List of abandonware developers starting with A
We have a list of companies which developed abandonware games. Select one company to browse its games. To make your search easier, use the pagination by number and letter.
- A Wave, Inc.
- A-Inn
- A-J Games
- A. Barak
- A. BendiMerad
- A. Eddy Goldfarb and Associates
- A.C.P.
- A.I Co., Ltd.
- A.I. Design
- a.k.a. studios
- A.N.A.L.O.G. Computing
- A.N.A.L.O.G. Software
- A.S.K. Homework
- A&B Entertainment
- A&F Software Ltd.
- A+
- AA Software
- Aackosoft International B.V.
- Aardvark Ltd.
- Aardvark Software
- Aardvark Technical Services, Ltd.
- Aaru Co. , Ltd.
- AB Team
- ABA Games
- Abacus
- Abacus Software, Inc.
- Abadion Arts
- Abalon Studio
- Abalone
- Abalone Entertainment Software Development Inc.
- Abersoft
- Ablaze Entertainment
- Able Corporation
- Ablex
- Abogado Powers
- Above the Garage Productions
- Abracadata Ltd.
- Abraxas Software
- Absolute Entertainment, Inc.
- Absolute Magic
- Absolute Studios
- Absolutist Ltd.
- Abstract Concepts
- Abstrax
- Absurdus
- ABTS Intelligent Group
- Abyss
- ACA Soft, S.L.
- AcademySoft
- Accelerated Software Inc.
- Accend Inc.
- Accent Media Productions, Inc.
- Access co., ltd.
- Access Software, Inc.
- Accidental Software
- Acclaim Studios Austin
- Acclaim Studios Cheltenham
- Acclaim Studios Limited
- Acclaim Studios Manchester
- Acclaim Studios Teesside
- Accolade, Inc.
- Accursed Toys, Inc.
- Ace Platinous Family Co., Ltd.
- Ace Software
- ACES Game Studio
- Acid Software
- Aclypse Corporation
- Acme Animation Inc.
- Acme Interactive, Inc.
- Acme Software Ltd.
- Acord Games
- Acorn Software Products, Inc.
- Acornsoft Limited
- ACRO Studio
- Action Byte
- Action Forms Ltd.
- Action Games, Inc.
- Action Graphics, Inc.
- Action Software
- ActionForce
- Actionsoft
- Actionware Corporation
- Activ Pub Studios
- Active Arts, Inc.
- Active Enterprises Ltd.
- Active Minds
- Active Software
- Activision Publishing, Inc.
- Activision, Inc.
- Actual Entertainment, Inc.
- Acumen Software
- Ad Games
- Ad Rem LLC
- Adanac Command Studies
- Adanac Command Systems
- Addict
- Addictive 247
- Addictive Games Ltd
- Addictive Media
- Addix Software Development, Inc.
- Adeline Software International
- Adept Software
- Adept Studios
- Adersoft
- AderSoftware
- ADI Development Inc.
- ADK Corporation
- ADM Computers
- Admacadiam
- Admiral Software
- Adrenalin Entertainment
- Adrenalin Interactive, Inc.
- Aduccini
- Advance Communication Company
- Advance Software Ltd.
- Advance Software Promotions Limited
- Advanced Microcomputer Systems
- Advanced Productions, Inc.
- Advanced Program Technologies
- Advanced Programming
- Advanced Projects
- Advanced Software Company Tasc BV, The
- Advanced Software Products
- Advanced Systems
- Advanced Technology Group, The
- Advantec Software
- Advent Software
- Adventure International
- Adventure International (UK)
- Adventure LearningWare
- Adventure Programmer Group
- Adventure Soft Publishing Ltd.
- Adventuresoft Ltd.
- Adventuresoft Publishing
- Adventuresoft UK Ltd.
- AdventureWare
- ADvertainment Software
- Adware Interactive Marketing
- Aeon Design
- Aeon Electronic Entertainment, Inc.
- Aerowinx
- Aestan Games
- Afabear Software
- Afega Co., Ltd.
- Affect Co.,Ltd
- Afkar Media
- Aftermath Media LLC
- Aftershock Entertainment
- Agawa s.r.o.
