New Windows 3.x abandonware games published

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New Windows 3.x games released

Recent Windows 3.x Games 1-15 of 898

Infinite Patience abandonware
Infinite PatienceWin, Win 3.x1997
Sid Meier's Civilization II abandonware
Sid Meier's Civilization IIWin 3.x, Mac1996
Team Xtreme: Operation Weather Disaster abandonware
Team Xtreme: Operation Weather DisasterWin 3.x, Win, Mac1995
The Daedalus Encounter abandonware
The Daedalus EncounterWin 3.x, Mac, 3DO1995
Wallobee Jack: The Bingi Burra Stone abandonware
Wallobee Jack: The Bingi Burra StoneWin 3.x, Mac1994
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (CD-ROM) abandonware
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (CD-ROM)Win 3.x, Mac1995
Virtual Safari abandonware
Virtual SafariWin, Win 3.x1998
Hello Kitty: Big Fun Storymaking abandonware
Hello Kitty: Big Fun StorymakingWin 3.x1994
Hello Kitty: Big Fun Art abandonware
Hello Kitty: Big Fun ArtWin 3.x1994
Hello Kitty: Big Fun Shapes & Numbers abandonware
Hello Kitty: Big Fun Shapes & NumbersWin 3.x1994
Hello Kitty's Big Fun Piano abandonware
Hello Kitty's Big Fun PianoWin 3.x1994
All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 Animated Moviebook abandonware
All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 Animated MoviebookWin, Win 3.x1996
RISS Solitaire 8-Pak abandonware
RISS Solitaire 8-PakWin, Win 3.x1999
RISS Solitaire 5-Pak abandonware
RISS Solitaire 5-PakWin 3.x1995

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