, is there another version of the game?
If I find my old cd, I'll make an iso with it and upload it here!

Mr.Farmcat 2018-12-09 -7 points

Can someone please help me. I can't seem to get this game to install or anything. Thanks

sup 2018-07-26 2 points

well, been trying to install it for two hours but even with this it won't work...

Ryan 2018-07-17 2 points

Ok I don't remember them having British accents as a kid. Did they release a different version for the US?

reeth 2018-05-03 1 point

download this awsome game in our computer

Franz 2018-05-02 2 points

Martin- try searching on archive .org; some of the cluefinders stuff is on there.

martin cunningham 2018-04-28 0 point

hello, i have been trying my hardest to find the other cluefinders and could not find them. could you all possibly upload them please. i grew up on the other grades of "the clue finders". my son, is now in elementary school and would like to download all them. so i am asking if you can help me out please.

its the clue finders 5th grade and 6th grade

Frank 2018-03-07 -6 points

Contains annoying music that can't be turned off. No thanks.

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