Download Space Station Oblivion

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Space Station Oblivion

DOS - 1988

Also available on: Amiga - Amstrad CPC - Atari ST - Commodore 64

Alt name Driller
Year 1988
Platform DOS
Released in United States
Genre Action, Strategy
Theme Sci-Fi / Futuristic
Publisher Epyx, Inc.
Developer Incentive Software Ltd.
Perspective 1st-Person
Dosbox support Supported on current version
4.82 / 5 - 11 votes

Description of Space Station Oblivion

After releasing many solid 3D action/adventure games, Incentive broke new ground with this, the first game developed using its revolutionary Freescape? engine that may well be the very first patented 3D engine. Now, in addition to the standard 3D movement, every object in the game can be viewed from any direction. This translates into a fluid 3D world with great graphics and many more physical puzzles than Incentive's earlier efforts. You are on the mining moon of Mitral, tasked with releasing the gas build-up under and around the surface by roaming the moon and signalling drilling rigs to be sent down to your location. There are 2 different vehicles you can drive in, and a plethora of switches to push, lifts to activate, and other vehicles to dock with.

Overall, a fun and imaginative arcade adventure.

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

Robotas 2023-08-14 2 points

I always known this game only as Driller, it pushed the gfx limits of ZX Spectrum back in the 80s. But there is a very nice 2007 PC remake by Ovine, and its a bit tricky to make it run on Windows 10, aparently it runs best on Win 7 without problems. Also Total Eclipse have a very good PC Remake.

All Freescape series/collection (Driller, Dark Side, Total Eclipse, The Sphynx Jinx, Castle Master, Castle Master II: The Crypt) were hard but awesome games.

Steve Hoyland 2021-06-13 1 point Amstrad CPC version

I bought this game for Amstrad CPC464 in the late 1980's and enjoyed it greatly! It even included a cardboard model of the planet! But It wasn't called "Space Station Oblivion" - It was called "DRILLER"! (Not surprising, considering the game is all about drilling/mining). Great game, which I loved playing once again.

Thickasa 2018-06-06 0 point

thanks Jay Dee, controls always a problem .

JAY DEE 2015-03-24 5 points DOS version

numpad 5 -fire laser
space - switch to fire mode
i -info/load/save screen
d/c - place/collect drill
r/f -raise/lower
a/z - increase/decrease rate of turn
s/x -increase/decrease move speed
m/n -roll view left/right
l/p -view up/down
arrows -movement
q/w -move left/right
o/k -move forward/backward
u -180 turn
esc -quit to title
shoot certain objects to replenish energy/shields or open doors

Shockwave 2012-02-29 1 point DOS version

Este jogo, apesar de hj em dia ser algo ao qual muitos jogadores fariam cara feia, na época em que eu o jogava, era uma delícia, ainda com um TK 90X Color.
Muitas e muitas horas, descobrindo os segredos de cada fase, desviando dos lasers, encontrando as coordenadas exatas para a perfuração.
Nunca terminei de fato esse jogo, mas nunca me esqueci o quanto foi fantástico ter tido a experiência de jogá-lo.
Enfim, após 20 anos, aqui está a versão para PC.

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Download Space Station Oblivion

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DOS Version

Amiga ROM

Amstrad CPC Version

Atari ST ROM

Commodore 64 Version

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