List of abandonware publishers starting with C
Select a publisher to browse its games. You will have a list of the game this company published.
- C & C Infomedia
- C & E Inc.
- C-lab.
- C.I.L.
- C.P.U. Software
- C's Ware
- C&M Entertainment Co.
- Cable Software, Ltd.
- Cactus Game Design, Inc.
- Cactus Games
- Cactus Software
- Cadability Interactive Digital Solutions
- Cadenza Software
- Cadmean Corp.
- Cage-Soft S.L.
- Caldera
- California Dreams
- California Pacific Computer Co.
- Calisto Software
- Call Your Vegetables
- Camaj Interactive
- Camel Software / Camel Micros
- Campbell Systems
- Campina
- Campovergames
- Canal+Multimédia
- Candy Global Media
- Capcom Co., Ltd.
- Capcom Digital Studios, Inc.
- Cape Copenhagen
- Capital PC User Group, Inc.
- Capitol Multimedia, Inc.
- Capstone Software
- Caravel Games
- Cardoza Entertainment, Inc.
- Carlton
- Carnell Software Ltd
- Carousel Software, Inc.
- Carr Software
- Carraz editions
- Carrere Video Distribution
- Carrozzeria Japan
- Carry Lab
- Cartel Games
- Cartoon Time
- Casady & Greene, Inc.
- Cascade Games Limited
- Cascade Mountain Publishing
- Cascoly Software
- Cases Computer Simulations Ltd.
- Casio Computer Co., Ltd.
- Caspian Software Ltd.
- Cassidy Software
- Casterman
- Castle Software
- Castle Technologies
- Cat's Pro
- Cateia d.o.o.
- Cavalier Computer
- Cavalier Software
- CAVE Co., Ltd.
- CAVE Interactive Co., Ltd.
- CBS Electronics
- CBS Electronics Software
- CBS Software
- CBS Toys
- CBS/Sony Group Inc.
- CCP Games
- CD Bros.
- CD Expert Editora e Distribuidora Ltda.
- CD Galaxis Kft.
- CD Navigator
- CD Projekt Czech s.r.o.
- CD Projekt Sp. z o.o.
- CD Utopia
- CDE Computer Products
- CDM Entertainment
- CDS Microsystems
- CDS Software Ltd
- CDV Software Entertainment AG
- CDV Software GmbH
- CE Software
- CE-Asia
- Cecchi Gori New Media
- Cedar Lake Software
- Cedco Publishing Company
- Cederroth AB
- Cedic Vifi
- Cedic-Nathan
- Celebrity Software International Ltd.
- Celeris Inc.
- Celery Software
- Cenega Czech s.r.o.
- Cenega Poland Sp. z o.o.
- Cenega Publishing, s.r.o.
- Centaur Software
- Centent Interactive Co., Ltd.
- Central Computing
- Central Solutions Ltd.
- CentreGold
- Centro Industrial de Desarrollos Electrónicos, S.A.
- Centron Software, Inc.
- Centuri, Inc.
- Century City Software (UK) Ltd
- Century Communications
- Century Electronics Ltd.
- Century Interactive
- Century Software
- Century21
- Cerebral Vortex Games
- CFK Co., Ltd.
- CGE Services Corporation
- Chalksoft Ltd.
- Challenge Software
- Champion Soft
- ChamProgramming Corporation
- Changeling Software
- Channel 7 Software
- Channel 8 Software
- Chariot Software Group
- Chartscan Data, Inc.
- Cheapass Games
- Cheeky Wireless
- Cheesy Software
- Cheetahsoft Ltd.
- ChessBase GmbH
- Chibur
- Chicago Coin Machine
- Chili Con Valley
- Chilled Mouse Ltd
- Chip
- Choice Software
- Chromasette
- Chromeflower Multimedia
- Chronic Logic LLC
- Chronicle
- Chuanpu Technologies
- Chung-Ho Entertainment
- Chunsoft Co., Ltd.
- Cia do Software
- Ciel Bleu
- Cinematronics, Inc.
- Cinemaware
- Cinemaware Corporation
- Cinemaware, Inc.
- CINEMAX, s. r. o.
- CINEMAX, s.r.o.
- Cineplay Interactive, Inc.
- Cinergi Interactive LLC
- Cinesra Software
- Cinétic Systems
- Cipher Prime, LLC
- Círculo ASM
- Circus of Dawn
- City Connection Co., Ltd.
- City Factory
- City Interactive S.A.
- CITY interactive Sp. z o.o.
- City Man Co.
- Class Corporation
- ClassiC Shikoukairo
- ClearWater Interactive
- CLEF, Inc.
- Clemens Hofmann
- Click! Magazine
- Climax Group Limited
- Clip House
- Clove Software
- CNEC Inc.
- Coastal Software, Inc.
- Cobert Ltd.
- Cobra Soft
- Coca-Cola Company, The
- Cocktail
- Cocktail Soft
- Coconuts Japan Entertainment Co., Ltd.
- CoCoWare
- Coda Software
- Code Works, The
- Codebusters, Inc.
- CodeFusion Inc.
- Codemasters
- CodeMasters Co. Ltd.
- Codemasters GmbH
- Codemasters Software Co. Ltd.
- Codemasters Software Company Limited, The
- CodeWriter
- Codo Technologies Ltd.
- Cody Snider
- Cognito
- CogniToy
- Coin-Age Ltd.
- Coin-it Co.
- CoinSoft
- Coktel Vision
- Coladia Games
- Coleco (Canada) Limited
- Coleco Industries, Inc.
- Colgate-Palmolive A/S
- Colin Gagnon Software
- Colin Garbutt
- Colleen Ltd.