- AGC Hamburg
- AGC Systems Ltd
- AGD Interactive, LLC
- Agentix Software
- Aggression
- Aggressive Game Designs
- Agony Design
- Agumix
- Ahead Designs
- Ahead Multimedia AB
- Ahoy!/Ion International, Inc.
- Ahpah Software Inc.
- AI Factory Limited
- AIC Spirits
- Aicom Corporation
- Aidem Games
- Aidem Media Sp. z o.o.
- Aiky
- AIM Games
- AIM Kidspace Group
- AIM Productions NV
- AIM Software Ltd.
- AimGames
- Ainefill
- AirLAN, Ltd.
- Aisoft
- Aisystem Tokyo
- AIVR Corp
- Ajt Soft
- AK Software
- Akai Company
- Akaido Arcade Systems
- Akane
- Akella
- Akelotė ir Ko, Ltd.
- Åkesoft
- AKI Corporation
- Akson Software
- Aktiva-S
- Akuma Studios
- Al Baker & Associates
- Al Funk
- Alawar Entertainment, Inc.
- Alawar Five-BN
- Albino Frog Software, Inc.
- Albion Sp. z o.o.
- Alcachofa Soft S.L.
- Alcatraz Entertainment Software
- Alchemic Productions, LLC.
- Alchemist Research
- Alcor Group, Inc., The
- Aldo Mett
- Aleksander Madej
- Aleksey V. Vaneev
- Alex Bros
- Alex Shabalin
- Alex Software
- Alexander the Awesome
- Alexandria, Inc.
- Alexandru Simion
- AlfaSystem Co., Ltd.
- Algolab
- Algomedia Software
- Algorithm Guild, The
- Algorithm Institute
- Alhademic Group
- Aliasworlds Entertainment
- Alice Soft
- Alien Artefact Team
- Alien Images
- Alien Software
- Alien System
- Alien Technology Group
- Alive Designs
- Alive Software
- Allcreon
- Alliance Interactive Software, Inc.
- Allied Leisure Industries, Inc.
- Alligata Software Ltd.
- Alligator Friends Software
- Allumer, Ltd.
- Almanic Corp.
- ALO-software
- Alpha Co.
- Alpha Denshi Co., Ltd.
- Alpha Denshi Kōgyō Co., Ltd.
- Alpha Helix Productions
- Alpha Software
- Alpha Two Five Ltd.
- Alpha-Beta
- Alpha-Beta Software Group, Ltd.
- Alpha-Unit
- Alpha72 Games
- Alphabatim
- Alpine Software
- Alpine Studios, Inc.
- Altacia
- Altaïr Productions Multimédia
- ALTAR Games
- ALTAR interactive
- AlterLab Gamestudio
- Alternative Software Ltd.
- AlternativeRealities Ltd.
- Altron Corporation
- ALU Limited Company
- Alucine Soft
- Aludra Software
- ALZ Games
- AM Factory
- AM R&D Dept. #2
- Amaze Entertainment, Inc.
- Amazing Games
- Amazing Games, Ltd.
- Amazing Graphics
- Amazing Media, Inc.
- Amazing Studio
- Amber Company
- Amber Mango
- Ambertec, Inc.
- Ambrosia Software, Inc.
- AMC-Verlag
- Amcom
- Amenip Corp.
- American Eagle Software, Inc.
- American Interactive Media, Inc.
- American Laser Games, Inc.
- American Sammy Corporation
- American Technos Inc.
- Amersoft
- Amiga Corporation
- Amivision
- Amnesty Design
- Amnesty Visual
- Amode Barrier / Bored College Student Productions
- Amoeba Software
- Amok Developments
- Amorphous
- Amos
- Ampalsoft
- Ample Software
- Amstar Electronics Corp.
- Amtex
- Amtex Software Corporation
- Amuse, Inc.
- Amusement Vision, Ltd.
- Amutech, Ltd.
- Amwa (HK) Computer Co.
- Anachronia
- AnakreoN
- Anarchy Enterprises
- Anarchy Entertainment
- Anarchy Entertainment, Inc.
- Anark Corporation
- Anchor, Inc.
- Ancient Co. Ltd.
- Anco Software Ltd.
- Andail Entertainment
- Andreas Wulf Software
- Andrew Greenberg, Inc.
