List of abandonware publishers starting with M
Select a publisher to browse its games. You will have a list of the game this company published.
- M Bounce Ltd.
- M-Soft Software Design
- M.A.D.
- M.B. Soft
- M.C. Lothlorien Ltd
- M.G.B. Software
- M.I.N
- M.N.M Software
- M&M Computing
- M&T Software Partner International GmbH
- M3 Entertainment Corporation
- MA-BA Corp
- Maboroshi Ware
- Mac Joy
- Mac Soft
- Mach-Ina Strategy Games
- Machination
- Macho Studio
- Macmillan Digital Publishing USA
- Macmillan Ltd.
- MacPlay
- Macrisoft
- Macrocom, Inc.
- MacroHead & MicroBrain
- MacroMind, Inc.
- Macrospace Ltd
- Macsen Software
- MacSoft
- Mad Data
- Mad Games
- Mad Genius Software Ltd.
- Mad Hatter Software
- Made in Spain
- MadTeam
- Mael Software Group
- Magellan Consulting Neue Medien GmbH
- Magic Bytes
- Magic Carpet Software
- Magic Disk
- Magic Electronics
- Magic Electronics, Inc.
- Magic Games
- Magic Lemon Software
- Magic Micro Club
- Magic Quest, Inc.
- Magic Soft
- Magic Software +
- Magical Company Ltd.
- MagicalZoo
- Magicgrafx Entertainment
- Magicom Multimedia Corp.
- Magicsoft Corporation
- Magitech Corporation
- Magna Media Verlag AG
- Magna Soft
- Magnavox
- Magnet Interactive Studios, Inc.
- Magnetic Images
- Magnificent 7 Software
- Magnum Software
- magnussoft Deutschland GmbH
- Mago Ediciones SL
- Magus Software, LLC.
- Main Street Publishing, Inc.
- Mainichi Communications, Inc.
- MainReactor
- Mainstream America
- Majesco Entertainment Company
- Majesco Sales, Inc.
- Make Software, Inc.
- Make-A-Wish Foundation
- MakeItSo Software
- Makh-Shevet Ltd.
- Malfador Machinations
- Malinche Entertainment
- Mallard Outdoor
- Mallard Software
- Mallard Software Inc.
- Malmberg
- Man c.c.
- Man Up Time, LLC
- Mana Games
- Manaccom Pty Ltd.
- Mandarine Interactive
- Manhattan Software, Inc.
- Manta
- Mantra
- Manyk Ltd
- MAPLES Software
- Marc Ecko Entertainment
- Marc Schneider Entertainment
- March Street Press
- Marex Software
- Maridian
- Maris Multimedia Ltd.
- Mark Ambachtsheer
- Mark Data Products
- Mark of the Unicorn, Inc.
- Mark Sheeky
- MarkSoft
- Marlin Games
- Marock, Inc.
- Mars, Inc.
- Marshall Media Ltd.
- Marshall Software
- Martech Games Ltd.
- Martian Arctic Games
- Marubeni Corporation
- Marvelous USA, Inc.
- Mascot Entertainment
- Masque Publishing, Inc.
- Master Games
- Master-Ware
- Masterplay Publishing Corporation
- Mastertronic Games Ltd.
- Mastertronic Group Ltd.
- Mastertronic Group, Ltd.
- Mastertronic Ltd.
- Mastertronic, Inc.
- Mastervision Limited
- Mastery Development
- Masudaya Corporation
- Matand Software
- Matrix Games, Ltd.
- Matrix Publishing, LLC.
- Matsushita Electric Corporation of America
- Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
- Matt Black
- Mattel Electronics
- Mattel Interactive
- Mattel Interactive Deutschland GmbH
- Mattel Interactive France / TLC-Edusoft
- Mattel Media
- Mattel, Inc.
- Mauritius Software
- Maverick Software
- Max acid
- Max Design GesMBH
- Max Design GmbH & Co.
- Maxima
- Maximum Family Games, LLC
- Maxion
- Maxis Software Inc.
- Maxis UK Ltd.
- Maxx Marketing Inc.
- May-Be Soft
- Mayfair House
- Maynard International Ltd
- MBL srl
- MC Publications
- MC2 France
- MC2-Microïds
- McCain
- McDonald's Australia
- McDonald's Corporation
- McDonald's Restaurants (NZ) Ltd
- MCE, Inc.
- McGraw Hill Home Interactive
- MCM Productions
- MCM Software
- McSebi
- MDickie Limited
- ME-TA Elektronik Endüstri ve Ticaret A.Ş.
- Meadows Games, Inc.
- Mebius
- Med Systems Software
- Medalist International
- Media Art, Inc.
