List of abandonware developers starting with R
We have a list of companies which developed abandonware games. Select one company to browse its games. To make your search easier, use the pagination by number and letter.
- R-Force Entertainment Inc.
- R-Pils
- R-Tsa Games
- R. C. D. Ltd.
- R. Damodaran
- R.H. Software
- R.K. West Consulting
- R.M.P. Software
- R.O. Software
- R/Greenberg Associates Interactive
- R&M Soft
- R&R Software
- RA Images s.r.o.
- RA-Dev
- Rabbit Ears Productions, Inc.
- Rabbit Software
- Rabbit Software LTD
- Racdym
- Rad Delaroderie
- Rada Ltd
- Radarsoft BV
- Radiance Software
- Radiant Productions Pty Ltd
- Radical Entertainment Inc.
- Radical Plan Corp.
- Radical Tubes
- Radim Křivánek
- Radioactive Software
- Radish Works
- Radon Labs GmbH
- Rafaell Soft
- Ragdoll Productions
- Rage Games Ltd.
- Rage Software Ltd.
- Rainbow America
- Rainbow Arts Software GmbH
- Rainbow Cemetery
- Rainbow Software
- Rainbow Studios, Inc.
- Rainer Bopf Software
- Raingraph
- Rainmaker Software, Inc.
- Raising Hell Software
- Raizing Co., Ltd.
- RAM Software
- RamJam Corporation, The
- Rampant Games
- Ramtek Corporation
- Ramtop Software
- Random Access
- Random Games, Inc.
- Random House Co., Ltd.
- Random Programming
- Ransom Interactive
- Rapid Eye Entertainment, Inc.
- Rapier Design
- Raptisoft, LLC
- Rapture Interactive
- Rare Limited
- Rare Medium, Inc.
- Rare, Ltd.
- Rastersoft
- Ratbag Pty, Ltd.
- Ratloop, Inc.
- Rauser Advertainment GmbH
- Raven Software Corporation
- Ravencoast Studios
- Ravensburger Interactive Media GmbH
- RayForce Inc.
- Rayland Interactive
- Raymond E. Tobey, Inc.
- RaySoft
- Razbor Studios
- Razor's Edge Software
- Razorworks
- rbm software
- RD Technologies
- RDI Video Systems
- Reactor Inc.
- Reactor s.c.
- Reactor Software
- ReadySoft Incorporated
- Real 3D
- Real Sports
- Real World Multimedia Ltd
- Real World Software
- RealApex
- Realism Entertainment
- Reality
- Reality Bytes, Inc.
- REALITY PUMP Sp. z o.o.
- Reality Studios
- Reality Technologies
- Really Interesting Software Company (RISC)
- Realm Computer Center
- Realmforge Studios GmbH
- Realms
- Realms of Fantasy
- Realore Studios
- Realtime Associates Seattle Division
- Realtime Associates, Inc.
- Realtime Games Software Ltd.
- Realtime Worlds Ltd.
- ReaperWare Enterprises
- Reasonable Solutions, Inc.
- Rebel Act Studios
- Rebel Gaming
- Rebellion Developments Ltd.
- Rebelmind
- Rebels
- Rebels (RBS)
- Rebelsoft
- Reckon Software Pty Ltd
- Recreational Brainware
- Red Cap Entertainment
- Red Company Corporation
- Red Dot Games
- Red Herring
- Red Lemon Studios
- Red Marble Games
- Red Orb Entertainment
- Red Rat Software Ltd
- Red Sector Inc.
- Red Sky Interactive
- Red Storm Entertainment, Inc.
- Red Tribe
- Red-Zone
- RedCat Software
- RederWare
- Redfire Software
- Redline Software Design
- RedLynx Ltd
- Redoubt Ltd.
- RedWolf Design
- Redwood Games
- Reference Interactive
- Reflections Interactive Limited
- Reflective Designs
- Reflector Studio
- REFLEXion games
- Reflexive Entertainment Inc.
- Refraction Games AB
- Regans Software
- Reindeer
- Reiza Studios Ltda.