- Andrew Motes
- Andrew Plotkin
- Andrew Spencer Studios
- Andromeda Softview
- Andromeda Software
- Androsoft
- Aneiva Interactive, Inc.
- Ange
- Angel Ortiz
- Angel Studios, Inc.
- Angelsoft, Inc.
- Anglia Multimedia Ltd.
- Anguilla Software International Ltd.
- Anima Ppd Interactive
- Animagic S.A.
- Animagination
- Animal Software
- Animalsoft
- Animated Pixels
- AnimaTek International, Inc.
- Animatics Multimedia Corporation
- Animation FX
- Animation Magic, Inc.
- Animax Entertainment
- Anime R Ltd.
- Animedia Entertainment
- Anino Entertainment
- Anino Games, Inc.
- Anirog Software Ltd.
- AniVision
- Aniware AB
- AniWorld, Inc.
- Anne Carrière Multimedia
- Another Day Company
- Another Day Ltd.
- Another Ltd.
- AnraSoft
- Answer Software
- Ant Software
- Antares
- Antares Bros.
- Antares Productions
- Anteco Software
- Antell Software
- Anthill Studios
- Antidote Entertainment
- Antitank
- AntiVapor Software
- Anuman Interactive SA
- Anvil Entertainment
- Anvil Software
- Anvil-Soft
- Any Channel
- AnyKeySoft
- Aorn
- AP-Games
- Apache Software Limited
- Apeiron
- Apex Computer Productions
- Apex Designs
- Apex Systems
- ApeZone Inc
- APh Technological Consulting
- Apocalyptic Coders
- Apogee Software Productions
- Apogee Software, Ltd.
- Apoky! Software
- Apollo Entertainment Software
- Apollo, Inc.
- Appaloosa Interactive Corporation
- Appeal S.A.
- Applaud Software Ltd
- Apple Computer, Inc.
- Apple Pie
- Applications Plus, Inc.
- Applications Software Specialities
- Applied Computing Services, Inc.
- Applied Systems Engineering, Inc.
- Applied Systems Knowledge Ltd.
- Apricot
- Aprinet
- APSS Austria
- Apus
- Aqua Pacific Ltd.
- Aqua System Co., Ltd.
- Aquaplus
- Arborescence
- Arc Co., Ltd.
- Arc Developments Limited
- ARC Software
- Arc System Works Co., Ltd.
- Arcade Animation, Inc.
- Arcade Engineering, Inc.
- Arcade Lab
- Arcade Moon
- Arcade Software
- Arcadia
- Arcadia Corporation
- ArcadiA Developments
- Arcadia Software
- Arcadia Systems, Inc.
- Arcana Software Limited
- Arcane Entertainment Ltd.
- ArcAngels
- Arcanum Computing
- Arcanum Software Developments
- Archetype Interactive Corp.
- Archosaur Studio
- Inc.
- Arcus
- Arcus Multimedia
- Arda Team
- Area Productions
- Arena Developments
- Arena Games
- Arena Graphics
- ArenaNet, LLC
- Arfyc SA
- Argo Games
- ARGON Software GmbH
- Argonaut Games PLC
- Argonaut Sheffield
- Argonaut Software Ltd.
- Argus Press Software Ltd.
- Ariadne Media Co.,Ltd
- Arika Co., Ltd.
- Aris Multimedia Entertainment Inc.
- Arise
- Ark Studios, Inc.
- Arkane Studios SASU
- Arkon Games
- Armageddon Games
- Armenia Ltd.
- Armenica, Inc.
- Armid Soft
- Armin Rigo
- Armonk Corporation
- Armor Project
- Arne R. Johannessen
- Aroma Co., Ltd.
- Arowana Co. Ltd.
- Arrow Soft
- Arrowhead Interactive
- ArSoft Corporation
- ArStudio
- Arsys Software, Inc.
- Art & Magic S.A.
- art & play GmbH
- Art 9 Entertainment Inc.
- Art Core Entertainment Software
- Art Crew, The
- Art Data Interactive, Inc.
- Art Department Werbeagentur GmbH
- Art in the Box
- Art Of Mind Productions
- Art of war
- Art Project Studios
- ART4 Comp Group
- Artcraft
- Artcrew Productions
- Artdink Corporation
- Arte
- Artech
- Artech Digital Entertainment, Ltd.