- Media Contact LLC
- Media Design Interactive
- Media Entertainment Inc.
- Media Mart
- Media Rings Corporation
- Media Safari
- Media Sales & Licensing
- Media Service Zawada
- Media Trading Corporation
- media Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
- Media Vision, Inc.
- Media Works Inc.
- Media-Service 2000
- Mediagenic
- Mediagogo
- MediaHouse Ltd.
- Mediaisms Ltd.
- MediaKite Distribution Inc.
- MediaMix Benelux
- Mediamond
- Mediaphor Software Entertainment AG
- MediaQuest
- Mediascape Co. Ltd.
- MediaWorld
- Mediola Srl
- Medusa Games
- MEGA Enterprise Co., Ltd.
- MegaBusters
- Megadisc
- MegaHouse Corporation
- Megamedia Corp.
- MegaSoft Entertainment, Inc.
- Megasoft Inc.
- MegaTech Software
- Megatronix
- Megaware Multimedia B.V.
- Mekada
- Melbourne House
- Melbourne House Software (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
- Melbourne House Software, Inc.
- Melody
- Melody Hall Publishing Corp.
- Melted Media Limited
- Memetron
- Memir Software Ltd.
- Memorex Software
- Men-A-Vision
- Menlor Inc.
- Mental Image Software Design
- Mental Images
- Mentrix Software, Inc.
- Merchise
- Merckle GmbH
- Merge Games Ltd.
- Meridian4, Inc.
- Merit Software
- Merit Studios (Europe) Limited
- Merit Studios, Inc.
- Merlin Software U.K.
- Merscom LLC
- Metal Hurlant
- Methodic Solutions
- Metro Corporation
- Metro Games
- Metro3D Europe Ltd.
- Metropolis Software House
- Metropolis, Inc.
- Mevlut Dinc
- Mezmer Games
- MG Software
- MGM Interactive
- mhs Studio
- Miami Software
- Michael C. Toy & Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold
- Michael D. Wile
- Michael Dvorkin
- Michael J. Wanta
- MichTron Corp.
- MichTron Inc.
- Mickey Productions
- Micomsoft
- Micro Application, S.A.
- Micro Cabin Corp.
- Micro Data
- Micro Design
- Micro Distributors
- Micro Fun
- Micro Graphic Image
- Micro Lab, Inc.
- Micro League
- Micro Learn
- Micro Mart Software
- Micro Power & Light Co.
- Micro Power Ltd
- Micro Productions, Inc.
- Micro Programmes 5
- Micro Revelations, Inc.
- Micro Selection, The
- Micro Sports Inc
- Micro Star Software
- Micro Status
- Micro Vision Software
- Micro World
- Micro-Antics
- Micro-Discount
- Micro-Ed, Inc.
- micro-partner Software GmbH
- Microbyte
- Microbyte Software
- MicroClassic
- MicroClassics
- Microcomputer Club Nederland
- Microdaft
- MicroDeal Ltd.
- MicroDeal U.S.A., Inc.
- Microdem
- Microdigital, Ltd.
- Microfex, Inc.
- Microfolie's Editions
- Microforum Inc.
- Microforum International
- Microforum Italia
- Microforum Italia S.p.A.
- Microforum Manufacturing Inc.
- MicroGenesis
- Micrografx
- Micrograms Publishing
- Microïds
- Microïds Italia Srl
- Microids SA
- MicroIllusions
- Microjocs Mobile S.L.
- Microleague Interactive Software
- MicroLeague Multimedia, Inc.
- MicroLeague Sports Association
- MicroLink
- Microlon, Inc.
- Micromania
- Micromania Software
- MicroMedia Publishers, Inc.
- Micromega
- MicroMouse Co., Ltd.
- Micronet Co. Ltd.
- Microplay Software
- Micropool
- MicroProse Ltd.
- MicroProse Software Pty Ltd
- MicroProse Software, Inc.
- Microscan
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Corporation
- Microsoft Game Studios
- Microsoft Games Studio
- Microsoft Press
- MicroSparc, Inc.
- Microsphere Computer Services Ltd.
- Microsphere Corporation
- Microtec
- Microtec Entertainment
- Microtech AG
- Microtime
- Microtime Interactive
- MicroValue, Ltd
- MiCROViSion Inc.
- Mid Carolina Media
- Midas Computer Games GmbH
- Midas Interactive Entertainment
- Midas Interactive Entertainment BV
- Midas Interactive Entertainment Ltd.
- Midas Marketing
- Midas Touch Software
- Midcoin
- Midnight Oil, The
- Midnight Synergy
- Midway Amusement Games, LLC
- Midway Games West, Inc.
- Midway Games, Inc.
