List of abandonware publishers starting with P
Select a publisher to browse its games. You will have a list of the game this company published.
- P & P Marketing, Inc.
- P. Johansson
- P. K. Winter
- P2 Games Limited
- PabaGames
- Pabulum Software
- Pace Software Supplies Ltd
- Pacific Interactive Entertainment
- Pacific Interactive, Inc.
- Pacific Novelty Manufacturing, Inc.
- Pack Media Company, Inc.
- Pack-In-Video Co., Ltd
- PADIS Ltd.
- Page 6
- Pai, Inc
- Palace Software, Ltd.
- Paladin Systems North
- Palco
- Palladium Interactive, Inc.
- Palmetto Bay Publishing
- Pamcomms Limited
- PAN Interactive
- Pan Metron Ariston
- PAN Vision AB
- PanaKids
- Panasoft
- Panasonic Interactive Media
- Panasonic Software Company
- Panasonic U.K. Ltd.
- Panda Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.
- Panda, Inc.
- Pandora Box
- Pangea Software, Inc.
- Panic Video Games
- Pantech Corporation
- Pantera Entertainment
- Pantheon Publishing
- Panther Computer Corporation
- Panther Games Pty Ltd
- Panther Programs
- Panther Software Inc.
- Papyrus Publishing, Inc.
- Paradize
- Paradox Entertainment AB
- Paradox Interactive AB
- Paragon Software
- Paragon Software Corporation
- ParaGraph Intl.
- Parallax Studio LLC
- Paramount Digital Entertainment
- Paramount Interactive
- Paramount Pictures Corporation
- Paramount Software
- Paranoia
- Paraworld AG
- Parker Brothers
- Parroty Interactive
- Parsec Productions
- Parsec Software
- Parsoft Interactive
- Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus
- PAS Software
- Patch Products
- Pathé Interactive
- Patra
- Patriot Games
- Paul Burgin Software
- Paul Pedriana
- Paul T. Dawson
- Pavell Software
- Pax Electronica
- Pax Softnica
- Paxman Promotions Ltd.
- PBH Systems Ltd.
- PBI Software, Inc.
- PBM Software
- PC Globe Inc.
- PC Plus Magazine
- PC Solutions
- PC Treasures, Inc.
- PC3 Programs
- PCC, Inc.
- PCM Complete
- PCSL Software GmbH
- PCsoftware
- Peach Princess
- Peach Soft
- Peachtree Software
- Peaksoft
- Pearl America Inc.
- Pearl Soft
- Pedersen Systems, Inc. (PSI)
- Pegasus Japan Corp.
- Pegasus Software
- Pelican Software
- Penguin Software, Inc.
- Pentagon
- Pentastar Productions
- Pentavision Entertainment
- Penthouse Interactive
- Peppermint Kids
- Per Holst Film A/S
- Perceptum Informática Ltda
- Perceptum Informática Ltda.
- Perfect Entertainment, Ltd.
- Perfect Publishing
- Performing Arts Software
- Perpetual Motion Enterprises, Inc.
- Pers' Wastaiset Produktiot
- Persei Entertainment
- Perseity Entertainment
- Personal Companion Software
- Personal Computer Museum
- Personal Software Inc.
- Personal Software Services
- Perspective Software
- Perspective Visuals
- Peruzzo Informatica
- Petaco S.A.
- Peter Pan Industries
- Peter Siamidis
- Petra
- Petrilla Entertainment
- PF Magic
- Phantagram (Europe) Ltd.
- Phantagram Co., Ltd.
- Phantom EFX
- Phantom EFX, Inc.
- Phantom Software
- Phelios Development
- Phelios Inc.
- Phenomedia AG
- phenomedia publishing gmbh
- Philips do Brasil Ltda.
- Philips Export B.V.
- Philips Ibérica S.A.E.
- Philips Interactive Media Benelux B.V.
- Philips Interactive Media Deutschland GmbH
- Philips Interactive Media France
- Philips Interactive Media International Ltd.
- Philips Interactive Media Italia S.r.l
- Philips Interactive Media Systems
- Philips Interactive Media, Inc.
- Philips Média France
- Philips Media GmbH
- Philko Corporation
- Phillip Morris GmbH
- Phipps Associates
- Phoenix Games B.V.
- Phoenix Games Ltd.
- Phoenix Global Software Ltd.
- Phoenix Publishing Associates
- Phoenix Software Ltd.
- Phoenix Software, Inc.
- Photronics
- PhreAk Software
- Pi Editora Ltda.
- Piccadilly Software Inc.
- Pick & Choose Ltd.
- Picmatic, S.A.
- Pie in the Sky Software
- Piki Geek
- Piko Interactive LLC
- Pin-Ball Games Ltd.