- Artech Digital Entertainments, Inc.
- Artech Studios Ltd.
- Artem Skakunov
- Artematica
- Artematica Entertainment
- ArteMatica Funny Desktop
- Artex Software
- Artfrost
- ArtGame
- Artic Computing Ltd
- Artifact Entertainment, Inc.
- Artifactorium
- Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o.
- Artificial Intelligence Inc.
- Artificial Mind & Movement
- Artificial Software, LLC
- Artificial Studios, Inc.
- Artmunk Games
- Artogon Games
- Artplant AS
- Artronics
- ArtScape CO.,Ltd.
- ArtSector One
- Artworx Software Co, Inc.
- Artworx Software Company, Inc.
- Aruze Corp.
- Arxel Tribe d.o.o.
- AS-Freegames
- ASAP Games LLC
- ASCARON Entertainment GmbH
- ASCII Corporation
- ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc.
- ASCII Something Good Corporation
- Ascon GmbH
- ASDG Incorporated
- ASE-Crew Germany
- ASF s.c.
- Ashby Computers and Graphics Limited
- ASK Kodansha Co., Ltd.
- ASM Software
- Asobo Studio S.A.R.L.
- ASP Software Ltd.
- Aspect Co., Ltd.
- Asphyxia
- Aspirine
- Assembly Line, The
- AssistWare
- Association of Teachers of Mathematics
- Astar International Inc.
- Astonishing Animations
- Astral Software
- Astros Productions
- Astrovision
- Asylum Entertainment Ltd.
- ASYLUM Games
- Asylum Studios
- AT&M
- Atares Sp. z o.o.
- Atari Corporation
- Atari Games Corporation
- Atari Games, Inc.
- Atari, Inc.
- Atelier Double Co. Ltd.
- Athena Co., Ltd.
- Athletic Design AB
- Atlanteq s.r.l.
- Atlantic Software
- Atlantis Interactive Entertainment
- ATLANTIS Production
- Atlantis Software Limited
- Atlus Co., Ltd.
- Atlus Osaka Development Office
- ATMOS Software Productions Pty. Ltd.
- Atmosphere Studios
- Atod AB
- Atod Design KB
- Atomax Ltd.
- Atomic Elbow AB
- Atomic Entertainment
- Atomic Games, Inc.
- Atomic Planet Entertainment Limited
- Atomic Planet Entertainment Ltd
- Atomic Revolution Software
- Atomic Software
- Atreid Concept SA
- Attention to Detail Limited
- Attic Entertainment Software GmbH
- Attic Games
- Attic Window
- Attic, The
- Attractive Games Ltd.
- Audio Visual Magic Ltd.
- Audio Visuelle Medien Studio AG
- Audiogenic Software Ltd.
- Auran Games Pty Ltd.
- Aurnhammer Interactive
- AussieSoftTM
- Austex Software
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Automata U.K. Limited
- Automated Simulations, Inc.
- Autumn Moon Entertainment, LLC
- Auxiliary Power, Inc.
- AV artisan
- AV Games
- Avalanche Games
- Avalanche Software LLC
- Avalanche Studios AB
- Avalon Hill
- Avalon Hill Game Company, The
- Avalon Style Entertainment
- Avanquest Software S. A.
- Avant Garde
- Avant-Garde Publishing Corporation
- Avantgardistic Arts
- Avatar Consulting
- Aventuras AD
- Avi Gobbler Productions
- Avila Associates
- AVopenH
- Avreliy Games
- AW Electronics
- AWA Software
- AWE Games
- AWE Productions, Inc.
- Awem Studio
- AweSoft, Inc.
- Awesome Developments Ltd.
- Awesome Softworx, Inc.
- Awesome Studios
- Awkward Software
- Axe Productions
- Axela
- Axes Art Amuse
- Axis Komputerkunst
- Axisim Software
- Axlon
- AxySoft
- Ayashige-Soft
- Ayden Wolf
- Aypio
- Aytac Aksu
- Azeroth, Inc.
- Aztec Design
- Aztech New Media Corp.
- Azursoft
- Ænigma Games