- Midway Home Entertainment, Inc.
- Midway Manufacturing Company
- Midway Mfg. Co.
- Migami
- Mighty Rocket Studio
- Mighty Troglodytes, The
- Mijin Computer
- Mike Doran Software
- Mike Morisson
- Mikro-Gen Ltd
- Miky Graphicos
- Milbus Software
- Miles Computing, Inc.
- MileStone Inc.
- Milestone s.r.l.
- Milestone Software
- Military Simulations Inc.
- Milky House
- Millennium 2000 GmbH
- Millennium Computer Corp.
- Millennium Group Incorporated
- Millennium Interactive Ltd.
- Millennium Media Group
- Milliken Publishing Company
- Milton Bradley Co.
- Milton Bradley Ltd.
- Mind Control Software, LLC
- Mind Games
- Mind Games España S.A.
- Mind Magic Productions
- MIND MultiMedia
- Mind Systems Corporation
- Mindcraft Software, Inc.
- Mindplay
- Minds Eye Productions
- Mindscape (UK) Limited
- Mindscape Asia Pacific Pty Ltd.
- Mindscape Bordeaux SA
- Mindscape France
- Mindscape Germany GmbH
- Mindscape International GmbH
- Mindscape International Ltd.
- Mindscape Northern Europe B.V.
- Mindscape SA
- Mindscape, Inc.
- MindStorm Software
- Mindware Corp.
- Mindware International
- Minerva Software
- Ming Super Chip Electronic Co., Ltd.
- Minits Ltd
- Mink Co. Ltd.
- Minor Insight
- Mirage Interactive LLC
- Mirage Media S. C.
- Mirage Multimedia, Inc.
- Mirage Software
- Mirage Technologies (Multimedia) Ltd.
- Mirco Games GmbH
- Mirco, Inc.
- Mirinae Software Inc.
- Mirror Image
- Mirror Images Software, Inc.
- Mirrorsoft Ltd.
- Miss Maggie's Earth Adventures, LLC
- Mission Software Ltd.
- Mission Studios
- Mistigris
- Mitashi Edutainment Pvt. Ltd.
- Mitchell Corporation
- Mitchell Software
- MitCom Neue Medien GmbH
- Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
- Mitsubishi Electric
- Mizion Entertainment
- Mizuki Co., Ltd.
- MJJ Prod
- MK Interactive
- MK Systems
- MM Software Productions
- MMG Micro Software
- Mobile Scope AG
- Model Racing S.p.A.
- Modern Media Ventures
- Modern Microware
- Mogul Communications
- Mojave
- Mojon Twins, The
- MojoTouch
- Molimerx Ltd.
- Monaco Computer Corporation
- Monarch Development
- Monarch Software
- Mondadori New Media
- Mondatta Ltd
- Mondial Games
- Monkey Business, Inc.
- Monkey Byte
- Monkey Byte Development, LLC
- MonkeyGames Entertainment
- Monkeystone Games
- Monolith Corp.
- Monolith Productions, Inc.
- Monolux
- Monser S.A.
- Monte Cristo Multimedia
- Montparnasse Multimedia
- Montsoft
- Moon Doggie
- Moonlite Software
- Moonpod
- Mooseware Development
- Moppet Video
- Moraffware
- Morerom GmbH & Co. KG
- Morphicon Limited
- Mosaic Publishing
- Moshpit Entertainment
- Mosquito
- Mosquito Hawk Software
- Moss Co., Ltd.
- Mossmouth, LLC
- Most Wanted Entertainment Kft.
- Most Wanted Games
- Motelsoft
- Motion Picture Corporation of America Interactive
- Motion Picture House
- Motion Plus Media B.V.
- Motivated Software Inc.
- Motivetime Ltd.
- Motorsport Simulations, Inc.
- Mountain King Studios Inc.
- Mouse Systems Corporation
- Move Interactive S.A.
- MP Entertainment
- MP Software
- MPO Multimídia
- Mr Chip Software
- Mr. Micro Ltd.
- Mr.Goodliving Ltd
- MRM Software
- Multi Enterprise
- Multi Media Norden AS
- Multi Plus
- Multimedia Games LLC.
- Multisoft Co., Ltd.
- MumboJumbo, LLC
- Munsie Entertainment
- Muse Software
- Museward Ltd
- Musicbank Ltd.
- Musicode
- Mutation Software
- Mute Fantasies
- MVP Software
- MW Computers
- My Little Planet Ltd
- Myelin Media, LLC
- Mylstar Electronics, Inc.
- Myrddin Software
- Myriad
- Mystery Studio
- Mystique
- MythicArt Software
- Mythicon, Inc.
- Mythos Games Ltd.
- MythPeople