- REL Games
- Related Designs Software GmbH
- Reldni Productions
- Reliance Productions
- Relic Entertainment Inc
- reLINE Software
- reLINE Software GmbH
- Relish Games
- Remar Games
- Remdy Software
- REMedia Inc.
- Remedy Entertainment Oy
- Remi Valantin
- remLAB
- Remote Programming
- Renaissance
- Renate Wünschl & Thomas Polajnar GbR
- Rene Soft
- Rene Trost
- Renovation Game
- Rensoft Software
- Replay Studios GmbH
- Reptile Industries
- Reptilia Designs
- Republic of Fun, Inc.
- Reservoir Gods
- Resolution Software
- Respondesign
- ReSync
- Retro64, Inc.
- RetroSpec
- RetroWorks
- Retsuzan
- Réunion des Musées Nationaux
- Revistronic
- REVOgames GbR
- Revolt Games
- Revolution of Strategy GmbH
- Revolution Software Ltd.
- Rewolf Entertainment
- Rhiannon Software
- Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc.
- Richard Fellner
- Richard Novak
- Richard Shepherd Software Ltd
- Richard Tom
- Richard Wilcox Software
- Richard Z. Ward
- Rick Ryan
- Riedel Software Productions, Inc.
- Riggs International
- Right Angle, Inc.
- Right Stuff Corp.
- Riki Computer Games
- Ringblack Software
- Ringler Studios
- Ringling Multimedia Corp.
- Rino Limited
- Rino Marketing Ltd.
- Rinzai Satori
- Rinzai Satori Productions
- Riot
- Riruhi's Party
- Rit's Co., Ltd.
- Ritual Entertainment
- Rival Interactive, Inc.
- Riverbank Software, Inc.
- Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited
- Riverhill Soft Inc.
- Riverhillsoft Inc.
- RJ Best, Inc.
- RMG/Dentsu USA Inc.
- Roadshow Interactive
- Roaring Mouse Entertainment
- Roaring Mouse Entertainment, Inc.
- Rob Cooper
- Robert Arnstein Corporation
- Robert Fiorini & Associates
- Robert Kowalski
- Robert Lindsay Wells
- Robert Woodhead, Inc.
- Roberto Bacchilega
- Robinson Technologies
- Robosoft
- Rochester School District
- Rock Solid Games
- Rock-Ola Manufacturing Corporation
- Rockazonga
- Rocket Science Games, Inc.
- Rockland Software Productions
- Rockpool Games Ltd.
- Rockroy Inc.
- RockSolid Software
- Rockstar Canada
- Rockstar London Ltd.
- Rockstar North Ltd.
- Rockstar San Diego, Inc.
- RocSoft
- Rod Fisher
- Rodge Rock Software
- Rodik
- Roger Soft
- Rogue Entertainment
- Rogue Synapse
- Roklan Corporation
- Roller Tron Corp.
- RollinSoft
- Rome Software
- Romik Software Ltd
- RomTech, Inc.
- ROMulus Software
- Ron Dubren and Associates
- Ronin Entertainment
- Rookie
- Ropasoft
- Rose Company
- Rostok Games
- Rotobee Realtime 3D GmbH
- Round One Media Ltd.
- RoundHouse Entertainment
- Route 1 Games
- Rovio Mobile Oy
- Rowan Software Ltd.
- Roxor Games, Inc.
- Rozner Labs Software Group
- RPSoft
- rr013960
- RSP, Inc.
- Rubberchip
- Ruby Party
- Rude Dog Software
- Rudeware
- Rúf
- Rugsoft INC
- Rune Productions
- Rune Software
- Runecraft Ltd.
- RUNEFORGE Game Studio
- Runn Software
- Running Dog Software
- Runt time
- Ruske & Puhretmaier Edutainment GmbH
- Ruske & Pühretmaier Multimedia GmbH
- Russ, Ltd.
- Russco
- Russian Soft
- Russian Under Wear Inc.
- Russobit-M
- RV Software
- RWS, Inc.
- RYLO Software