- Collins Software
- Colorado Technologies
- Colorforms Corporation
- Colorlux-Service
- Colosoftware
- Colpax
- Columbia Data Products
- Columbus Circle
- Com2uS Corporation
- ComAd Group
- Comad Industry Co., Ltd.
- Combiya
- Comgame 576 Ltd.
- Comic Art
- Comm*Data Computer House, Inc.
- Command Simulations
- CommaVid, Inc.
- Commercial Data Systems Ltd.
- Commodore
- Commodore Business Machines (Canada) Ltd.
- Commodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd.
- Commodore Business Machines, Inc
- Commodore Data A/S
- Commodore Disk User
- Commodore Educational Software
- Commodore Electronics Ltd.
- Commodore GmbH
- Commodore Home Computing Division
- Commodore International Ltd.
- Commodore Japan Limited
- Commodore Zone
- Commonwealth Software
- Communication Group Plum
- Compac Inc.
- Compact Disc Incorporated
- Compact-Studio
- Compass Co., Ltd.
- Compass Software
- Compedia
- Compedia Software & Hardware Ltd.
- Compile
- Compiler Software
- Completely Unexpected Productions Ltd.
- Comport Interactive
- Comptiq
- Compton's New Media
- Compton's NewMedia
- Compton's NewMedia, Inc.
- Compu-Teach
- Compuclassics Corporation
- Compulogical, S.A.
- Compusense, Ltd.
- Computape
- COMPUTE! Publications, Inc.
- Computec Media AG
- Computec Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
- Computer & Entertainment Inc.
- Computer Advanced Ideas Inc.
- Computer Adventure Studio
- Computer and Video Games Magazine
- Computer Classics
- Computer Concepts
- Computer Consultants of Iowa
- Computer Emuzone Games Studio
- Computer Emuzone Silver Games Studio
- Computer Games Distribution, s.r.o.
- Computer Magic Ltd.
- Computer Recreations, Inc.
- Computer Rentals Limited
- Computer Shack
- Computer Sight
- Computer Software Associates
- Computer War System Soft
- ComputerEasy
- ComputerMat, Inc.
- Computerpartner T&S GmbH
- Computers Communications & Visions
- Computersmiths
- Computerventures Software
- Computerware
- Computing Age
- Computing Services
- Computing Specialties
- Condor Software
- Conflict Analytics
- Confused Pelican Software
- Conitec Datasystems, Inc.
- Connect2Media Ltd.
- Conosis
- CONQUEST entertainment a.s.
- Conquest Software
- Conrad Button's Software
- Conshondis, s.r.o.
- Console Classics
- Conspiracy Entertainment Corp.
- Contendo Media GmbH
- Contendo Media Ltd.
- Continental Software
- Continuum Entertainment
- Control Video Corporation
- Cool Blue Game Studios
- Coombe Valley Software
- Coplin Software
- Copper Feet
- Copya System Ltd.
- Copysoft
- COR Entertainment, LLC
- Corbis U.K.
- CORDAT-Kraków
- Core
- Core Design Inc.
- Core Design Ltd.
- Core Learning Inc.
- Core Magazine
- Corel Corporation
- CoreSoft
- Corkers
- Cornered Rat Software
- Cornerstone TSP Games
- Cornutopia Software
- Corvus Verlags- und Mediengesellschaft
- Cosine Systems
- Cosmi Corporation
- Cosmi Europe, Ltd.
- COSMI Software
- Cosmi ValuSoft
- Cosmos Computer
- Counterpoint Software Inc.
- Courbois Software
- Covert Bitops
- Cowen Software Ltd.
- Coy Entertainment
- CP Software
- CP Verlag
- CPC Amstrad International
- CPU Italian Systems
- Crack dot Com
- Crash
- Craul Denshi
- Crave Entertainment, Inc.
- CrazyFoot Gamestudio B.V.
- Cream
- CreaTeam-Software
- Creation
- Création Partenaire Multimedia SARL
- Creative Computing Software
- Creative Dimensions
- Creative Edge Studios, Inc.
- Creative Educational Software Inc.
- Creative Equipment
- Creative Labs, Inc.
- Creative Multimedia Corporation
- Creative Pixels Ltd
- Creative Software
- Creative Software, Inc.
- Creative Sparks
- Creative Technology Ltd.
- Creative Vision
- Creative Wonders
- Creative Wonders LLC
- Creators
- Creators of Intense Art
- Creature Labs Ltd.
- Cricket Software
- Crimson Cow GmbH
- Criterion Software Group Ltd.
- CRL Group PLC
- Crocodile Entertainment
- Cronosoft
- Croteam
- Crucial Entertainment
- Cryo Interactive Entertainment
- Cryo UK Ltd
- Crystal Computing
- Crystal Dynamics, Inc.
- Crystal Interactive Software Ltd.
- Crystal Interactive Software, Inc.
- Crystal Shard
- Crystal Soft
- Crystal Vision
- CrystalVision Brand Software
- Crystalware
- Crysys
- CSJ Computersoft GmbH
- CSK Research Institute Corp.
- CSW Group
- CTO S.p.A.
- Cult Games
- Culture Brain Inc.
- Cunning Developments
- CuriousFactory, LLC.
- Currys
- Cursoft@
- Curve Studios Limited
- Cutlass Software
- Cyan Worlds, Inc.
- Cyanide S.A.
- Cybelle
- Cyber Diamant
- Cyber Enterprises
- Cyber Geist
- Cyberdreams, Inc.
- CyberFront Corporation
- Cybergold
- Cyberium Multi Media B.V.
- CyberPlanet Interactive Public Co., Ltd.
- Cyberscape Graphics
- CyberSym Technologies
- Cybertech Laboratories
- Cybexlab Software
- Cyborg Arm Games
- Cygnus
- Cygnus Software Inc.
- Cymbal Software, Inc.
- Cynus
- Cypress Software