- Pinnacle Software
- Pioneer LDC, Inc.
- Pioneer Software, Inc.
- Piranha
- Piranha Interactive Publishing Inc.
- Piranha Interactive Publishing, Inc
- Piranha Interactive Publishing, Inc.
- Pirate Software
- Pirate Software Ltd
- Pirate, The
- Pistachio Productions
- Pixel Games UK
- Pixel Painters Corporation
- Pixel Productions
- Pixel Shop Inc., The
- Pixelmusement
- Pixelsplash Software
- PIXIS Interactive, Inc.
- Pizza Hut
- Plaid Banana Entertainment
- Planeta DeAgostini S.A.
- Planning Office WADA
- Plasma Works
- Plastelina Interactive
- Play Byte
- Play It Ltd.
- PLAY Sp. z o.o.
- Play Ten Interactive
- Play-It
- Play-it! Vertriebs GmbH
- Play+Smile Marketing GmbH
- PlayAround
- Playcom Software Vertriebs GmBH
- Players Software
- PlayFirst, Inc.
- Playful Minds
- PlayGames
- Playland Virtual Games Fonds GmbH
- Playlogic Entertainment, Inc.
- Playlogic International N.V.
- Playman s.r.o.
- Playmark S.R.L.
- Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc.
- Playmobil Interactive
- Playmore Corporation
- Playskool
- PLBM Games
- Plug In Digital SAS
- PMR International BV
- Pocket Money Software
- Podium Games
- Pointsoft GmbH
- Pointsoft S.A.
- Pokésho
- Polarbit AB
- Polarware
- Polizeiliche Kriminalprävention der Länder und des Bundes
- Polyet Navigatora
- Polyvox
- PomPom Software Ltd.
- Pony Canyon, Inc.
- Pony, Inc.
- Ponyca
- Ponytail Soft
- Pop Rocket, Inc.
- Pop Software
- PopCap Games, Inc.
- Popcom Soft
- Poppy Soft
- Porta2Note
- Portidata Software Interactivo
- Porto Editora, Lda.
- Positech Computing Ltd.
- Positive
- Postern Ltd.
- Power Computing Ltd.
- Power House, The
- Power Soft
- Power Up S.r.l.
- Powerslave Software
- Powersoft
- Powersoft, Inc.
- PPP Team
- PR Software
- Prague Promotion, s.r.o.
- Precision Software Applications
- Precision Software Publishing
- Prelusion Games Inc.
- Premier Microsystems
- Premium III Software Distribution
- Presearch Incorporated
- Pressimage
- Prestige Softwareentwicklung GmbH
- Presto Studios, Inc.
- Preston Computer Games
- Prickly-Pear Software
- Pride Interactive
- Prime Games GmbH
- Prime-Ware Creations
- Prism Entertainment
- Prism Leisure Corporation Plc
- Prism Micro Informatique SA
- Prism Software
- Privatbrauerei Henninger
- Private USA
- PRO KIT Informática
- Pro One Software
- Pro Software
- Pro-Line Software
- ProAction
- Probe Software Ltd.
- Procom Datentechnik GmbH
- ProCon Software
- Procovision
- Procryon
- Produce Co., Ltd.
- Proein S.L.
- Proein Soft Line
- Professional Software, Inc.
- Progame
- Program Design, Inc.
- Program Power
- Programma International, Inc.
- Programmer's Guild (UK)
- Programmer's Guild Inc.
- Progressive Peripherals & Software
- Progressive Products
- Project Support Engineering
- Project Three Interactive BV
- Project Two Interactive BV
- Prolific Publishing, Inc.
- Proline Software GmbH
- Prolog Software
- Promat Co., Ltd.
- Promile Industrial Corp.
- Prosoft
- Protek Computing Ltd
- Protonic Interactive
- Protovision
- Prowler Productions
- Pryority Software
- Pseudonym
- Pseudonym Software
- Psikyo
- Psion Software Ltd.
- PSL Soft Radcliffe
- PsychoHazard Software
- PsychoSoft Entertainment
- Psycon Software
- Psygnosis Limited
- Psygnosis, Inc.
- Psyk Software
- Psytronik Software
- PT. BolehNet Indonesia
- PT. Lyto Datarindo Fortuna
- Publishing International
- Puddle Software
- Puffin Books Ltd.
- Pulse Entertainment, Inc.
- Pulsonic
- Punto Soft Interactive S.L.
- Puntosoft Interactive SL
- Purebyte
- Purple Hills
- Puzzle Lab
- PXL computers
- Pyramid Software
- Pyramid Software Studio
- Pyramide Soft
- Pyrogon, Inc.
- PyroSoft